Sun square Ascendant maximum orb 6°00′.
Sun square Ascendant natal causes relationship difficulties when people try to hold you back or stand in your way of success. In one-to-one relationships, the main problem is that your needs are incompatible with theirs. Unfortunately, you may have to sacrifice a friendship or learn to cope with stressful conditions to reach your goals.
You may sacrifice your needs and ambitions early to keep a relationship going. On the other hand, you may change yourself or your goals to fit in and to have companionship. While this may keep other people happy, it will build dissatisfaction and resentment.
You will realize that you must be true to yourself and not live as others wish. If you keep trying to please others to maintain harmony, you will lose their respect and be used and abused.
Your path is complex, with many trials and errors in learning to relate to others and being self-confident. Setting ambitious goals will force you to strengthen your character and live your own life. With professional success will come great satisfaction and pride. You will earn the respect of your peers, and healthy, stable relationships will follow.
Sun Square Ascendant Transit
Sun square Ascendant transit means you will spend much time and energy dealing with others. Unfortunately, a tendency towards selfishness can lead to you trying to dominate others or others trying to dominate you. You may waste too much time and energy trying to get your way to ensure that what you are fighting for is worth it.
Self-awareness is the key to dealing with this competitive energy. If you believe your intentions are in your best long-term interests, push ahead confidently despite the initial backlash. In most cases, however, people will feel so threatened by your actions that they will work against you. If these people have power and authority over you, tactical retreat or compromise is best.
This Sun square Ascendant transit interpretation can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon square Ascendant.
Sun Square Ascendant Celebrities
Jawaharlal Nehru 0°00′, Stormy Daniels 0°07′, Elizabeth Taylor 0°10′, Chris Brown 0°13′, Ian Thorpe 0°16′, Al Pacino 0°19′, Jack Nicholson 0°23′, Michelangelo 0°27′, William Henry Drummond 0°43′, Erik Menendez 0°45′, Charles II of England 0°50′, Joe Pesci 0°51′, Susan Miller 0°52′, Agatha Christie 0°57′, Gloria Estefan 0°58′, Amelia Earhart 1°03′, Carrie Fisher 1°10′, L. Ron Hubbard 1°10′, Bernadette Brady 1°14′, Paul McCartney 1°19′, Whoopi Goldberg 1°19′, Iggy Pop 1°23′, Oliver North 1°31′, Nancy Reagan 1°31′, Denzel Washington 1°39′, Vincent Price 1°40′, Cary Grant 1°44′, Irene Cara 1°48′, William Lilly 1°55′.
Hello Jamie
I’m so glad you wrote this. I have it exact, and given they are two such strong points, I am surprised how little it is interpreted. The Ascendant might be just a point, but this aspect has huge relevance to me. While the Sun is in exact square, I have a stellium around the Sun so 4 other planets also square the ascendant within 5 degrees.
What you say about pleasing others and then being used and abused rings true for me. I do too much and then get relied on to do things I should leave others to do. It is also true that professional success has given me great satisfaction. But unfortunately I do often have a prickly relationships with people, particularly early on, and find intimate relationships never seem to work – this is the great sadness of my life. Other aspects might show this too but to me this is a crucial one.
I am now in late midlife and am getting better at working out what I want (a close Sun-Neptune conjunction probably hasn’t made this any easier!).
I would be most interested to know about the ramifications of Pluto crossing my challenged Ascendant!
And I look forward to reading about some of the other squares to the Ascendant as they come up on your site.
Thank you so much Angela. I start all my natal readings with the Ascendant because I believe it is the most sensitive and personal point in a chart.
Learning about this square helped me understand much about myself and my difficulties with being understood. I relate to all you share. My square is at 5′ !
I once met someone very much like me and she made a statement ‘she was not made for relationships’.
I resonated with this,
but unfortunately/fortunately,
there after,this projection,sent me down a rabbit hole,
to find ‘me’.
And to relinquish,
And ‘see’,
the addict,the chaser.
This masquerade the carpenters.
Humans are a disappointment.
‘WE’ attract narcissists,psychopaths and false people etc etc,
cause we see beyond there false fronts.
‘WE’ heal and change vibrations.
don’t be stuck on (1) vibration.
‘See’,what works,
‘See’ what alters your surroundings.
Back and forth.
Protect and alter,change states.
Take note,when your consciousness has shifted.
‘If you keep trying to please others just to maintain harmony you will lose their respect and end up being used and abused.’ Spot-on for me, Jamie! Thank you. Unfortunately, I left it too late to break out of this to be able to use my remaining time to any big effect. But I am aware of my new personal dignity that commands people’s respect — and my own.
I have fought my inferiority complex and my fears ferociously and no matter what. And I have succeeded. This is why I have a new and reborn soul. Always feeling happy inside. And there is this great future. You people have no idea what is this life all about. No idea. You are born, then you are being lived and then you die. What a waste. astrology is a great science for predicting what will happen next in the life of a mental, spiritual and material slave.
There’s a process Robert.
that everyone undertakes.
Update ‘where your at’,
not where your relinguished,
and misguided ‘will’ was,
I have sun at 0° 27′ Libra square Ascendant 0° 0′ Capricorn. I have gotten used to the “Mask” and actually like to hide behind it. I often sit back and listen rather than have to speak and talk about my true self. I have had no issues being in romantic relationships, but many many problems with friendships with those my same gender. Problems mostly due to attracting people with problems, being their counselor which is draining and the help never being reciprocated. I have learned the only person i can trust and be truly open to is myself. Nobody else needs to know who i am and i have let go of the desire to be understood. Happy with life now that i have let go of ever being understood.
“Nobody else needs to know who i am and i have let go of the desire to be understood. Happy with life now that i have let go of ever being understood” i felt that