Venus square Uranus maximum orb 4°00′.
Venus square Uranus natal gives an exciting love life. Issues involving commitment in close relationships can stem from a strong need for personal independence. You are not bound by traditional societal or moral standards in marriage and intimate relationships.
Not only this need for freedom but also stimulation and excitement can cause sudden attraction, changeable affections, and instability in your relationships. Inspiration and excitement go hand in hand with change, which is Uranus’s prime keyword. In the words of the American novelist Toni Morrison:
In order to be as free as I possibly can, in my own imagination, I can’t take positions that are closed. [wiki]
Although talking about her attitude toward feminism, this need for freedom mainly affects love relationships but also applies to your values and beliefs. Venus rules love, money, and how you rate or value yourself. You must express Uranus’s spontaneous, electric nature to maintain a healthy self-image or truly love yourself.
Initially, you may tend to try to fit in or live up to the expectations of family and friends. However, dull friends or a boring lover would cramp your style. You don’t like being tied down or being smothered by love. Enduring such a relationship would result from, or cause, a poor self-image. You would react by lashing out or doing something unexpected, like having a secret affair, packing your gear, and walking out the door.
There is, however, a compromise available between living alone and being in an unhappy relationship. Although you don’t want to attract disloyal or overly eccentric partners, you can find someone who is open-minded, unorthodox, or exciting like yourself.
The ideal relationship is one in which both partners can express their uniqueness and enjoy freedom. Experimentation in the bedroom would provide the extra stimulation needed to remain satisfied and content over the longer term. Testing and challenging the rules of sexuality and relationship dynamics would also give you the thrills and excitement you desire.
This aspect can signify popularity, unique or stunning beauty, personal charm, imagination, and creativity. Just as relationships can start and end quickly, you may experience some dramatic ups and down with your finances. Impulsiveness makes you fun to be around but can play havoc with your love life and savings.
Venus Square Uranus Transit
Venus square Uranus transit can test the stability of love relationships through unexpected urges or events. Sudden attractions or changeability in your affections and loyalties are possible. An increased need for freedom and excitement can test your patience with a loved one or lead to wandering eyes. If you feel smothered, confined or bored, you may lash out in anger or through other destructive behavior.
A healthy relationship will face no major drama, especially with an open-minded partner. Experimentation in the bedroom would satisfy your need for increased stimulation. The more demanding or conservative your partner is, the more likely you will stir up trouble or have a secret affair.
If you try to resist the urge for change and excitement and bottle this spontaneous energy up, then it is likely that your partner will express this energy through some unexpected and sudden action. Entertainment, amusement, and novelties will suffice if you are not daring.
You may be attracted to exciting or eccentric people and those who seem risky or from a different cultural or ethnic background. A new romance is possible but would likely be a brief relationship unless other longer-term transits indicate otherwise.
Care must be taken when shopping, as you are more likely to impulse buy and spend too much on unnecessary items.
Venus Square Uranus Celebrities
Toni Morrison 0°06′, Shui-bian Chen 0°08′, Daniel Gooch 0°11′, Michael Avenatti 0°12′, Jason Connery 0°12′, Tony Blair 0°15′, David Hilbert 0°17′, Denise Richards 0°17′, Barbara Hershey 0°22′, Joseph Fiennes 0°23′, David Gest 0°29′, Dorothy Dandridge 0°29′, Joseph McCarthy 0°32′, Al-Biruni 0°36′, Ronald Lee Warmoth 0°36′, Angelina Jolie 0°38′, Jacques Coutela 0°38′, Tracy Caulkins 0°42′, Kitty Kelley 0°43′, George Patton 0°47′, Yannick Noah 0°48′, Jean-Claude Van Damme 0°49′, George Blake 0°50′, Georges Braque 0°50′, Carl Lewis 0°51′, Holly Marie Combs 0°54′, Althea Flynt 0°54′, Prince 0°55′, Bernardo Provenzano 0°57′, Emmett Till 0°57′, Manly P. Hall 0°58′, Princess Diana of Wales 1°03′, John Frawley 1°13′, Ethan Coen 1°22′, Russell Brand 1°24′, Alice Cooper 1°26′, Henry Ford 1°26′, David Letterman 1°26′, John DeLorean 1°27′.
Venus Square Uranus Dates
December 28, 2024
September 20, 2025
February 8, 2026
July 13, 2026
March 28, 2027
August 28, 2027
January 18, 2028
October 14, 2028
March 5, 2029
August 5, 2029
April 19, 2030
September 22, 2030
I have this aspect in my natal chart and it’s definitely true about Venus Square Uranus people not liking dull friends or boring lovers! One astrologer said about people with these aspects, that if the Venus Uranus individual starts to find the relationship boring, they don’t just leave, they eject! My last partner was boring looking back, I wish I never stayed with him that long! Maybe it was my Venus Square Saturn that made me stick around and tolerate it? But so true about the dull friends and boring lovers!
If a person has a tight square to this aspect, would it make them unfaithful? That’s what one astrologer says on her website. What if they have a tight aspect also to Saturn (Venus square Saturn) – would that help to reign in any possible infidelity?
Venus Saturn aspects are generally very loyal regardless of the type of aspect. Uranus is not so much disloyal as easily bored and in need of stimulation. Venus square Uranus can definitely result in sudden separation and many affairs but it is also possible that the other person is somewhat like that anyway.
I’ve got Venus square Saturn and Uranus (both loose squares). I’m very loyal, but can get bored. I get irritated if a partner is too controlled and conservative in themself. But I can’t stand a man who hardly has anything to say or not many interesting things to talk about. I like a lot of conversation in a relationship.
Hi Jamie. am curious to know if venus square uranus also applies to proffessional relationships?
The truth of the matter is Jamie that EVERYONE will get bored in a relationship no matter what sign what aspect they are in. I start to think that astrology is a bit overrated and misleading . The ones who are willing to use their brains will see that planets will not make the decision in a relationship if it can be worked on or not. People do! But in todays free society nobody wants to put the work into relationship solution unless their is some kind of glue (like money) is involved. So lets not blame the partners or planets if someone is screwed in relationships. Everyone should just deal with themselves and their attitudes toward relationships and what do they want to get out of it. I don’t even think majority of people knows it. If someone is bored in a relationship maybe they should just find a different hobby for themselves and not to expect that they will be always entertained. (It is not to criticize your wok by the way, you are doing a great job)
Look to ruler of the 5th house for infidelity
Hello.. Please I want to know if this square affects the marriage.. Because I read on the birth natal chart if I marry I will get divorced.. Is this correct?
What is the orb for Venus square Uranus in your chart. And where did you read that? No this does not have to be true at all.
Hello! No single element of the natal chart indicates marriage or divorce in itself. The chart with the planetary positions and aspects only show the possible paths or directions the individual may subconsciously take based on the energies he or she was born with. People often realize upon their patterns, so they can break the cycle.
Besides, many people with super good, harmonious Venus aspects get divorced, so the birth chart itself is not a sign of happy personal life.:)
I wonder if one of the themes it could play could be a daughter’s pregnancy. I have Venus in my 3rd house in Leo and it rules the 5th house and the 12th. Mars is also in my 5th house
Although the Venus-uranus square alone does not give a separation situation, it is necessary to pay attention to such an angle, especially in corner houses.
Hello. So i don’t know if this is happening in my relationship right now. But my partner and I were having small arguments and everything and now we’ve suddenly broken up. We were on and off for 5.5 years. Like we were together without a label. And now he’s just said he can’t do this anymore. He can’t put in so much time and energy because it’s just not working. I just want to know that if this is affected at the moment because of the planets or so. Is there a chance for reconciliation? Like can we get back and make it work?