Fixed Star Gacrux

Gacrux is at 06°43′ Scorpio with an orb of 1°00′

Fixed Star Gacrux Astrology

Fixed Star Gacrux [Stellarium]

Gacrux is a star on the top of the Southern Cross, constellation Crux.
In Portuguese, this star is called Rubídea, “Ruby-like“. In China it is Shí Zì Jià yī, “First Star of Cross“. Indigenous Central Australian tribes include Mimosa in their Iritjinga, “Eagle-hawk“.

Constellation Crux gives “perseverance, but many burdens, trials and responsibilities, together with much suffering and many hardships. In connection with rulerships of countries it may be noted that Brazil was named the Land of the Holy Cross by the discoverer Cabral on May 1st 1500, and that the constellation Crux has been represented on the postage stamps of that country” [Fixed Stars and constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.41.]

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