Joan of Arc Horoscope

Joan of Arc HoroscopeI am posting the Joan of Arc horoscope because I have been researching the blood moon tetrad lunar eclipses in 2014/2015. Tetrad eclipses are four consecutive total lunar eclipses, very rare events with the last ones occurring nearly 600 years ago in 1428/1429. It was during this previous tetrad eclipse cycle that Joan of Arc heard the voice of God, and gained everlasting hero status at the Siege of Orléans. It seems that tetrad eclipses signal the rise to power of some prophet or agent of change.

I am happy with the birth data I found at Astro Databank, who sourced Ed Steinbrecher for the time of 5:41 am, January 6, 1412. This places the Midheaven at 19 Libra on the same degree as the first lunar eclipse in 1428/1429. It places her Moon at 9 Libra on the same degree as the third lunar eclipse in 1428/1429.

The rising star is Acumen in the Sting of the Scorpio, which gives a “sharp mind and a perception well above average as though, perhaps ‘blind’ to what we see and take for granted, they see what we do not, at levels where eyesight does not reach.”  The Midheaven conjunct Chiron explains the maverick style of her calling.

Joan of Arc Horoscope

Joan of Arc Horoscope

Her Ascendant representing her soul, and her Midheaven representing her calling, work in harmony via the sextile aspect. This powerful spirit channels down to Saturn vis quincunx aspects to form a Yod aspect pattern, the Finger of God. This is the first of two Yods in her chart, which represent a special mission assigned by God, a destined task which the soul relentlessly tries to complete. The action point of the Yod is Saturn, a duty, determination, hard work and hardship. Saturn on the fixed star Algol explains her violent death by judicial sentence.

Mercury opposite Neptune explain the hearing of voices, and her conflict with religion. Mercury on the fixed star Facies made her thoughts focused and driven, relentless and ruthless, her words inspirational. Yet in the end, this aspect manifested as betrayal and treachery.

Source data for Joan of Arc Horoscope: Astrology: Joan of Arc, Ed Steinbrecher: “her hour is not exactly known; it is said she was born at the hour when roosters sang, sunrise.”