Fixed Star Facies

Facies is at 08°19′ Capricorn with an orb of 1°00′
Fixed Star Facies

Sagittarius Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Facies on December 30

Fixed star Facies is a globular cluster in the face of the Archer, constellation Sagittarius. Known as Messier 22 (M22) and NGC 6656. With a magnitude of 5.1, it is one of the brightest globulars in the night sky. It contains two black holes and is one of only four globulars of our galaxy known to contain a planetary nebula.

06♑1907♑01Kaus Borealis2°00

Facies Astrology

FACIES. 22 M Sagittarii. The nebula in the Archer’s Face. It is of the nature of the Sun and Mars and causes blindness, defective sight, sickness, accidents and a violent death. [1]

FACIES. 22 M Sagittarii. One of the bright open star clusters and nebulae. This star creates violence, eyesight problems, losses, overreaction, fearlessness, warlike skills, leadership ability, and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. [5]

Fixed star Facies keywords: Driven, focused, fearless, outspoken, groundbreaking, prolific, productive, profound, influential, weak eyesight, powerful insight, in your face, gritty, dark.

Astrologers have generally considered Facies to have an unfortunate influence, but that is not the whole story. Being in the constellation Sagittarius, Facies has a Jupiter nature, giving interest in religion, politics, philosophy, travel, and expressing the self through publishing or producing something, literature or film. This dense star cluster also manifests Pluto’s nature, which gives a psychological, probing, intense, profound nature, with some association with the dark side of life.

There is some justification for the association with violence, but this does not necessarily mean these people are violent or are subject to violence. The Sun-Mars nature (according to Robson), is more likely to manifest as an extraordinarily driven and hardworking person who never gives up work till they drop. They seem to relate or delve deeply to question and understand humanity’s darker nature. There does seem to be a Jupiter-Pluto influence, affecting personal philosophy and how these people express themselves through words, images, and symbolism. The expression is profound and leaves a lasting impression on others.

“Much blamed for accidents and broken limbs and so on. The Latin name is from the verb Facere, to make or do something, and it is often said to portend accidents due to the victim’s own careless actions. Naturally, there is a positive side to Facies, it symbolizes well that kind of Sagittarian who goes out to climb mountains, race cars, enter the ski-jump team or the Grand National steeplechase, making it right to the top and no doubt breaking a few bones along the way. On the more philosophical side, it will mark those who must see their outlook and beliefs carried into practical effect somewhere, so that they go out on missions, set up their own churches and centers engage in good works of famine or refugee relief, and so on. Inevitably they get hurt at times, but perhaps find compensation in the value of their works.” [2]

“represents the penetrating stare of a lethal weapon. It is one of the most difficult, and possibly the most violent, objects in the heavens. It gives a penetration of action that has no regard for others…Facies in a chart will indicate that the planet it touches will be very focused and driven…the push to achieve goals and aims may well become ruthless.” [3]

Fixed star Facies rules the inside of the left knee. [4]

Constellation Sagittarius

Sagittarius was the House of Jupiter, that planet having appeared here at the Creation, although this honor was shared by Aquarius and Leo. Nor did Jupiter monopolize its possession, for it also was the domicile of Diana. Thus the constellation was known as Dianae Sidus. It inclined to fruitfulness, a character assigned to it as far back as the Babylonian inscriptions; and was a fortunate sign. Yellow was the color attributed to it, or the peculiar green sanguine.

It is a fortunate and fruitful constellation indicating events pertaining to kings or a large portion of humanity. Ptolemy states: “The stars at the point of the arrow have an effect like that of Mars and the Moon; those on the bow and at the grip of the hand like that of Jupiter and Mars; the cluster in the forehead like that of the Sun and Mars; those in the cloak and in the back resemble Jupiter, and to a lesser degree like Mercury; the stars in the feet have a nature akin to that of Jupiter and Saturn; and the quadrangle upon the tail like Venus, and to a lesser degree like Saturn.” [2]

Facies Star, M22 Sagittarius

Messier 22, M22, NGC 6656 []

Fixed Star Facies Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Facies: Ian Frazer 0°00′, Robert Lindsay 0°01′, Francis Ford Coppola 0°02′, Zenouska Mowatt 0°04′ (and Uranus), Roberta Close 0°05′, Willie Mays 0°06′, Martin Greif 0°06′, Erica Dahm 0°07′ (and Mercury), Nate Silver 0°12′, James Joyce 0°13′, Tippi Hedren 0°17′, Franz Kleffner 0°17′, Charles Hernu 0°19′, Jeff Fenech 0°20′, Mark Hamill 0°21′, Barbara Bush (1981) 0°24′, Adair Lara 0°26′, Ralph Abernathy 0°29′, Brenda Frazier 0°30′, Kaitlyn Dever 0°30′, Charlotte Sartre 0°31′, Lucy Pond 0°31′, Dick Jones 0°33′, Leopold II of Belgium 0°34′, Prince Henrik of Denmark 0°35′, Hans Fritzche 0°38′, Drake Bell 0°45′, Dolly Sinatra 0°45′, Jeremy Silman 0°48′, Iris Berben 0°51′, Ernie Pyle 0°59′.

Midheaven conjunct Facies: John Lennon 0°20′, Nathaniel Bar-Jonah 0°22′, Robert O. Anderson 0°34′, James Dean 0°49′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Facies: Anthony Hopkins 0°00′, Arthur Koestler 0°30′, Zoë Kravitz 0°33′ (and Neptune).

Sun conjunct Facies: High preferment in matters dealing with public affairs. These natives have an inner drive to be first in their business or profession. There is always danger lurking for these natives at the end of the road. This can exhibit itself as eyesight problems, violence, self-destruction, or chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. Natives with this conjunction should exercise caution not to get involved in intrigues and improper situations. [5]

Jon Voight 0°07′, Tycho Brahe 0°08′ (and Mercury), Nostradamus 0°14′ (DD), Billy Tipton 0°20′, Columba 0°40′, Lilly Wachowski 0°53′ (and Mercury), Tiger Woods 0°59′, Henry IV of France 1°01′ (and Mercury).

Moon conjunct Facies: The native can rise to a high position, but subjected to severe losses, harassment, violence, self-destruction. Natives with this conjunction are ingenious, can foster or promote or deal in unpopular ideas or ideas ahead of their time. [5]

Adolf Hitler 0°07′ (and Jupiter), Sheena Easton 0°07′ (and Saturn), Patsy Cline 0°07′, Lucille Ball 0°17′, Alain Ducasse 0°21′, Jaden Smith 0°23′, Coccinelle 0°27′, Athol Rusden 0°28′, Terry Fox 0°29′, Rosa Bonheur 0°33′ (and Uranus, Neptune), Dmitri Shostakovich 0°35′, Miss Cleo 0°39′.

Mercury conjunct Facies: The native is fearless, has ‘warlike’ skills, can be somewhat intolerant of others, generally not openly expressed. These natives can be vindictive, conduct ‘behind the scenes’ operations. [5]

Denzel Washington 0°10′, Orlando Bloom 0°17′ (and Mars), Jon Vincent 0°20′, William Bonin 0°23′, Don Johnson 0°25′, Mariska Hargitay 0°26′, Erica Dahm 0°33’ (and AC), Rip Taylor 0°34′, Dennis Cooper 0°36′, David Bowie 0°38′, Lilly Wachowski 0°39′ (and Sun), Sam Cooke 0°41′, Giorgia Meloni 0°41′, Alexander Scriabin 0°42′, Lloyd Bridges 0°53′, Paul Cézanne 0°54′, Rajineesh 0°57′, Christian Dior 0°58′, Tycho Brahe 1°33′ (and Sun), Henry IV of France 1°46′ (and Sun).

Venus conjunct Facies: These natives are not ‘warm’ people, they do not openly express affection, but rather tend to present or give a cold detached nature. They can be very sociable, very agreeable, unless aroused, but are never really close to anyone. There is the possibility of overreaction towards situations, people. There is also the tendency towards losing interest rather easily. [5]

Lord Acton 0°27′ (and S. Node).

Mars conjunct Facies (2° orb): This position causes a deterioration of the bone next to the cartilage, and the cartilage (inside the left knee.) It is a fiery energy that literally dissolves the cartilage. This occurs very slowly, but a redness around the knee area would ultimately be noticed by the individual. Exercise would be very important to these natives, preferably knee-bending exercises so that the energy flow in this area is kept moving instead of expanding in this part of the body. If the energy does not have an outlet, then a stiffness in the joint occurs and the tissues deteriorate. When the redness appears, a cool pack at this point will greatly help, as well as applying mint herbs or parsley directly on the area. At intervals of three times per week, an application of mineral oil on the knee, upper leg and down to the ankle would greatly help this condition. [4]

Gwen Stefani 0°07′, Orlando Bloom 1°18′ (and Mercury), Billy Tipton 1°40′.

Sun and Mars conjunct Facies: This point would cause blindness through an accident. Mars alone at this point would not cause defective vision or blindness, but with this conjunction, the opportunity for contacting a jumping flame that would affect the eyes is very prevalent. [4]

Billy Tipton (0°20′ + 1°40′).

Jupiter conjunct Facies: Khloé Kardashian 0°10′, Katy Perry 0°16′, Dwayne Johnson 0°18′, Zendaya 0°26′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°44′, Adolf Hitler 1°29′ (and Moon).

Saturn conjunct Facies (3° orb): These natives have problems with the knee even at an early age. It is the cartilage that is the problem at this point, as it lacks the tissue to absorb shock. The result is an inflexible knee joint with stiffness so that these persons would not be able to run to any extent. This problem can be greatly alleviated by the application of both warm and cool packs for 15 minutes, twice per day. The warm pack should be applied first for three minutes; cool pack for three minutes, with the final application ending with a warm pack. A diet of leafy greens and raw vegetables would also help control the problem. [4]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 0°00’, Sheena Easton 0°46′ (and Moon).

Uranus conjunct Facies: The Weeknd 0°07′, Francis Galton 0°21′ (and Neptune), Rosa Bonheur 0°33′ (and Moon, Neptune), Margot Robbie 0°40′, Zenouska Mowatt 0°41’ (and AC).

Neptune conjunct Facies: Conor McGregor 0°18′, Novak Djokovic 0°35′, Zoë Kravitz 0°39′ (and POF), Ulysses S. Grant 0°40′, Rosa Bonheur 0°41′ (and Moon, Uranus), Francis Galton 1°13′ (and Uranus).

North Node conjunct Facies: Helen Keller 0°07′, Tori Spelling 0°24′, Roy Orbison 0°31′, Edwin Castro 0°41′.

South Node conjunct Facies: Lord Acton 0°01′ (and Venus), Ilhan Omar 0°31′.


  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.165.
  2. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.94-95.
  3. Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady, 1998, p.299.
  4. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.122-123.
  5. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.185-186.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.