Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Transit

Jupiter conjunct Pluto maximum orb 6°00′.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto natal gives a powerful need to make your mark on the world. You want power and influence and make ambitious plans to succeed at the highest levels. Your intense drive and ambition make you determined, persistent, and sometimes ruthless.

Setbacks or failures do not discourage you as they do other people. You see opportunity in every challenge and use the experience to perfect your skills and change your plans. Continual growth and adaptation are your paths to personal mastery and prosperity.

You are lucky, but you should not take your good fortune for granted. You should aim to be generous but never greedy. It would be best to act morally and ethically and not let your power and success go to your head. This aspect has the potential to make you very powerful very quickly before you have the wisdom and humility to use it safely. Broad knowledge and spiritual development are needed before you amass power and wealth.

Never think you are too smart to learn from your teachers. Before you can wield power, you must submit to it. It is okay to be driven, but be mindful of becoming obsessed, passionate, or self-righteous. You have the good fortune and power to make a big difference in the world and affect many people. You will be richer if you make friends along the way instead of enemies.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Transit

Jupiter conjunct Pluto transit makes you focused and driven to succeed at what you are most passionate about. A mix of intense effort and good luck gives you the power and influence to make a big difference in your life.

The results of this transit depend on your goals, so it is essential to think about what you want to do during this prosperous phase of life. Business success, wealth, travel, a promotion at work, or a better career are some possibilities.

It is also essential to consider spiritual self-development because power and success could quickly go to your head. Selfishness, greed, jealousy, or revenge should not be your motivation. Instead, it would be best if you wanted to succeed in improving your life without harming others. Your generosity will be repaid, and you could make new and influential friends.

If you act in a ruthless, extreme, self-righteous, or obsessive way, you will likely face powerful forces working against you. This could include trouble from superiors, government authorities, or the law. If you act morally and ethically, you will grow spiritually and materially. This time of large-scale achievement and success should make you happy and content well into the future.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Celebrities

Edward Higgins White 0°21′, Nathan Lane 0°26′, Arsenio Hall 0°27′, Bill Gates 0°34′, Michael Stich 0°56′, Leopold Stokowski 1°03′, Whoopi Goldberg 1°07′, Mick Jagger 1°12′, Louis Braille 1°14′, Bjorn Borg 1°14′, Martha Graham 1°30′, Marshall Applewhite 1°36′, Bill Maher 1°41′, Jim Jones 2°06′.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Dates

December 2, 1994

December 11, 2007

April 4, 2020
June 30, 2020
November 12, 2020

February 4, 2033

April 12, 2045

31 thoughts on “Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit

  1. The current Jupiter-Pluto transit is squaring my Jupiter-Pluto-Mercury conjunction in Libra! Now had complete reversal in my business, everything has come to a stop.

    • Are you an ’81 baby like me? In which house does your natal Jupiter/Pluto/Mercury fall? House of the transit? For me, my natal Libra stellium includes a tight Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in the 11th house and Mercury and Saturn in Libra in the 10th house. The Capricorn Jupiter/Pluto transit hits my 2nd house. One interpretation I was given was that the transit might lead to big transformation in my values or value system, which is 2nd house stuff. Not sure how it affects my natal 11th house though. Friendships, groups and associations, wishes and dreams… those get transformed, too?

    • Stopping is not Jupiter… Everything stopped for a lot of people, still the result of Saturn-Pluto. Now the Jupiter-Pluto comes in threes. First one now, second one end of June, third one in November. The Pandemic could get completely out of control (the bad side of Jupiter), with the top end of June. In the mean time they find ways to solve it (the good side of Jupiter), medicines, but it takes time. By November things are under control. In the mean time a lot happens in governments etc. Power will change, that is Pluto. Of course the lives of many and the economy will be ruined. By the time we have the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction by EOY we may have a different view on how to treat the planet. Balance between growth and restrictions, ultimate wisdom! Without massive pollution, without massive abuse of animals, without the massive power of money. Lets hope we will live to witness it. Be safe!

  2. Jupiter brings questions. Is this real or is this globalism that is failing.

  3. Cardinal George Pell was set-free from Jail today! – he was facing criminal Pedophilia charges! Does he symbolise the return of the Catholic church and it’s power with this conjunction?
    Jupiter – Spirituality / Pluto – Transformation?

  4. Pallas Athena is also associated with protection. I always feel safer when she’s around.

  5. “a time of large-scale achievement and success”… good to know. For some reason I had the impression that this conjunction was seen as something globally negative or dangerous by other astrologers.

    • Hi S.E. This conjunction can be negative or dangerous in some cases. It depends on your intentions and on other aspects. In mundane astrology, you can see that Jupiter is amplifying the death and destruction caused by Pluto during the pandemic.

  6. Good point🐝
    I love your website and Thank you for all the work you do…I forget to say this..
    (I’m your astrology twin from FB..but my account was shut down..)

  7. Hi. This is a very interesting site, thank you. I just want to comment that in the list of celebrities with natalJupiter conjunct Pluto, there are About 18 entries. Only two were women. It was unsettling for me, that is, it made me feel somewhat unwelcome to read down that list and not see a woman’s name until the fourth row
    Just want to raise your consciousness a bit on that.

  8. The most important Pluto/Jupiter conjunction this year is the Heliocentric Conjunction, 31 July, when the female Democrat presidential candidate running mate is announced.

  9. https://postimg.cc/dhFrG76D

    The link takes you to the helio Jupiter/Pluto, the prominent feature: Golden boomerang Yod. The apex is Regulus, and the Progressed Age of Aquarius Moon (geocentric). It’s going to take a bit of flipping inside and outside the Solar system to appreciate this view.

    So right around the end of July, beginning of August, the running mate is selected. Once we get into November helio Saturn and Jupiter align, and we soon see the results.

  10. Natal Jupiter Conjunct Pluto – Bill Gates 0°34′
    This aspect has the potential to make you very powerful very quickly before you have the wisdom and humility to use it safely. Wide knowledge and spiritual development are needed before you amass power and wealth.

    Since Gates does not have a wide knowledge and spiritual development (https://www.zerohedge.com/health/robert-f-kennedy-jr-exposes-bill-gates-vaccine-agenda-scathing-report), you can expect even more severe lockdowns in November when Jupiter and Pluto contact closely, followed in the spring by Gates’ lethal injection disguised as a vaccine, and with a microchip for those unfortunate enough to survive the injection.

    COVID-19 is not a pandemic and not particularly dangerous (https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/). Jupiter is not amplifying the direct effects of the virus, it is amplifying the fear being generated by Gates and his crowd around the virus to make people willing to accept their coming enslavement.

  11. Jason, those two sources of yours carry no research weight whatsoever (your suggestion is also sheer lunacy!) SPR at first glance looks almost legit but minimal digging reveals a complete lack of transparency about who these guys even are, then their citing of the most dubious sources shows they are clearly NOT a bona fide research organization.

  12. A bias check summary is found here https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/swiss-policy-research/.. It provides a good few laughs too, eg. “In another article they discredit Wikipedia as being a propaganda organization, Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation? Yet, they are perfectly comfortable using them as a source of information in their analyses.” “Although, SPR thoroughly sources information they often use very poor sources that lack credibility. For example, when reporting on the Israel Lobby they provide a link to a video from the Questionable Unz Review, which is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and antisemitic by the Anti-Defamation League. Other sources used include RT and Sputnik, which they openly criticize as Russian Propaganda in other articles.”

  13. The summary concludes that in general, SPR ” is a conspiracy website that is not credible due to poor sourcing and lack of transparency.” Spot on!
    Astrologyking, on the other hand, is an excellent and trustworthy site – full of wisdom and resources, topics are thoroughly researched using credible expert sources with clear referencing. And it’s perfectly transparent who the author is and who funds it.
    Please just go elsewhere with your conspiracy crap. Like many others you are being sucked in to collectively losing the plot…just look at Gates’ work on toilets for goodness sake, to get your reality check! (I’m sure there are YouTube videos so you likely won’t even need to do proper research.)

  14. https://americanmind.org/essays/the-covid-coup/

    Claremount Institutes’ the American Mind essay by Angelo Codevilla, “the COVID coup”
    Date 7.17.2020, summarizes the power plays mirrored in the Jupiter-Pluto synodic, heliocentric conjunction July 31, 2020.

    Claremont is a recipient of one of the 8 President Medal of Art Awards, November 21, 2019. Through this unusual awards ceremony, we know this day is important to the evolution, The Rise of Cosmogenesis Art, and its placement in the collective as The Art Basel Banana.

  15. November 12, 3rd conjunction, November 12

    It took a while but the chicken showed up, hopped in the BMW utility cube van, and laid the golden egg.

    … Or, if you prefer…

    Jupiter finally arrives at the January 12, 2020 stellium, wearing dark suit, and Ray-Ban sunglasses.

    note the Moon apex Yod in each of the Three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions

    1st Conj April 4
    Moon 03Vir20

    2nd Conj June 30
    Moon 04Sco10

    3rd Conj November 12
    Moon 18Lib15
    Venus 19Lib19’55”
    Boomerang Yod, Mars fulcrum

    A similar trajectory to the Pandemic Yod in the Age of Aqr progressed chart. Phase shifted to Signs where Venus is in extremis. (I screamist for Venus?)

  16. November 12, 3rd conjunction, November 12

    It took a while but the chicken showed up, hopped in the BMW utility cube van, and laid the golden egg.

    … Or, if you prefer…

    Jupiter finally arrives at the January 12, 2020 stellium, wearing dark suit, and Ray-Ban sunglasses.

    note the Moon apex Yod in each of the Three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions

    1st Conj April 4
    Moon 03Vir20

    2nd Conj June 30
    Moon 04Sco10

    3rd Conj November 12
    Moon 18Lib15
    Venus 19Lib19’55”
    Boomerang Yod, Mars fulcrum

    A similar trajectory to the Pandemic Yod in the Age of Aqr progressed chart. Phase shifted to Signs where Venus is in extremis. (I screamist for Venus?). Interesting use of Jupiter to refine the new Venus.

  17. never forget that each constellation bears both sides of the coin / theme/energy.
    Maybe stand in front of a new start , something new or completely different. Go in resonance with that Jupiter/Pluto energy to figure it out.

  18. or it this 3rd JUP/PLUTO is the conclusion of a period of lies, manipulations, power-surge, power-abuse by dark forces. Since is in conjunction with Pallas and connected to the Pluto-return on 12th january 2020 in conjunction with Saturn and Mercury and Pluto was ther 248y ago when BOE started money-printing …..very possible their circel is now game-over.

  19. it finally depends on what WE ALL visualize and do: that quanten-magnetic-energy-vibe we go in, every day.
    Feary waves about our butchers or strong waves with faith and courage to fight on Gods side for humanity.

  20. so anyway, Each of the 3 Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions has a Yod with the Moon at the Apex. The third Yod, a boomerang, occuring just 15 hours ago. I’m going to visualize them all, and post on astrology king until my speech to text system is honeyed to perfect propaganda paycheck.

  21. Everybody knows Wikipedia is for open and independent sources to use as they please amidst their original agenda 🤷🏽‍♀️ NOW they are just a cover up for real or pertinent information

    Back to the library I go 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  22. Ok so my reply was posted to am entirely different page but it ended up here, so listen up! I have no dates, no times, or no particularly other reason to pay and be thankful that at the end of 2020 you Thank God for covering you and keeping you… Whether you know it or not, this year was a beautiful cleansing! Top notch excrements have moved on… And some elderly got an early pass into their heaven… The super foul had to go in spite of of their ability to reason… Our spiritual equator is looking closer and closer to me these days
    .. please remember that positive and negative are only coordinates! Like Google maps… But if your phone dies

    I bet you can still get there 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 everyday
    ….. Show gratitude… Or silently pay the Piper… Who ever he is👀 THE CHOICE IS YOURS

  23. Speed Distance Time

    Jupiter and Pluto astrology, like a science project using practical mathematics, tell us that Speed, Distance and Time come together artfully in 2020, at the 22Degree of Capricorn.

    If you have any two, the third can be calculated.

  24. If you are counting, the chicken(s) laid 7 eggs over 3 weeks. we laugh, my business partner and I, since his vehicle looks like a koop, with roosting features. There were days when the chickens would wait for us to show up: I received three eggs, one of which broke by accident, and two were eaten.

    So, you see what’s happening? This is a brand of food that doesn’t readily exist. There’s food trucks, ofcourse, and has been since carts were invenTed. Yet, who drives a vehicle that parks at the grocery store where live chickens hop in to drop a golden egg?

    If you’re into training animals, Virgo Moons, and servantless economies, this is how it might look.

  25. Yep, good luck Nukkah. Not everyone is allowed out of the hoax. You definitely belong inside.

  26. We’re into Virgo Moons, 24 Feb 2024

    Synastry Cosmogenesis, compare Egypt Virgo Full Moon

    Cosmogenesis, third chart of the trinity… Jupiter conj Pluto aligns with Full Moon part of fortune. Bill Gates has this conjunction. Egypt in the crosshairs of regional disputes with a track record of Astrologyking Artwork participation

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