Fixed Star Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse at 28°45′ Gemini has an orb of 2°40′
Fixed Star Betelgeuse

Orion Constellation [Stellarium]

The Sun joins Betelgeuse on June 20

Fixed star Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis, is a 0.5 magnitude variable super-giant red star located in the right armpit of the Hunter, Orion Constellation. Spectral type M1–M2 Ia–ab. Betelgeuse is labeled alpha Orion even though it is the second brightest star in Orion star behind Rigel.

Constellation Orion is drawn as a hunting man, and Betelgeuse sits on his right shoulder. The traditional name Betelgeuse was derived from the Arabic يد الجوزاء Yad al-Jauzā’ “the hand of al-Jauzā’ [i.e. Orion]”

Betelgeuse is one of the largest stars known and is rapidly shrinking in size at an increasing rate. Betelgeuse is 15% smaller than it was fifteen years ago. [1] This has led to predictions that Betelgeuse will explode into a supernova in the next few years. Astronomers say it will turn into a supernova at some stage but cannot say when, but when it does it will be as bright as the full Moon. [2]

20002050Fixed StarOrb
24♊4725♊29Al Hecka1°50′
03♋2604♋08Tejat Prior1°40′

Betelgeuse Astrology

Fixed star Betelgeuse gives martial honor, preferment and wealth. It is of the nature of Mars and Mercury. [3]

α Orinis. A variable orange star on the right shoulder of Orion. “The Giant’s Shoulder.” Spectral class M2. The native can receive honors, and gain wealth. The native can be obstinate, combative, rash, energetic, and changeable. Fame is possible. [9]

War and carnage are presaged by Betelgeuse. The star is indicative of great fortune, martial honors and other kingly attributes. [4]

Betelgeuse is on the Right Shoulder of Orion, and corresponds to the meaning of Mars with a touch of Mercury. The effects of these properties are more propitious than those of Bellatrix, especially if Jupiter is also connected to it. [5]

Betelgeuse is a mighty star on the main muscle of Orion that wields his sword. It is of Mars-Mercury classification and never fails to reveal immense strength in a horoscope. How that serves or fates the person in question depends on how he uses his strength. Nothing happens by halves with this great star. [6]

Fixed star Betelgeuse rules the navel. [7]

Constellation Orion

The most important constellation in the heavens outside the zodiac is Orion. In judicial astrology this is the constellation of war. In the Middle Ages this constellation was said to be a direful influence to agriculture, being the “the veri cuttrhrote of cattle” and presaging violent storms and much rain. In genethiacal charts the indications are for arrogance, rebellion, strength, and courage. Tetrabiblos lists the stars in the shoulder of Orion to have a nature similar to that of Mars and Mercury, and the other bright stars in the constellation to be similar to the natures of Jupiter and Saturn. [4]

According to Ptolemy the bright stars with the exception of Betelgeuze and Bellatrix are like Jupiter and Saturn. It is said to give a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, prosperity in trade and particularly by voyages or abroad, but danger of treachery and poison. It was thought by the Romans to be very harmful to cattle and productive of storms. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump “The Juggler.” [3]

Betelgeuse Star, Alpha Orionis

Betelgeuse Star, Alpha Orionis []

Fixed Star Betelgeuse Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Betelgeuse: A superior athlete, being endowed with outstanding agility and speed of body. Variable moods and the mind always anxious with the immediate problems of the day. Honors and titles will be given to the native during his lifetime. [4]

Preferment, luck, success and everlasting fame are promised. If also in conjunction with Mars, there is danger of death by lightning, fire, explosions, firearms or similar things. [5]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [8]

Susan Boyle 0°03′, John Townley 0°06′, Ally Sheedy 0°18′, King Umberto II of Italy 0°26′, Alan Villiers 0°52′, RuPaul 1°01′, Timothy McVeigh 1°21′, LeBron James 2°06′, Theodore Roosevelt 2°10′.

Ascendant conjunct Betelgeuse and born in the day: Bold, ferocious, repentant, false, thieving, godless, friendless, pretender, insolent, guilty of murder, counterfeiter, swindler and sometimes do not have a good death. [8]

Susan Boyle, Ally Sheedy, Timothy McVeigh, LeBron James.

Ascendant conjunct Betelgeuse and born at night: Military leader, valiant, energetic, versatile, shrewd, capable of many and varied activities, sensible, high-pitched, deceitful, have a happy outcome, stubborn, impetuous and insatiable in their desires, corrupt both boys and girls, perjurers. [8]

John Townley, Umberto II of Italy, Alan Villiers, RuPau, Theodore Roosevelt.

Midheaven conjunct Betelgeuse: Great military fortune, command, invention, ingenuity and helps in the perfection of arts and sciences. If at the same time with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, ample fortune and great honor. [3]

A superior athlete, being endowed with outstanding agility and speed of body. Will have variable moods and a mind always anxious with the immediate problems of the day. [4]

Preferment, luck, success and everlasting fame are promised. [5]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city. [8]

Will Young 0°12′, Walter Koch 0°19′, Raymond Merriman 0°19′, David Duke 0°23′ (and Mercury), David Copperfield 0°35′, Silvio Berlusconi 0°40′, Alexei Navalny 0°46′, Dave Chappelle 1°02′, Bruce Willis 1°04′, Rudy Giuliani 1°45′, Emma Watson 2°23′, Walt Disney 2°28′, Hugh Hefner 2°32′.

Descendant conjunct Betelgeuse: Mind always anxious with the immediate problems of the day. These anxieties may lead to a disturbed mind. Honors and titles will be given to the native after death. [3]

Preferment, luck, success and everlasting fame are promised. [5]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [8]

Sylvester Stallone 0°33′,Jimmy Swaggart 0°56′, Prince William 0°59′, Oprah Winfrey 1°33′, Olivia Rodrigo 2°09′, Stormy Daniels 2°14′, Warren Buffett 2°16′.

Imum Coeli conjunct Betelgeuse: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [8]

Part of Fortune conjunct Betelgeuse: Alicia Silverstone 0°25′, Patch Adams 0°29′, Ann-Margret Olsson 0°42′, Mel B 0°46′, George Clooney 1°19′, James Woods 1°25′, Clarence Thomas 1°47′ (and Uranus), Bill Clinton 1°48′, Kourtney Kardashian 2°03′

Sun conjunct Betelgeuse: Interest in and the ability for occult and mystical subjects, acute diseases, fevers, honor, and preferment ending in final ruin. [3]

High preferment in sports, legal, martial and matters dealing with the public. With this conjunction there is the ever present danger of losses of one fell-swoop. The native can gain fame and wealth. [9]

Paula Abdul 0°08′, Anne Murray 0°08′, Boris Johnson 0°12′, Xanana Gusmão 0°20′, Brian Wilson 0°32′, Jay Rockefeller IV 0°32′, Errol Flynn 0°46′, Holly Parker 1°09′, Salman Rushdie 1°14′ (and Moon), M. C. Escher 1°16′, Paul McCartney 1°20′, Prince William 1°36′, Lana Del Rey 1°51′.

Moon conjunct Betelgeuse: Active mind, strong will, turbulent, rebellious under restraint, military success but suffering through quarrels with superiors, the likelihood of great power, honor and wealth. [3]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [8]

The native can exhibit strong determination, high honors are possible. The native can gain high popularity and enjoy lasting happiness. These natives are mentally active. Turbulence or unexpected losses a possibility. The native can suffer through disagreements. [9]

Barbara Hand Clow 0°03′, Spike Milligan 0°11′ (and S.Node), Anna Freud 0°16′, Doris Day 0°36′, Tom Jones 0°40′, Salman Rushdie 1°30′ (and Sun), Nicholas Culpeper 1°43′, Catherine the Great 1°50′ (and Venus)

Mercury conjunct Betelgeuse: Serious, studious, scientific and literary, fame through writings or engravings in metal, favorable for health but liable to accidents. [3]

The native is of a serious demeanor, studious, and this conjunction is good for advancement in legal and financial professions. There is fame, good or bad possible. More negative natives will have a tendency to self-destruct. [9]

Christopher Lee 0°07′, David Duke 0°07′ (and MC), William Wyler 0°18′, Martin Boyd 0°22′, Kylie Minogue 0°30′, Sandra Bernhard 0°32′, John Hinckley Jr. 0°52′, Nikola Tesla 1°22′, Judy Garland 2°28′.

Venus conjunct Betelgeuse: Somewhat retiring and reserved, great ability as a maker of fine ornaments, favorable for gain, some sorrow connected with the family or marriage. [3]

This is a good conjunction for popularity. However, there is the danger of domestic or family problems. These natives must exercise caution not to create their own sorrows. [9]

Rick Castro 0°03′, Alan Turing 0°07′, Casey Donovan 0°12′, Boris Johnson 0°30′, Larry Christiansen 0°38′, Dean Martin 0°42′, Ernie Dingo 0°43′, Catherine the Great 1°05′ (and Moon), Priyanka Chopra 1°44′

Mars conjunct Betelgeuse: Cautious, reserved, good leader and organizer, honor and preferment in martial matters. [3]

Natives with this conjunction can develop into good leaders, become popular and well respected. Outwardly they might appear to be of a cautious nature, even reserved and there are times when they can maintain this posture, even tho they are seething inwardly. Generally they will not stand for any interference. They can be explosive however. The negative natives while having the same attributes, are more inclined to openly resent authority and can become explosively rebellious. [9]

Coco Chanel 0°00′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 0°06′, Henry Kissinger 0°07′, James Joyce 0°09′, Ian Anderson 0°24′, Sean Connery 0°29′, Novak Djokovic 2°34′, Sirhan Sirhan 2°34′

Jupiter conjunct Betelgeuse: Serious and studious mind, shrewd and profitable business dealings, great honor in the Church or law. [3]

The native can develop an astuteness in public matters, sports, and writings; great honors are possible, also high public preferment. [9]

Charlie Sheen 0°11′, Charles Dickens 0°21′, Dane Rudhyar 0°29′, Tom Brady 1°30′, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 1°17′, The Weeknd 2°17′.

Saturn conjunct Betelgeuse: Shrewd, cunning, craftily dishonest, treacherous to friends, eventful life with many ups and downs, eventual wealth but little comfort, unfavorable for domestic matters. [3]

Jenna Ortega 0°07′, Monica Lewinsky 0°34′, Billy Tipton 0°38′, Billie Holiday 0°45′, Sigmund Freud 0°48′, Rudy Giuliani 0°51′, Oliver North 1°20′. 

Uranus conjunct Betelgeuse: Quick, active and evil mind, clever criminal, notorious as forger or counterfeiter but rarely caught, quiet pleasant manner, generous and not bad at heart, possesses hypnotic and thought-reading powers. [3]

(No orb): These are persons who would rather have friends than anything else in life. They give their all to their friends, and in return, they are usually very well taken care of. They will usually have a group of friends, or an organization, that helps them and takes care of all their needs. There is only a slightly negative side to this energy. These persons may have a slight nervous disorder through the small intestine, but there would be no pain connected with it. Uranus is at peace in this position. [6]

Donna Summer 0°01′, David Cochrane 0°10′, Steven Forrest 0°12′, Billy Joel 0°13′, Cat Stevens 0°13′, Richard Simmons 0°15′, John Belushi 0°54′, Clarence Thomas 1°19′ (and POF), Charles III 1°53′, Stephen King 1°54′, Hillary Clinton 2°06′, William Butler Yeats 2°20′.

Neptune conjunct Betelgeuse: Ingenious, mechanical ability, may invent mechanical device, spiritualistic interests, some physical ailment or affliction or mental derangement, not good for gain but greatest success in partnership, favorable for marriage and children but disharmony with brothers and sisters, liable to some serious or fatal accident in middle age. [3]

Hirohito 0°11′, Reinhold Ebertin 0°13′, Rosamond Lehmann 0°22′, Clark Gable 0°24′, Lord Louis Mountbatten 0°37′, Ernest Hemingway 1°35′, Heinrich Himmler 1°52′, Josemaría Escrivá 2°10′, Marlene Dietrich 2°32′. 

Pluto conjunct Betelgeuse: This causes havoc with the internal system of the body. These persons tend to get fevers and aching around the naval, stomach and intestinal areas. There would be a buildup of gases that would make these persons very uncomfortable. They experience gas in abundance from the foods they eat, and they are at a loss to know what to eat. Drinking comfrey tea and small amounts of warm milk will help soothe the area. [6]

Alan Turing 1°02′, Richard Nixon 1°06′, Josef Mengele 1°36′, William S. Burroughs 1°45′, Barbara Hutton 2°10′, Noor Inayat Khan 2°20′.

North Node conjunct Betelgeuse: Sara Aldrete 0°42′, Billie Eilish 1°43′, Liza Minnelli 1°58′, Kamala Harris 2°29′.

South Node conjunct Betelgeuse: George Washington 1°45′, Ernest Hemingway 1°55′, Spike Milligan 2°07′ (and Moon).

Betelgeuse Star in Mundane Astrology

Because Betelgeuse is a red star, so has been associated with war and carnage. In August 1914 when Saturn was on Betelgeuse, Germany declared war on Russia (06′), and Britain declared war on Germany (25′), starting WWI. After going retrograde, then turning direct again, Saturn was on Betelgeuse in April 1915 for the allied landing at Gallipoli (18′).

One Saturn cycle later, in June 1944, the invasion of Normandy marked a major turning point in WWII. Saturn was on Betelgeuse (10′). I’ve taken Anne’s research further to look at the most recent Saturn, Pluto, and lunations on Betelgeuse.

The last time Saturn was on Betelgeuse was in 2003. A civil war started in the African nation of Côte d’Ivoire which killed over 1,800 people (08’). In Indonesia, a Bali nightclub bombing killed 202 people (18′). The US Congress authorized President George W. Bush to use military force in Iraq (12′). The resulting Iraq War has killed over 200,000 people, half of them civilians.

The last time Pluto was on Betelgeuse was in 1911. The Mexican Revolution started, lasting 35 years and killing over 2 million people (01′). Japan annexed Korea, starting 35 years of Japanese rule (11′). The Agadir Crisis began with the arrival of the German warship Panther in Morocco, escalating pre-WWI tensions (12′).

The last time the Sun and Moon were conjunct on Betelgeuse was the New Moon on 23 June 1993 (05′). Six days later the USA destroyed the Iraqi Intelligence Service headquarters in Baghdad with 24 cruise missiles, killing 8 civilians

The last time the Moon was on Betelgeuse while opposite the Sun was the Lunar Eclipse on 21 December 1991 (25′), the same day the USSR ceased to exist. Two weeks later Bosnian Serbs declared their own republic, leading the Bosnian War three months later which killed nearly 100,000 people.

Australia – Neptune conjunct Betelgeuse (08′).
Egypt – Sun conjunct Betelgeuse (43′).
Japan – Moon conjunct Betelgeuse (13′).
Iraq – Venus conjunct Betelgeuse (51′).
Taiwan – Pluto conjunct Betelgeuse (15′).


  1. e! Science News, 9 June 2010.
  2. Discover Magazine, 1 June 2010.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.55, 147.
  4. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.61.
  5. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.29.
  6. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.135.
  7. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.39.
  8. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211.
  9. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.92-94.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.