Sara Aldrete Horoscope

Sara AldreteA young girl from my Myspace forum recently asked for help regarding a dream she had about her Myspace friend. Turns out this friend in her dreams is Sara Aldrete, 20 years into a 68 year prison sentence for her role as Head Priestess in the horrific Matamoros cult murders of the late 1980’s. Sara claims she was brainwashed by cult leader Adolfo Constanzo and is hoping to gain her freedom. The forum member was convinced by other members to cease her friendship with Sara.

On researching this case, I was surprised to find absolutely nothing on the web about the astrology of Sara Aldrete, Adolfo Constanzo or the occult murders. Cases like this need to be studied, attempting to understand the darkest sides of human nature must surely be at least as worthy of our attention as astrologers as studying Hollywood airheads.

Fortunately we have an AA rated birth-time for Sara from astro databank. A stellium of Sun, Moon, Uranus and Pluto. Sara says she was brainwashed, but her Sun conjunct Pluto by just 0°20′ shows she has had the desire to be a leader in her own right. As second in command of the cult, she was in charge while Adolfo was running drugs into the US from Mexico. Sun conjunct Pluto is also extreme, like the blood rituals. But Pluto is also about evolution of the soul. It is possible she has transformed from one extreme to the other.

Sara Aldrete Horoscope

Sara Aldrete Horoscope

Interesting the fixed star this Sun Pluto conjunction is on does suggest that there are two ways of the energy manifesting. Mizar “is not helpful if conjunct with ‘bad’ planets. It is not wrong to assume that, besides these handicaps, artistic emanations can also be attributed to Mizar”. Sarah is an artist. Mizar also “Presages the death of a loved one.” Sara was arrested just after Adolfo was killed on 06 May 1989. The New Moon the day before trine her Sun, transiting Pluto sextile it, Saturn and Neptune in conjunction squared it.

Sara has a Yod configuration in her chart. Ceres and Black Moon Lilith are at the action point of this Yod aspect pattern. “Witchy” Lilith sounds nice enough but here we see the truly terrifying witch, black magic, child murders, dismembering, body parts in the big black pot.

Lilith is conjunct the Galactic Center by just 0°03′. According to Paul O. Hewit, the Galactic Center “is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration.” This powerful Lilith energy is further boosted by the Mars Jupiter sextile, and aspect of success and strength. Unfortunately the fixed stars on Mars and Jupiter are not pretty.

Mars is conjunct the fixed star Procyon, “With Mars: Cruelty, violence, scandal and slander, disgrace and ruin”. Jupiter on Algol, gives “misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.” Algol has also been associated with Lilith.

Sara Aldrete has fixed star Altair rising which gives hardiness, courage and generosity, but also“ makes its natives guilty of bloodshed”.

Neptune conjunct Midheaven is on the fixed star Zubenelgenubi. It causes malevolence, obstruction, an unforgiving character, violence, disease, lying, crime, disgrace, and danger of poison. With Neptune: Morose, melancholy, isolated, shrewd, cunning, evil use of occult powers and of poisons or drugs, cynical, dangerous, broods over some secret, peculiar death, often suicide.

Many people were born with these aspects and stars. I guess it was the fateful meeting with Adolfo on 30 July 1987, a few days after the New Moon on her DC that had the most to do with it. Adolfo had another High Priestess before Sara, her whereabouts is unknown.

I don’t think the religion will end with us, because it has a lot of people in it. They have found a temple in Monterrey that isn’t even related to us. It will continue. Sara Aldrete.