Hillary Clinton Horoscope

Hillary Clinton Horoscope

Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago on October 26, 1947. The time of 8:02 am for the Hillary Clinton horoscope is rated DD at astro databank, meaning the time is highly questionable. [1] Therefore, the position of the Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven cannot be taken seriously. As with the Donald Trump horoscope I take a politically unbiased approach to natal chart interpretation which is based only on fixed stars and aspects.

With no major aspects to Hillary’s Sun it becomes difficult to form a picture of her ego and will. The minor fixed star Princeps at 02 ♏ 24 suggests only that she has a clever and profound mind. Her private nature and personality should be even more difficult to determine without reliable positions for the Moon and Ascendant. This, however, is not the case because of potent fixed stars and a strongly aspected Mercury and Venus.

Hillary Clinton Horoscope Mercury

Hillary’s mind is much easier to describe with Mercury on a major fixed star and in a very tight aspect to Saturn. Also, Mercury is stationary retrograde which causes problems with her thinking and communication. It points to errors in judgement, wrong decisions and miscommunication that leads to complications, lying and cover ups. There are errors or misinformation associated with spoken and written words, quotes, speeches, statements, records and documents.

Mercury conjunct fixed star Unukalhai at 21 ♏ 19 gives bad morals and poisonous thoughts like jealousy and revenge. This star with Mercury brings dishonor, narrow escapes and accusations of forgery or theft of papers. South Node and possibly Ascendant conjunct this fixed star make it an extremely powerful influence in her life.

Mercury square Saturn with an orb of 0°05′ is the strongest aspect in her chart. It causes deficiencies in thinking and communication which leads to mistakes, errors in judgement and negative thinking. It subjects Hillary to criticism and scrutiny of every little detail in her words, written and spoken.

Any mistakes or deliberate lies will come back to bite her, especially with Mercury retrograde on the poisonous star Unukalhai. Negative thinking can be exacerbated by having to deal with too much responsibility.

Lack of self respect, and feelings of isolation and depression can lead to resentment and nastiness. Hillary has obviously worked though a lot of these heavy karmic issues to reach such a high position but she still suffers from being called untrustworthy and nasty.

Saturn comes under the influence of the minor fixed star Ras Elased Australis at 19 ♌ 58 in the Lion’s Head. It gives an appreciation for language and a power of expression, but also makes Hillary cruel and heartless. With the square to Mercury, I swear I can actually see her Lion face appear when she is getting nasty.

Hillary Clinton Horoscope

Hillary Clinton Astrology Chart

IF her actual birth time is 8:02 am, Mercury is conjunct an Ascendant of 22 ♏ 03. That makes a powerful communicator but square Saturn hard to trust and prone to bad decisions. Mercury rising trine Moon would soften her initial appearance and give influence over, and popularity with the public and women.

Hillary Clinton Horoscope Venus

Venus conjunct fixed star Zubenelgenubi at 14 ♏ 20 gives an unforgiving character, lying, crime and disgrace. Venus square Mars and Pluto suggests Hillary’s loving and affectionate side does little to tame her cruel and heartless mentality.

Venus square Mars and Venus square Pluto bring intense love-hate feelings in relationships. Any irritation can rapidly escalate to anger and temper tantrums. Hillary’s extremely intense feelings appear threatening to others. Her need to have total control results in manipulative behavior like jealousy, guilt tripping and possessiveness.

Mars conjunct Pluto gives a ruthless desire to achieve goals. Strength, passion and courage are Hillary’s strong points but an indomitable will and tendency toward manipulation bring powerful enemies and hinders success. If she does not get her own way through force, she will turn to coercion or manipulative or criminal actions. This dark and sinister side can be very dominating, rude, vulgar, nasty and even violent.

Mars and Pluto conjunct fixed star Acubens at 12 ♌ 54 causes lying and criminality, giving an unbalanced and jumpy nature, malevolence and poisoning. Acubens is associated with the “enforced use of applied intelligence when finding oneself in combat at someone else’s behest.” So she can rise to a high position by solving problems but is always acting on behalf of someone else hidden in the background.


The basics of the Hillary Clinton horoscope show a mean and nasty person who finds it difficult to actually like people or have fun. The aspects and fixed stars explain wht she has been accused of lying and criminal behavior. Her laugh and smile we see on TV are not natural:

As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident. [Daily Mail]

One final point of interest is her North Node conjunct fixed star Algol, Medusa’s Head. Donald Trump has Midheaven conjunct Algol which brings danger of assassination.

This article was first posted on November 29, 2012 after Hillary was hospitalized with a blood clot.

[1] Hillary Rodham Clinton, Astro Databank.