Jupiter Opposite Sun Transit

 Jupiter Opposite Sun TransitJupiter opposite Sun transit can be a time of confronting opposing forces to get what you want. Too much focus on accumulating possessions or money during this time could lead to moral bankruptcy. Taking more than you need will affect other people, and this could even cause some relationship difficulties. You may want too much materially and expect too much of a partner’s energy while not giving them enough in return.

Even if this Jupiter opposite Sun transit brings luck and material growth, you could be left unsatisfied unless you turn inwards for happiness or find fulfillment in the free things. This transit acts to promote a more philosophical and spiritual outlook. If you have been too optimistic or greedy in relationships, you may get signals that it is time to think more of the other person.

If you have been slack or lazy in any area of life, it might become apparent that you need to pick your act up here, too. Generally, though you should not expect serious problems from this transit, it is more of a turning point where you reflect on what you have and need to make you truly happy. Jupiter does rule travel, but in this case, it relates more to an inner journey leading to personal growth.

Jupiter Opposite Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Leo Decan 3March 11, 2021May 23, 2021
Virgo Decan 1May 5, 2021August 6, 2021
Leo Decan 3July 17, 2021January 3, 2022
Virgo Decan 1December 23, 2021February 16, 2022
Virgo Decan 2February 8, 2022March 30, 2022
Virgo Decan 3March 22, 2022May 16, 2022
Libra Decan 1May 5, 2022November 12, 2022
Virgo Decan 3October 18, 2022December 30, 2022
Libra Decan 1December 4, 2022February 24, 2023
Libra Decan 2February 15, 2023April 8, 2023
Libra Decan 3March 31, 2023May 20, 2023
Scorpio Decan 1May 12, 2023July 11, 2023
Scorpio Decan 2June 29, 2023November 14, 2023
Scorpio Decan 1October 30, 2023February 27, 2024
Scorpio Decan 2February 14, 2024April 17, 2024
Scorpio Decan 3April 8, 2024may 30, 2024
Sagittarius Decan 1May 21, 2024July 14, 2024
Sagittarius Decan 2July 4, 2024September 24, 2024
Sagittarius Decan 3August 31, 2024November 16, 2024
Sagittarius Decan 2October 23, 2024April 28, 2025
Sagittarius Decan 3April 18, 2025June 14, 2025

16 thoughts on “Jupiter Opposite Sun Transit

  1. Hi Jamie, I am a Scorpio Decan 1, I had my first “hit” in June 2011 and i had the most successful month in my career ever. This was recognised by our CEO and various other overseas management. I am currently in the second “hit” and on the exact day when the transit was exact I got a call from one of my overseas managers asking whether I would work in the UK office for a month which is obviously a follow on from the start on the recognition fron June. There is a lot of trade off though as I am giving up a holiday to do this.. thank you

  2. I am an Aries decan 2 with Pluto in Libra. Jupiter will oppose my sun in 2016, then it will conjunct natal Pluto.
    Should I expect sparks to fly ?

    • That is a powerful configuration but sparks are usually associated with Mars or Uranus. I know I’m getting technical here. How tight is the opposition?

      • 3 degrees orb, very tight
        Plus at the Jupiter conjunct Pluto, it will sextile natal Mars in Leo and Moon in Sag. Basically, I have a kite formation with Sun- Pluto as axis.any planet transiting Pluto makes powerful aspects,

        • Natal Pluto sextiles natal Mars, Moon and Neptune. Half sextile to Saturn and Uranus. Plus quincunx Mercury

            • Now I can see you are extremely sensitive to the current astrology with Saturn square Neptune in your chart linked to Mercury. Previous and upcoming eclipses all hitting this aspect pattern. I think it was the last 2 solar eclipses at 19 Virgo and Pisces, plus the September lunar eclipse at 23 Pisces.

        • I see, but 3 degrees still spreads out the two transits by about 3 or 4 weeks for a Jupiter transit, much longer for Pluto transits. This can actually be worse than having an exact aspect because then it all happens at once. In your case, the effects are spread out, or come as two separate events.

  3. Hi jamie, and thank you for this article. My birth : 23 march 79 at 9h55 in st germain en laye (france). Jupiter is going to opposite my sun and mercure. (Now good aspect with moon). I’m single and wondering if this opposition could be good for love. i’m wondering what will be the effets in my life, i hope love but it could be something else. Could you give me some of your lights? Thanks from France!

    • Based on eclipses I see why you think now is the time for true commitment.

      August 16 lunar eclipse conjunct Venus
      September 1 solar eclipse conjunct Saturn

      Jupiter opposite your Sun won’t do any harm but I never thought of it too much in terms of new relationships. But you are definitely going to meet your significant other soon. Saturn trine Uranus is nicely aspect your Venus over the next year:

      Saturn trine Venus transit
      Uranus sextile Venus transit

      Given the eclipses I would say in the next 6 months.

  4. Thanks for all you offer Jamie! I’m hoping this is good news. My natal sun is at 23 degrees 3rd decan in Cancer in the 2nd house. Natal Saturn is 26 degrees Capricorn in the 8th house. I’m experiencing my 2nd Saturn return as well as dealing with the Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter conjunction opposite my sun. Covid 19 and all the Canadian government restrictions as well as the stress that comes along with it all, are really affecting my job as an elementary school teacher as well as my health. Hoping the Pluto and Jupiter conjunction on Nov. 12th brings a bit of luck my way.

    • Hi everyone. I would like to try to have a baby but an astrologer friend advised me to wait for the Jupiter – Sun opposition transit to end because he told me that it is not a positive transit for pregnancy. What is your opinion on this? thanks to those who answer me

      • Hi Ally. There may be something to what your friend says. But I would not let that stop me trying to conceive. Let nature take it’s course!

  5. As a Libra Sun this transit has been extremely eye opening. I moved begrudgingly and am having marital challenges due to finances. This transit has opened both myself and my partner’s eyes tremendously of certain behaviors we were avoiding after being married a decade. Thank you, your insights always resonate well.

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