March 11, 2023, is a good astrology day because of two harmonious sextile aspects. Venus sextile Mars is followed six hours later by Mercury sextile Uranus. This combination suggests exciting social experiences and a willingness to engage more widely and with more different types of people.
March 11, 2023 Astrology
The Aspects
Venus sextile Mars is excellent for romance and socializing. The perfect blend of sexuality and affection makes you look and feel beautiful, ready to give and receive love and adoration. You can be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without appearing threatening.
A more outgoing and playful nature is ideal for dating. A new relationship would not be superficial but based on intense mutual attraction and chemistry. This is also a good time for creativity, self-promotion and initiating a pet project.
Mercury sextile Uranus brings curiosity, thought-provoking ideas and a kinky sense of humor. Open-mindedness and a lowering of inhibitions make you more sociable. You should be eager to meet new people and learn new things. Exciting news and stimulating conversations are likely.
Friendship is possible with someone unusual or from a different background than your own. Heightened senses and future-oriented thinking can lead to original and ingenious discoveries. More interaction and ideas are likely through siblings, children, your neighborhood, schools and the internet.
The Stars
Mercury conjunct fixed star Achernar at 15°37′ Pisces: These individuals accomplish many things. This creates an expansion of the psychic through the subconscious. They are always in communication with the spiritual realm. When asking a question of their spirit guides, the answer comes to them immediately. There is no waiting even though it may be a question from their own ego subconscious, or a question asked by another. The answers are given immediately. They can be psychics for the public or it can be used for their own benefit. There can be difficulty with earthbound and mundane matters so that they need someone who can take care of these functions for them. They generally seek out a partner who wants to be needed and who can take care of those earthly necessities for them. It is difficult for them to take care of their own physical needs and they require a partner who is more on the mundane level. (channeled) [1]
Achernar gives success in public office, beneficence, and religion. [2] Well placed, it promises happiness and success by giving good morals, faithful adherence to one’s religious beliefs, or a philosophical inclination. [3]
Constellation Eridanus The River gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and many changes, a position of authority, but danger of accidents, especially at sea and drowning. [2]
Venus conjunct fixed star Acamar at 23°35′ Aries: Acamar is similar to Achernar. Both these stars at the End of the River give a high degree of spiritual attunement [4] and success in public office or the church. [5]
March 11, 2023 Summary
Venus sextile Mars and Mercury sextile Uranus on March 11, 2023, is sociable, lively, stimulating and exciting. This combination will even encourage shy people to come out of their shells. It allows you to share your affections, passions and ideas more openly, with less restraint.
You should be more accepting of others and their eccentricities and be more willing to engage with people you might normally not mix with. So the March 11, 2023 astrology is excellent for making friends and starting a romance.
This is also a great time for learning, discussing and practicing religious, spiritual and occult subjects. Mercury sextile Uranus and the two stars in Eridanus promote psychic awareness.
You may see a glimpse of the future, and with Venus sextile Mars, perhaps a future lover. A sense of spiritual togetherness is also possible between friends and lovers. This could even include telepathy or other shared mystical experiences. These influences last from March 10 to 12 but are strongest on Saturday, March 11, 2023.
Venus sextile Mars
- Los Angeles – March 11, 7:04 am
- New York – March 11, 10:04 am
- London – March 11, 3:04 pm
- Delhi – March 11, 8:34 pm
- Sydney – March 12, 2:04 am
Mercury sextile Uranus
- Los Angeles – March 11, 1:04 pm
- New York – March 11, 4:04 pm
- London – March 11, 9:04 pm
- Delhi – March 12, 2:34 am
- Sydney – March 12, 8:04 am
- The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.164.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.44, 116.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.77.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.138.
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.61.
My Solar Return ♓️
With Pluto also on my south node I ran into a tug boat operator that was familiar with the Inlet I lived in so excited talk . Meanwhile my sons on way home from holiday as a movie is being made in his home and his oldest daughter 20 is handling that but not me my nerves would not like that.
Solar Return of WHO announce pandemic, March 11, 2020. Remember that one? The time stamp was noticed and scrutinized as having been derived from January 23, earlier in the year when the Moon was between Saturn and Pluto. Research the pages and find the willow branch. In hindsight was it as simple as the common natural remedy derived from the bark?
A rare double Golden Yod. As though this chart serves both a master and a mistress.
Lady and Gentleman of the jury, the Pandemic has been a long trial. The Solar Return shows an opposition, Uranus-Moon in mutual reception, Taurus-Scorpio. While you deliberate on the evidence, consider the Henge, an answer to the healing and dealing that provides an aid; Help us get through these trying times, on Earth as it is, in Heaven. Amen
Geez! My social circle has been totally unresponsive. So I’ve been making progress on tasks. Objects in space. Creative organization. Some really good solutions.
I expect hearing ‘are you okay?’ To which I will answer a simple yes, instead of ‘you’ve been unresponsive, i can’t carry this relationship by myself.’
Will see.
Time Stamp Moon
January 23, 2020. I remember this day fairly well. My younger brother and I had checked out a nearby river mid Island. It was flowing in a torrent after a month of winter snow, temperatures had risen. By late afternoon we were back to the “bat cave”, a large building van parked. Willow branches, collected from two trees with symbolic placements to January 11/12. Arranged in a dream catcher, peering in, and relating the reverse.
Later did I realise the Moon midpoint Saturn-Pluto, and the Ascendant-Midheaven symmetry to the natal chart. Later still the Venue sextile Jupiter, and Sun square Uranus. These two aspects, a rather big oomph to getting Pandemic relief money flowing March 11, funding liabilitist, coining equitist.
Follow the asset astrology. Thank you for reading this comment.
New Comet, creating a buzz, C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)
Not sure what the discovery date. It was caught by Palomar observatory December 12, 2022 and Purple Observatory, Nanjing January 9, 2023, then by Sutherland observatory Northern Cape, February 22. The release of its status to the media, February 27. It appears that the discovery is being shared by the Chinese and South Africans, 44 days apart, which places the midpoint at February 1, 2023, where that odd Comet what’s its name? Neanderthal, that morphed to Green, became an Angel and made the Sun flutter…. Your heart back to normal yet?
Composite Midpoint, Time Stamp Moon and WHO Pandemic announce, March 11, 2023 transits.
Time Stamp Moon chart brought closer to my actual location on January 23, 2020, and No seconds, only hours and minutes.
Orbs are opened to 44%, to show critical Asc quincunx Pluto aspect. Necessity of a Health Order.
Uranus is within 100% orb of Mid Heaven. Lottery players look for this.
Moon 4th Sagittarius. Moon is angular, square to Sun, angular 7th. Moon is stressed to Lunar Node axis. Deep foreboding with the unknown.
Venus 9th, a Spirit has appeared, it ‘s New, yet familiar, Aries.
Mars is the Zero Fool with Capricorn finances. Just barely within the margins, ie. In Bounds.
Mercury in the Libel Chill zone, mask up.
Jupiter sextile Neptune… a plate of Hors d’oeuvre’s for Jamie’s March 11 party.
Whoa! I think you are right. Fast and furious conversations.