Mars conjunct Saturn maximum orb 6°00′.
Mars conjunct Saturn natal gives a strong determination, enduring strength, courage and the capacity for hard work. However, suppressed anger and resentment are also possible. Your Mars desires, sexuality, and creativity can be positively influenced by Saturn’s discipline and strong work ethic. Yet the darker side of Saturn can also affect your desires.
Sexually, this can mean tremendous stamina and remaining sexually attractive and active later in life. It also allows for a sensible exploration and expression of the taboo sides of sexuality involving pleasure and pain, domination and submission. Traditionally, this aspect is said to cause frustration and difficulty expressing anger and even nastiness. However, looking at the charts of people with this aspect, the overwhelming theme is a healthy expression of the darker desires and sustained effort leading to prolific work in the career.
If Mars conjunct Saturn in the chart were harshly aspected or on a troublesome fixed star, then we might expect this aspect’s more heartless and malicious nature to be displayed. In this case, the key would be finding a positive outlet for the energy through creative endeavors, and Mars does represent goal-directed energy. Once a real passion in life is found, even if a bit dark, self-discipline and determination should ensure that the manifestation is positive and productive, not destructive to the self or others.
Christine Keeler (0°00′) was an English model and showgirl, and her affair with a conservative politician led to his downfall in the Profumo Affair of 1961. Mars’s sexuality combined with Saturn’s downfall.
David Lynch (0°00′) is an American filmmaker known for his violent and disturbing style termed “Lynchian.” Mars’s creativity combined with Saturn’s darkness is shown in Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Dune and Twin Peaks.
Dolly Parton (0°05′) shows this aspect’s steady and determined creativity. She is a prolific musician with countless hits and many arduous tours, a sustained effort over a lifetime.
Rosaleen Norton (0°06′) was the “Witch of Kings Cross” in Sydney, Australia. An occultist and artist, her paintings were often of demons. She was inspired by “the ‘night’ side of magic,” emphasizing darkness and studying the Qliphoth alongside forms of sex magic.
Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit
Mars conjunct Saturn transit can be quite variable in effect, and it can ignite your darkest desires or give you the stamina and patience to complete the most complex tasks. It provides enduring strength, courage and the capacity for hard work. However, suppressed anger and resentment are also possible.
Initially, this transit tends to make you angry, resentful, or revengeful. However, if you channel it early into hard physical work or a creative project, you transmute this energy into positive and productive achievements.
Taking the low road due to ignorance or laziness can lead to frustration and difficult situations. Going with the flow and not taking the initiative will allow frustration to build to a dangerous level. This destructive energy could then manifest as risky actions due to impatience.
On the other hand, this negative energy could manifest through another person’s destructive actions toward you, such as nastiness or violence.
This is not the right time to go to war as there is a danger when taking risks. Stay home, sharpen your knives, and work hard with patience and forethought. Use this determined energy constructively or creatively.
Mars Conjunct Saturn Celebrities
Christone Keeler 0°00′, David Lynch 0°00′, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia 0°05′, Dolly Parton 0°05′, Rosaleen Norton 0°06′, Mary Wilson 0°09′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 0°10′, Cedar Walton 0°14′, Pablo Escobar 0°18′, Grant Morrison 0°22′, Garth Brooks 0°24′, Nicky Arnstein 0°30′, Gary Shandling 0°32′, James Remar 0°33′, Charles Edward Stuart 0°38′, Sam Bankman-Fried 0°39′, Cindy Crawford 0°41′, Curt John Ducasse 0°45′, Paris Jackson 0°48′, Chris Farley 0°50′, Jennifer Jason Leigh 0°52′, Rachel Wade 0°54′, Bobby Womack 1°00′, Christina Grimmie 1°03′, J. Z. Knight 1°04′, Erin Sullivan 1°11′, Helen Duncan 1°12′, Margaret Mead 1°16′, Henry Winkler 1°20′, Zoe Lund 1°28′, Rihanna 1°48′, Jeff Bridges 1°53′, Liza Minnelli 1°54′.
Mars Conjunct Saturn Dates
4 April 2022
10 April 2024
19 April 2026
30 April 2028
16 May 2030
3 June 2032
Hi Marina,
Thankyou for your insight!
In this position, a star “Spi” -which I don´t know if it is Spicula (no, it lays somewhere else) or Spiculum (neither, it lays otherwise)- and I can´t figure it out.
Then, when Orcus and Ixion (natal in my chart) lay where Arcturus is, what would that mean?
Thanks again!
Spi is Spica: http://www.constellationsofwords.com/stars/Spica.html Also very fortunate.
24°01′ Libra – Spica
24°24′ Libra – Arcturus
24°49′ Libra – Mars conjunct Saturn
Hmmmm…. I might have to ramp up my wanting to get into photography with the Sun coming onto my MC. Even if it’s just an unpaid internship type thing. @.@
I have saturn/mars in my natal on Antares. (Part of a grand cross) Everything you said rang true for me. Even the dark, malicious type stuff. Though, I’ve certainly gotten a handle on that. 🙂 Now to record an audition, do some laundry, work out, and fix my iPhone before bed. Lol ^.^
Mars alone on Antares would be very rash but I think having Saturn there too is excellent and would help focus that intense energy. All the best with photography, be sure to post the results!
Saturn has been on my AC (24 Libra) for ages now, and is finally moving direct out of Libra. Not that it was an unfortunate experience at all, but with Mars moving out of the 12H as well, I am definitely feeling incredibly optimistic about my goals and pursuing a particular dream that I have. This same week, I will see Venus trine natal Moon/Venus, Venus conjunct natal Mars, Jupiter trine natal Saturn, as well as several other passionate and interesting formations, so it is sure to be an eventful week! I’m currently living spontaneously traveling alone around France and Europe volunteering on farms, so who knows what will happen next!
Both fixed stars resonate with me, throughout my life and especially at this moment in time. Spica is the grain of wheat in its constellation, and Arcturus is hard work following passions, rural pleasures, and learning through experience and mistakes. Both stars are optimistic.
I have Mercury and Venus at 24 Libra opposite Saturn 24 Aries. I was feeling pessimistic about this transit which is why I wanted to research Mars conjunct Saturn. Like you I know feel more optimistic but still trying to decide exactly what my goals are. I feel I need to make some important decision and take some action. I like your link to Arcturus and rural pursuits, sounds like you are living it out so well.
Yes! The most inspiring thought that I’ve had recently has been to have a dream in mind, and then focus on the steps leading up to it rather than the larger picture. It totally has Jupiter trine Saturn written all over it, along with house rulers, but I think it’s good advice for anody, especially those impacted by the current Mars/Saturn conjunction. Thanks for the response, I love your site!
I go on not reading who wrote what, even I am able now to well recognize you wrting wtyles. Sorry Jamie and thankyou!
(México is starting to play on the semifinals, soccer. Shame I have to go to work!).
Marina has been doing a lot more writing than me lately. Mexico 2, Japan 1 but not finished yet, good luck!
Now, facing Brazil will not be easy!
I really think Lula da Silva has done a wonderful job regarding socialization of knowledge (each one of the brazilians has the right to conserve legacy under a simple or complex museum… just think of what this means!).
Not always in the Biomass idea… cutting out the whole Amazonas ecosystem! (we, humans, are creazy, really!).
Well, we will see. But the Máquina Brasileira, are very strong (not so much lately). And we mexican loose confindence in some moments, in which would be useful to be strong!).
At the end, they ended Mexico 3 Japan 1 (too technical, less intuitive their way of playing).
Thankyou very much, Jamie! And I hope you are feeling better of your rx mars “gift” (so to say!).
I have Mars and Saturn conj natally both Retro in Cancer, 23 and 22 degrees, opposing my Sun at 23 Cap and have Jupiter in Libra at 26 degrees. Transit Mercury has been going back and forth over my 5 Leo Asc and Pluto 11 Leo
I’m so emotionally worn out, can’t believe it.
We are recent Facebook friends and I really enjoy your posts.
Kathy 01-13-46 Any tall bridges nearby? 😉
That’s a very strong T-square you have Kathy. Looks like Saturn has done it’s worst though square your Sun, Mars and Saturn. On Jupiter should be much better I would think.
I had a dream of of a women menitoning dark astrology so I googled it and came here. She was happy because she found out her mom who passed away praticed dark astrology and so did she. I recently found out my one of my ancestors praticed hoodoo which reminded me of the dream. I am Mars Conjunction Saturn 10°18. I woke up this morning saying I don’t like dominante/submissive play unless IN the bedroom, I guess partly admiting to myself. The previous day I googled creative outlet test since I’ve been on a sexual hiatus as I try to figure it out and I don’t know what to do with this energy! Ha.
In the bedroom seems to be the best place to play this out, then normal everyday life should be more balanced in the relationship.
Hi there. I’m not seasoned at understanding multiple astrological events simultaneously… or any for that matter. But maybe someone would be interested in offering some insight.
I have mars conjunct saturn, also conjunct pluto (at 25 degrees Libra). These are all conjunct my ascendant! They oppose my sun and square my moon. It seems to me that this is a pretty intense time for mars & saturn to conjunct and conjunct all that! Sorry if I sound like a real noob, but lately I feel as though everything is coming together for me. I was a bit worried because I’m still reeling from a lot of saturn and pluto restructuring. I don’t know how much more I can handle, but at the same time I’m certain I can handle anything. I’m willing!
I love the way you guys write, so I’d love your two cents or anyone else’s. Cheers!
Sounds like you will feel this conjunction more than anyone else. Should be excellent because you have those wonderful fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus at 24 Libra. Also I forgot to mention in this post that the new moon next week is sextile this conjunction, another thing in your favour. http://darkstarastrology.com/new-moon-august/
Thank-you! I’ll take some time to study this and prepare to make the most of it.
I think I will feel this strong as well Jamie. August 15 is my birthday.
Well this will be your solar return chart too, I’d be happy with that!
It feels things are going on with me too Christine. The young women have been very friendly of late. In my non-progressed S/R for this next year the Mars/Saturn conjunction is in my 9th house, with Jupiter in the 5th and thats not all, the Sun, Moon and Venus are in the 7th. I’m a little aprehensive, to say the least. I’ve been married and burned twice already and single for 13 years now and like things that way. I know what all that means alright enough but what I am having trouble figuring out is wheather to run and hide or not.
From only what you have said I tend to think there will be a change in the way people view you. Also notice all the planets that are retrograde and what house they are in and the meaning of the houses.
Retrograde is a good thing.
One thing is sure. There is about to be change in our lives.
Hello All!
This Libra is on ur site daily – love it!
I would actually like to know where I can get a copy of that goat (?) picture. Who’s the artist? I would love that as a poster!
Thanks for any info! =o)
Fohat by Rosaleen Norton (Mars conjunct Saturn) I mentioned in the celebrities. Check Google images for more of her work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fohat_by_Norton.jpg
how do you think this energy could play
out conjuncting natal lilth in the 6th?
Not sure. Marina is researching transits to Lilith at the moment for her book which should be out this year, hopefully.
My natal venus in 9. house (but also ruling 4+5 house)is conjuncted by saturn (3rd and final round during retrograde motion) and mars Aug 15. Is this significant?
Each transit on it’s own is significant but together it depends how far apart your Venus and Mars are.
Hi, i have Pluto in degree 29 of libra. does this conjuntion of mars-saturn in degree 24 afect it? as it seems is so close to make a conjuntion. By the way i also have mars-saturn conjuntion in scorpio in natal chart.
thank you
I think 5 degrees away is too far to have much of an affect, especially as Pluto is not so personal.
my sister has this scorpio/sat/conq mars, hers sqaures leo/pluto/jupiter no orb right on target, so there’s the double burden, work produces burdens,things are a lot of trouble…she and her husband live remotely, top a treacherious dirt road, clogged w/ snow, muddy or dusty given the season, cars don’t last due to accident as they both commute.
The biggest problem we have is w/ our mom. After the protective orbit of our older sister died my sister has tried, about once a year to have mom committed, sell her house, prevent hazard trees from being cut, other up-dating and lately tried to have the house gutted due to a non existent mold problem. mom spends summers with us and the rest of the time we rush into rescue. My sister tells people she has moms power of attorney, (we actually jointly share) signs her name to contracts All this is because they can’t wait to inherit as if money will ease burdens. I think this conjunction is about incarceration and I find my sister deceptive and dangerious but for a large part I’m not troubled, too mush aries/taurus/ gemini. I don’t confront her on anything but cancel contracts and wait for the next event. I used to be frightened, she remains unembarassed and presistent. (cap/sun) so i play defense. Mom for her part likes the attention. I’m more than tierd of my role as I have better things todo and am thinking of bailing as 9 years is a bit much.
Thanks for that Lucy, great to have personal stories like this to see how this aspect plays out ion real life.
Mars conj Saturn – Military. Blood, structure, karma, self discipline, restriction,
also inherided wealth, funerals, bereavement, social gain from death, I knew a woman who had it in her first house, she wanted to be an undertaker, a aforementioned family member likes to go to funerals, did the arrangements for my sisters memorial service, burial and funeral…like wise my dads.
The woman who had a first hs placement had a terrible childhood, badluck that continued after her marrage, shocking and newsworthy involving issue etc. son inherited lousey karma
My sister has this in Scorpio,too, trine Moon. Don’t know what house as Mum a bit vague about birth times! She soldiers on diligently, carries on with jobs like picking fruit long after the rest of us get bored, does a job she hates because of the pension…what with moon square Pluto as well, I guess any anger is very deeply buried as I have never seen her lose her temper and she is the kindest of anybody in the family. She did emigrate though.
Thanks Rachael. this temper thing is something I wondered about when researching famous people because you don’t really get the full personal story in the biographies.
I value this aspect in my own chart conjunct the Moon as well. It has also kept me incredibly grounded as a Pisces. I feel it has also been a blessing in childbirth. I gave birth to four very healthy children with no problems at all. They pretty much just popped out!
Saturn Mars – hexagonal structure in blood. Form and structure/karma = Saturn, Mars = blood. Blood is the magnetic stream in the body. Iron in blood is magnetic – conducts patterns of Saturn. Saturn currently has two hexagonal storms at its poles… the carbon atom has hexagonal structure so properties of the carbon atom, the basis for our current form are magnetised via iron and other blood properties (hematite, magnetite in tiny quantities) into our bloodstream.
The finest form of carbon is the diamond – the cutting of which reveals the light inside the stone. Cuts have improved over the ages with interments. The modern Ideal brilliant cut reveals the most light.
Saturn Mars – are you as brilliant as you can be??? Look to your structures and how you act on them in the present.
its a shame the artist of the demon named him Fohat –
Fohat is the name given by theosophists for the driving force of the universe.
“Fohat (Tibetan-Mongolian) {from Mon pho, fo buddha, buddhi] Cosmic life or vitality; in theosophy, bipolar cosmic vital electricity, equivalent to the light of the Logos, daiviprakriti, eros, the fiery whirlwind, etc. As the bridge between spirit and matter, fohat is the collectivity of intelligent forces through which cosmic ideation impresses itself upon substance, thus forming the various worlds of manifestation. In the manifested universe, it “is that Occult, electric, vital power, which, under the Will of the Creative Logos, unites and brings together all forms, giving them the first impulse which becomes in time law. . . . Fohat becomes the propelling force, the active Power which causes the One to become Two and Three . . . then Fohat is transformed into that force which brings together the elemental atoms and makes them aggregate and combine” (SD 1:109).
A bit funkier than a horned cliche!
The hexagonal storm on Saturn – with two Earths for size comparison. NOw thinking of hexagonal and the root hex…
Hexagonal structure in blood puts me in mind of C-reactive protein, a blood marker for inflammation and infection – it’s pentagonal
Great find! I have read that Mars actually rules the Iron in the blood, so Saturn structure with Mars makes perfect sense.
Oh Dear Jamie, I’m already feeling this energy and although doing best to calm, it is extremely challenging! The mars conj saturn is conjunct my natal asc, which means its squaring natal saturn and sextile natal nth node, mars and uranus. Meanwhile venus is conjunct natal merc which is being opposed by pluto and squared by uranus. BML is also conjunct my vertex and mercury is within a degree of my MC…..this to me screams hide lol…yet it doesnt look like that is likely somehow…sux to be a 0? cancer sun at the moment still there has to be a positive way for me to used it, its all about balance, remaining calm yet passionate and being different …..I also have asteroid karma conjunct natal h48 in 10th house….oooooh a coming out party (not sexual orientation) but revealing myself *she says trying to sound enthusiastic*? sheesh seems I am between crab shells so wheres a rock?
I’m finding it challenging too Debbie. Trying hard to keep calm and not get angry, but then I’m finding others around me getting angry.
what if these are in 10th house of natal chart?
Very career and goal focuses because 10th house is career and Mars Saturn also has a strong career focus.
my natal saturn is conj. mars at 15 libra, 4th house. so is this kind of my saturn conj mars return?? any clues about what this might mean?
oh and they were both conj pluto and square the sun in my natal chart too, if that’s relevant…
I have transiting Mars conjunct Natal Ascendant (in Libra), transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Ascendant (in Libra) and transiting Mars conjunct transiting Saturn. 3 transits going on right now … but I feel great. I don’t know why there is so much doom and gloom associated with these transits.
…. forgot to mention that the transits are all conjunct my Natal Pluto in 12th house Libra.
Effect of conjunction of Saturn and Mars on various signs/Rashi’s , see following link below.
I just cleaned an oven rack with steel wool during Mars conjunct Saturn, kept me out of trouble.
You are such a Virgo!!! Clearly you can take the heat and stay in the kitchen!!
I’m just so glad this transit is nearly over, only have Mars on my Mercury tonight then Saturn on my Mercury Saturday night. Lots of anger, frustration and arguments between all of us, the kids and with Marina. I know it’s this transit which is affecting not only me but the people around me. Bring on the new moon!
By the way, can you add the link to your crop circle websites, couldn’t find them on Google.
They’re not up yet! I’ll link as soon as they’re up.
This conjunction is on my natal Neptune where Arcuturus is… today I am lying around like a filleted mermaid. I cannot concentrate on anything and am just going to have a long sleep and see what I dream! Nothing seems real today…
I posted this again on our fb page not long ago and so many people are saying they had strange dreams last night.
This picture could have a Mars Saturn theme too, taken yesterday:
My case. Strange dream yesterday night: the apt. was freezing cold, though we were protected (I´m rigid but I protect). The Things in the room, like in the fifties (and I feel “avantgarde!… mh!). My daughter´s boss dressed like a gangster with ice hands shaking from and elegant car. My youngest brother telling a little girl that parents keep pistols & weapons due to security reasons. A butterfly comes flying like those flying fishes in the sea, that are quite venomus. I tried to tell my brother that a Butterfly is always a good otmen. And the butterfly turns in to a big bird (like the one in the Olympics, a Phoenix bird), saying: “now, revolution of clerges and church is to begin!.
I wake up!
Maybe Mars with Saturn is good for dream recall?
The only thing I can think of which would relate to dreams from this conjunction is that it is on the fixed star Arcturus, which Edgar Cayce said was “that center from which there may be the entrance into other realms of consciousness” Cayce on Arcturus.
This makes total sense! This conjunction takes place on my 12th house cusp sextile my midheavan. Decided to see either a therapist or a psychic. Unfortunately my insurance won’t cover a psychic. ;-P In either case, I’m going in.
Glad you found it useful, I love his writings on astrology. Must do a post on Arcturus some time too.
that is incredible. i had one of the strangest and more macabre dream i could ever had in long time. and surprisngly, or surprisingly not, i dreamt of the hair of my dead father. i took that hair and bring it home, where bekause of the bad small had to stook in the hole of the shower. maybe to hide it kause the smell started to horrid. this is just one part of the dream, so you can have an idea. but afterall it all made so mux sense, was a very simbolik dream for me. i still havent rekovered from the dead of my father, whix belive it or not was more than 10 years ago. :(. soething is going on insde me, and i am so happy all this transits are helping me to bring it out.
another part of the dream i also was with an exboyfriend, who i felt present but emotionally to away from me, and at the end was my mother telling me to get ride of those hairs. you could figure out the solitude that surrounded me in that dream. just trying to stik to a bunch of hairs from a cadaver. the only i had left from him was those hairs. or so that dream telled me. scary. i am writting so mux about it, work in in on it. thank you
Thanx for sharing this Aurua. Mars Saturn together would represent dad and karma, even hair is ruled by Saturn! Your word “macabre” is also very fitting, just what the London Dungeon was like for us yesterday in that pic above.
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for posting my blog link, I will post your link on my blog.
Thanks & Regards
well, I sure am glad today is over!!
Went to the doctor, and before I could say (about inflammation, funnily enough!!!) blood tests, manganese, magnesium, essential fatty acids, I was unceremoniously shut up and forced to go through a stupid, irrelevant rigmarole that tells nobody anything about anything. This idiot sat there with a conceited, self-satisfied look on his face during the process.
I didn’t quite slam the door as I left, but I certainly made my feelings felt. Very quietly. He blenched and I thought he was going to throw up with shock.
I have spent half the day composing my letter of complaint to the Practice Manager, cc the PCT.
Didn’t mention Mars/Saturn 🙂 in the letter.
Unfortunately doctors don’t study astrology these days, they always used to though.
True, Jamie.
They don’t study nutrition, either (sadly), unless they go on into Integrated Medicine.
Both are major omissions in the curriculum! – Maybe I should send them a copy of Gauquelin with the letter 🙂
Today’s conjunction fell into my 10th, so I expected fireworks at work, but all that happened there was that I was privy to gossip about two separate sets of professional animosity between colleagues. As befits Libra hosting this conjunction, I thought it best that I took no sides.
Now, after the day’s clashes, for some peaceful meditation time……
What do you think about Mars conjunct Uranus and Saturn at 0 degrees Capricorn on the 9th house cusp? They are opposite Chiron in the 3rd but trine Jupiter in the 12th in Aries. Interesting, no?
I have Mars, Saturn, Moon, Uranus all in conjunction
how do you interpret that combination?
i have mars and saturn conjuct in 6th house and sun in 3rd house these combition affect my marriage or carrer?
i have saturn and mars conjuct in libra sign and sun is in 3rd house in cancer sign plz tell me these combition would effect my marriage life???
My daughter has sun saturn mars ketu conjunction in 10th house Pisces. . She had a terrible accident head injury in mars sat period. She had men in invites thrice and seizures twice.. her education discontinued and she was humiliated by friends and teachers in the school.. now she is a loner she has started painting.. her venus s is vargottma in 12 house and jupitor in Sagittarius mercury in Aries
Meningitis and encephalitis
For an Aries ascendant, I have a mars saturn combo in the sixth house and venus in the twelfth house. Is that necessarily bad?
Only if it were a direct opposition, I don’t take notice of houses.
i have saturn-mars-venus conjunction in 10th house… and post meditation, i found that my theory of life is simple… i judge people with saturn, get angry upon the bad ones with mars, and become friends with the good with venus.
I have sun- saturn- mars- ketu conjunction in 2nd house of pisces, I wonder what does it mean
Same as above Green. The house position does not mean much and I’m unsure of what ketu would means there.
I have Mars Saturn conjunction in 7th house[aquarius], and the difference b/w the degrees of both the planets is less than 2 degrees.
Also my 7th house contains Mercury, Moon, and SUN.
5 planets in 7th house, I am leo rising, tough guy, strong body, with ego and pride.
Does my 7th house has become bad ???
I am about to start business which is related to partnerships, could i be harmed because of 7th house because 7th house is of partnerships and marriage ???
Archik, please don’t be influenced by Houses or even Signs. They are man made, artificial representations of the sky. It would be important if one of those planets were conjunct your Descendant by a few degrees. Much depends on the actual degree of your planets and which fixed star they fall on.
I will have transiting mars conj saturn, conjuncting my natal mars in dec, of 2018. Any suggestions on how to survive a double wammy?
That exact conjunct is tightly sextile Moon which will help take the edge off. By that time I should have completed writing all the transits.
i have aries mars conj picecs saturn in 10th and i don’t know why always my friend say i look heartless and strong
Any other aspects involved?
I have natal Saturn 2* scor 22′ and Mars 23* sag 6′ At this time those planets are not quite conjunct each of the other in transit, but awfully close. Do you have any thoughts on such transits when they are doubled? Do you know if they are going to be exact this year in either case? I won’t tell you what sort of summer I’m having and leave that for you to guess!
Hi Nancy, there is a list at the bottom of the post with dates for this conjunction.
Thanks for responding Jamie. I meant closer conjunctions to my natal planets. That’s OK tho. I looked at the transit locations for them and they are both close right now. I just thought it was odd that I had a double aspect for the same planets going on! Actually, triple effect since they will be conjunct themselves in August.
Do you mean you have Mars conjunct Saturn in your birth chart?
Lol! No! I have conjuct transits to my natal Mars and Saturn with Saturn and Mars respectively. But they aren’t tight. Orb of 9 for n.Saturn right now. But things are in motion in that direction.
I have combination like this in horoscope. Saturn and mars conjunction in 9th place, jupiter in 3rd place for aries lagna and chandra in aries lagna.
Mars is in 268 * 32 ‘ 36 ” degrees ( In siggatarius )
Saturn is in 268 * 24 ‘ 59 ” degress ( In siggatarius )
Jupiter is in 67 * 7 ‘ 27 ” degrees (In Gemini)
Also Mars and saturn combination is in vargottama in horoscope. Placed in same rasi in navamsa as in main chart.
How my mars and saturn dasha’s and there sub periods will be under main dasha’s?
Best to give me your birth data Pavan because I don’t understand these Vedic astrology terms.
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the reply. Below are my details:
dob: 01 -03 – 1990
Time: 9:30 AM
Place: Vijayawada (Andhaa Pradesh, India)
Very tight conjunction but on no fixed star and making no major aspect so exactly as the above description I would expect.
Jupiter conjunct fixed star Menkalinan is very fortunate.
The biggest thing in your astrology now is Saturn square Neptune 2016 hitting your Sun. My transits are accurate like Vedic because although I use the tropical zodiac I correct for precession.
Saturn square Sun transit
27 Dec 2015
10 Jul 2016 Rx
16 Sep 2016
Neptune conjunct Sun transit
01 Apr 2016’01 Sep 2016 Rx
02 Feb 2017
Hi, im worried since this conjunction will take place right on my 10 degree unaspected uranus in 5th, along with 6 degree south node. At the moment im still undergoing transit uranus over my natal 21 degree aries moon in 10th. I recently ended a relationship, and i have allways seen this crazy uranian energy of my chart made the worst of me, specially in relationships and creativity. I want to look at it like some kind of upheavel or way to be aware or work out this uranus energy. but i dont know how or if it will positive. How could i handle it once the conjunction takes place? im affraid i could wreck (as i did in my past teenage years when pluto transited this point) Thank you so much
On the positive side, the Pluto transit would have transformed this area of your chart/your life. Plus Uranus is a few degrees off your Moon so having little influence. To get a better idea you could look back at when Mars and Saturn alone have crossed your Uranus lately. I’m sure you will not feel it so personally as you have with Uranus on Moon, most likely the real cause of the breakup. Natal Uranus is not emotional at all but detached.
How would Mars and Saturn conjunction will affect me ?Please check
DOB 17/08/1971 TOB: 04 :00 hrs POB : Vidisha,India .Things will be improved finacially or worsen.
This is square your Mercury. Does not really affect finances but adds temper when bargaining. Re3search:
Saturn square Mercury transit
Mars square Mercury transit.
My daughter has this Mars and sat conjunction in 8th house in Scorpio lagna..in natal chart.Will this 1-8 relationship bw natal and transit will affect adversely? please guide.
I don’t use houses Nayonika.
Have this in my 2016 solar return. Mars and Saturn conjunct in Sag, trine natal Aries Sun.Hard work that pays off is the motto.Went back to school, graduated with honors and now working full time in a hospital. Without this aspect, I wouldn’t have the drive and determination to accomplish all that in less than a year
Hi Jamie I was born on 14th december, 10:10 am in 1973 in Chandigarh, India. I have a stressful marriage for almost 20 years now. Though life is not all that bad and there is plenty I am thankful for but feeling very suffocated with this neverending marital stress of late and wondering if it will ever get sorted out. Thanks for all your wonderful posts you deliver us with.
Mars conjunct Saturn transit triggers a highly sensitive area of your chart Kiran, Mercury conjunct Neptune. Although you are easily affected by negative energy, you have the ability to turn it into positive energy because your Mercury Neptune conjunction is at the midpoint of Jupiter trine Pluto.
January 2017 you will sort it all out with Jupiter sextile Sun transit Jan 19 plus Saturn conjunct Sun transit Jan 12.
It is very reassuring indeed, to get this prediction from you Jamie. Thank you appears to be a small word all of the sudden. God bless you.
I am born on August 24 1972. I wonder if the Mars Conjunct Saturn (in 9th house I have aries rising at 3 degrees) means anything significant for me? I think I have nept in sag at 3 degrees and jupiter at 28
A bit too far from your Neptune Lou. Closer to trine your Mercury at 13° Leo which is good but not too strong.
I have natal saturn at 12 degrees 39 I have natal Pluto on Regulus. At the time of Mars conjunct Saturn in Sag, it is close to my Saturn return (after it hit natal saturn going retro), and the Sun will be conjunct my natal Pluto and Regulus that day. So is it a good day to begin a new project (teaching about metaphysical beliefs –Sag?) or is it too dangerous for possible negative pushback by some one?
That sounds good to me Diane but the moon phases at that time are also important for starting new projects. See how the previous new moon on August 2 affects your chart.
Hi! This Mars/Saturn conjunction occurs on my Pluto/Uranus natal midpoint, in my 10th house. What do you suggest Jamie?
Hi Vicky. I don’t use midpoints but that’s not because they don’t work. For me, there is enough to keep learning about with transits to planets. You could learn more about midpoints at the Noel Tyl Forum.
Mars conjunct Saturn on my descendent Aug 24th. any thoughts? ?
Those things I wrote about the transit will apply to your partner but also any enemies you may have.
Mars conjunct saturn in LIBRA sign 6 house for Taurus ascendant in NAVAMSA CHART.. Please put some light on it.
I don’t use Signs or Houses.
thats cool, man.
And Venus in 7th house in Scorpio in NAVAMSA..
Find the degree and look up the list of fixed stars.
My daughter has Mars -Saturn conjuction 8th house,Mars being in ascendant and 6th lord for scorpio sign.Dob 06/05/2004,20:50hrs,Bhopal (M.P,India).Pls suggest positive and negative impacts both.Worried about her health and marriage aspects.Pls comment.
May 6 or June 5?
I have Mars conjunct Saturn in Cancer my 10th house
Cancer and 10th does not really say anything. Find the degree and see if there is a fixed star there.
Also it is the final big “push” of rebirth from the void just like the final push of natural childbirth, a mother powered by love or driven by fear, is the difference to what is manifested as the new gifted life, its all in the “sins”…pronounced “signs”, like in geometry, the occult and the alchemy of both 😉
Oh yews, or relieving constipation 🙂
When you say mars conjunct saturn transit, you mean someone who has mars transiting their natal saturn? Could you talk more about this current mars saturn square neptune aspect in the sky this week? Its already a doozy I can feel. Some say its the end of a cycle.
That’s right Barb, transiting planet to natal planet. I elaborate more on these aspects as they occur in moon phases.
“tendency to make you angry, resentful or revengeful.” Oh God, I’ll say!!! This normally kind caring Virgo feels this today. I had anxious dreams all night it seems and I wasn’t even in my own dream!! ????
Wow, I have never experienced that before and I have a really vivid dream life.
I have natal saturn at nine degrees sag conjunct juno mars at 13,15 sag conjunct uranus at 22 sag. Natal sun at 9 pisces and chiron at 9 gemini and ceres at 9 virgo. This has been one intense ride! Everything bottled up as pressure is going to transform in the next few weeks as i leave an abusive codpendent living situation and move out into my own place! Im expecting sparks to fly but another beautiful thing of mars/saturn natal is the ability to maintain composure and grace in abusive stressful situations. Thanks for your not so negative insight on the pairing, wish me luck. Heart of a scorpion indeed for this scorpio moon…. I will meditate on that
Sounds like good timing to me but good luck anyway!
My brother’s DOB is 01/01/1972, west Bengal, India….. He has got cancer, detected early this year….not going good…..can you pls say something about his future n health specially..
M. B.
Sorry to hear this Mala. Neptune rules health and he has a healing transit from Neptune this year:
Neptune sextile Sun transit from April 2016 to February 2017. I hope things work out for him.
Hi Sir, I am going thru very Tough Period in Business, ( DOB: 13-NOV-1967 ; Time: 10.45AM ; Place: Kannur, Kerala India, ( Latitude:11 : 51 : N / Longitude: 75 : 22 : E ), Pls guide
The last year has been especially hard because the September 2015 lunar eclipse and March 2016 lunar eclipse triggered a difficult opposition in your chart. The current eclipse will make you more hopeful about the future. Research these natal aspects:
Moon conjunct Saturn
Moon opposite Venus
Venus opposite Saturn
Thanks, The business problems ar e still going on and becoming more sever. Can you give your email ID to communicate one to one, I want a detailed analysis of my chart for 2016-17. kindly let me know your fees also. Thanks
Sorry Raju. I don’t do readings just these quick comments.
Hello Jamie. I was born 6.june.1978. at 13:30 in Ivanjica (Serbia). I have Saturn/Mars conjuction in Leo in my natal chart. Does this aspect affects my future partnerships? I am not married yet. Thank you in advance. Best Regards
i have mars conjuncts saturn in virgo asc
Hi Jamie,
Very interesting post. Out of curiousity what happens when your part of fortune is at 8 degress? how the conjunction with the fixed star and mars and saturn plays? And what about having Ceres at 8 degrees cancer ( so in opposition) ? Thanks!
Apparently former director of the FBI Comey has mars conjunct Saturn both in Capricorn. Saturn at 9 degree and Mars at 14 degrees. His memoir is being released this week when Saturn is now at 9 degrees Capricorn i.e. his second Saturn return.
Funny in your reactions you answered a few of my questions, thank you.
What if in composite it makes a grand square, mars (14° libra) in 9th house is close conjunct my natal saturn R (17° in 11th house) and progressed saturn R (15° in 10th house) in 9th house? Lilith in 11° and Pluto 20° libra.
His natal accendant is 18° aries opp my natal saturn.
His natal pluto is 15° libra 6th house conjunct sappho. (His progressed pluto is 17° in 5th house).
In composite: The grand square, pluto 20° in libra 9th house, sun 19° cancer conjunct asteroid nessus 20° opp venus in capricorn 19° in 12th house. The invisible leg is Asteroïd maniac 17° aries 3rd house.
Chiron 15° taurus in 4th house, conjunct my natal sun 13° taurus (7th house).
North node 21° leo in 7th house conjunct my natal mc.
What is here to be learned? Not to get married?
His natal nessus is conjunct aphrodite 14° cancer 4th house, my natal north node 15° cancer 9th house.
We met 22 years ago but i ended it because he lived in another country and had to go back to the army. Last year we met through FB and i kinda felt to end my relationship with my ex and start with him. I can go into detail of the heartache and shit ive been through but still its like i cant stay angery or so, i dunno. Normally i would dismiss people out of my life after what he has done.
Lost 2 babies of him, 3 one is on the way.
He lied to me, tried to hide a one night stand with his ex. Etc etc…
Other relative details, His venus 8° scorpio 7th house conjunct my ascendant 8°.
His neptune 15° saggitarius 8th house conjunct my anti-vertex.
Can you please help me?
My DOB 4 may 1982 20:25 pm helmond, netherlands.
His DOB 17 sept 1978 20:37 pm lisbon, portugal.
Paula White, Televangelist has that aspect, square Jupiter
Hi, this transit occurs during my birthday this year (03/31/2020) so it is a part of my solar return chart for the year ahead. It will be occurring in Aquarius in my 5th whole sign house but 4th placidus house. I don’t have any children but I am concerned about feeling frustrated, especially with regards to my joy and creativity. I was wondering if you had any additional advice or suggestions about dealing with this energy. Thanks!
Hahahaha, this is not the time for war. The US always implements war or war activities when Mars is conjunct Saturn. Last two times Trump bombed Syria. War on Iraq started when Mars was conjunct Saturn. Bwahahahha, not the time for war. WOW!
check out Ang Stoic on this aspect.
My goodness, we have Mars, Saturn,Jupiter and Pluto in a stellium..in Capricorn
Massive reversal.
Hi Gerald, can you please elaborate , thank you
If natal Saturn is in the 6th house and Mars is currently transiting 6th house, then I am assuming, at some point transiting Mars will conjunct natal Saturn in the 6th, perhaps twice since Mars will spend longer in the same house due to a retrograde this year.
What does that signify for the native? Is it likely to indicate a health crisis and trouble at work? Anything else with the 6th house in the picture? Thanks.
Hi Jamie, any advice on transiting Mars conjunct natal Saturn in the 6th house? Two “malefics” in the house of health and work has me a bit concerned.
Appreciate any insight!
Hello, Jamie!
I am so glad I came to your page today! Goodness, your finger is so defty ‘on it’ that it took my breath away. Today, I have Mars exactly conjunct Saturn. I have been on a mission for about 10 days now. And I have powered along, at first driven by anger and a ‘just you wait!’ purpose. I am determined to put an end to the small-time criminal activities of the group that has a strangle-hold on my residential company. Mine is an English circumstance, essentially not unlike the Australian strata-title one. But given that English property law is seriously peculiar, my circumstance involves a private company and a group lease. And I have to be able to contact the entire group, most of whom do not live on the premises, to be able to move against the small-time crims. As I expected, the crims are withholding those addresses. I can get them through the formal channels, but that will take time
I know that the crims have ways of frustrating my activities. That would normally annoy me, and I would kick up a stink. But not today. Instead, I have a card to play, and I shall play it with ice-cold calm.
Jamie, please tell me how you think my crim-busting project will work out — in my favour or theirs?
MY DOB: 19/03/1944.
you need better replies
transit mars natal saturn 25 gemini. i fell two feet off my bed with loud crash and got a bruise on the inner right arm ( fighting arm) crease
and frozen shoulder again ! Painful! It runs up to my neck issues and you know Maria Shriver just had her Reframing Aging running. !
So it’s Rx now and will go back SLOWLY til it turns on my Uranus in gemini 8 and somehow highlights saturn again i forget how but seven months😁? i m sure it’s over about saturn then forever. Figuratively if not literally. i m game to get things done but fate has intervened and lo the new moon lunar eclipse 2 degree scorpio was on my part of destiny
and high lighting my near by daughter in laws sun uranus conj. Hence it’s testy. i never expected my natal saturn would be so high lighted again at 78. So my arm took a hit again since 2000 s. Lungs well good thing i quit smoking 30 years ago. My progressed pluto muckraker moved into 4th home house and progressed leo sun crawled over it and now vesta with all those publicly versatile traits like porno prostitution sex problems purity guru workaholics secret societies protection safety credibility nuns nutrition exercise now sits atop pluto exacting in August and my identity and unfamiliar past to most is having a hay day for months and years of progressing . and that’s only me. 🥴
Yeah you’re pretty much dead.
Does transiting Mars Conjunct natal Saturn in the 6th house indicate illness? Thanks!
It could, or it might not. I’d pay special attention to your health if your 6th House is ruled by Mars or Capricorn in particular (Scorpio or Aquarius not so much). On the negative side, be careful about working with sharp objects or slips and falls. Breaking bones is a higher risk here, as is skin eruptions or other acute skin condition. On the positive side, this is great for putting into action any new health routines.
Another point: beware of overworking because excessive strain will harm your health.
Ellen DeGeneres i believe has mars saturn too and shes seems to be going thro a downfall due to her workers finding fault. But thats not transit. I found her hurtful.’ Her introductions seemed to resonate with an attitude i cared since my teens when i could not get on with my parents and became indifferent. I seemed to tune into her early in her career like some past life and ultimately had to tune out. Mars Direct is about to return to my natal saturn in gemini and i think i am feeling over covid or whatever caused the cough, sneezing and watery eyes for two years but i am being careful using mask staying out of crowds. Whats interesting is my very long term woman friend of astrology has her venus in gemini conjunct my saturn and she was born 1939. I dreamt i was riding with her and heard a sudden silence so looked over and her head was on the wheel. I told her i m never in a car with you again. Happy New Year peace and goodwill. chow
I have Mars conjunction Saturn in Capricorn both in 7th house. I am worried about my marriage life. Mars in Capricorn 10°38′ and Saturn in Capricorn 1°40 I also have Uranus in Capricorn 0°44′ ..Neptune in Capricorn 9°54′.
Mercury in Aquarius 9th house . Sun in pisces 9th house. Moon in scorpio 5th house, gemini ascendant. Jupiter and Venus both in Taurus 11th house. Pluto in scorpio 5th house, Lilith in Leo 5th house.
Trine Moon 2°04′ 70
Sun Trine Pluto 6°23′ 33
Sun Conjunction N Node 4°24′ 201
Sun Conjunction X MC 0°15′ 390
Moon Square Mercury 0°36′ -77
Moon Conjunction Pluto 8°28′ 46 Moon Square Lilith 1°44′ -32
Moon Trine N Node 2°20′ 28
Moon Trine X MC 1°49′ 35
Mercury Oppositio Lilith 1°08′ -140
Mercury Trine I ASC 5°41′ 23
Venus Trine Mars 7°34′ 14
Venus Conjunction Jupiter 2°57′ 507
Venus Trine Saturn 1°24′ 204
Venus Trine Uranus 2°20′ 106
Venus Trine Neptune 6°50′ 20
Mars Conjunction Saturn 8°57′ 25
Mars Conjunction Uranus 9°53′ 5
Mars Conjunction Neptune 0°44′ 386
Mars Sextile Pluto 1°48′ 175
Jupiter Trine Saturn 1°34′ 109
Jupiter Trine Uranus 0°38′ 74
Jupiter Trine Lilith 7°30′ 3
Jupiter Sextile I ASC 2°57′ 41
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 0°56′ 381
Saturn Conjunction Neptune 8°14′ 64
Saturn Opposition I ASC 4°31′ -60
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 9°10′ 17
Uranus Opposition I ASC 3°35′ -36
Neptune Sextile Pluto 2°31′ 45
Pluto Trine X MC 6°39′ 3
Lilith Sextile I ASC 4°33′ 0
Hi Jamie, I have Mars conjunct Saturn 9°38′. This appears on most charts and reports as a conjunction but I used a different website yesterday to make a chart that showed (and to my surprise) no conjunction as I think they only consider a conjunction under 8°. Your explanation above says maximum orb 6°. At the angle I have, can I really consider I have Mars conjunct Saturn? On another note, Saturn is conjunct fixed star Zuben Elgenubi… not a good one for Saturn I think.
Transiting Mars/Saturn conjunct Sun 15:40 Pisces? Any ideas?
Thank you.
What does it mean if it is in close conjunction to north node ?
Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces last occurred on March 14, 1994. at 5° 18′