Pluto Trine Sun Transit

Pluto Trine Sun Transit

Pluto trine Sun transit is probably the best of the long-term influences in astrology. Pluto’s positive power, intensity, endurance, and passion become a part of everyday life, giving you tremendous personal power and influence.

The extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels means you can significantly advance in all areas of life. People will be drawn to your strong presence and charisma, and there is no bad karma in taking advantage of this because essential and influential people will genuinely want to team up with you for win-win situations.

There is also nothing wrong with being proud and self-obsessed during this transit. You will likely have more influence over others and will use it wisely. This period is a high point, so you may as well make the most of it.

You can expect to make significant and lasting changes in your life as the trine from Pluto brings out the transforming qualities of this planet. Business, career, and finances should all go well, and you may be handsomely rewarded for seemingly little effort. In love relations, your magnetism and vital self-assurance will attract the goodies.

Pluto Trine Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Taurus & Virgo Decan 2January 2013December 2018
Taurus & Virgo Decan 3February 2018November 2024
Gemini & Libra Decan 1March 2023November 2030
Gemini & Libra Decan 2March 2029September 2037
Gemini & Libra Decan 3February 2036January 2044
Cancer & Scorpio Decan 1March 2043December 2051
Cancer & Scorpio Decan 2April 2050January 2060
Cancer & Scorpio Decan 3April 2058February 2068

25 thoughts on “Pluto Trine Sun Transit

  1. Hello Jamie, how big an orb do you use for pluto transits?

    my sun is 2’50 virgo, sextile 3’41 scorpio mars and 2’41 cancer MC and i’ve definitely experience tremendous changes & transformation in the passing years.

    having neptune opposing my 25’58 leo moon at the same time, has made it a bit difficult to realise which transit has which effect, but i’ve certainly experience quite a load:-)

    best wishes, Mads

    • Hi Mads, I think with the Sun, Moon and AC I’d use at least 3 degrees, especially applying. Pluto trines my Moon in 2013 and I’m sure I’ve started to feel it at 4 degrees away.

  2. Jamie –

    Does the transit of Pluto trine Sun “trump” the transit of Pluto trine Pluto? I ask because I’m an Aquarius with 5 planets in Aq. and Pluto in Virgo.

    For Aquarians, Pluto is semi-sextile our Suns but, for those of us born in the 60’s, Pluto is trine our Pluto.

    (I hope this question isn’t too “in the weeds” for you.)

    • Not too many weeds in these transit discussions Aquarius40. You would definitely feel any transit stronger to your Sun than to your Pluto. The Sun, Moon, AC, then the inner planets are more important in our charts, the further you go out then the weaker the natal affect. This is why you use smaller orbs for the outers.

  3. both my kids are Taurus decan 1….while our finances aren’t that good right now, I’d that this transit has helped them view things in perspective regarding the lack of material luxuries that they were accustomed to. they are, however, have gained a lot of success in school, and have gained the support of teachers and friends.

    my eldest have been thinking a lot about her future and have been talking to me about various careers and possible educational paths she can pursue (she’s only in 8th grade!). needless to say, she’s gaining a lot of maturity during this transit. my son is not showing this yet but I’m sure he’ll come around soon.

    • That’s wonderful to see in our children, isn’t it? They actually do grow up!
      I am also a Taurus decan 1 (April 21, 1963) and I have been filling contract jobs with an energy company for the past 2 years. I think I have probably applied to (not exaggerating) at least 100 jobs that are permanent, and I have yet to be successful! I get interviews, and every time the human resource managers tell me that the interview is excellent, I never seem to land the position for myself. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m more than eager to have the tables turn in my favor. I guess I just wait… If anyone has any ideas about what’s happening I would love to hear thoughts on it.

  4. How would transiting Pluto (Capricorn) 11th house conjunct natal Mars in 11th house cap and Tr Pluto trine Natal Sun in 7th house Virgo play out?

  5. Jamie,
    After the last few years I’ve had Ill take whatever I can get. The last 5 years have been a disaster when it comes to relationships and finances for me.
    DOB Sept 3rd 1961

    Lookout world…here I come!


  6. Hey, as a 2nd Virgo with Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Lilith, Mean Node all in 9th House in Virgo should I be extra glad for the Pluto Trine Sun transit?

  7. I was born on May 2nd 1987 and this rings true. The job I currently have I kind of fell into but have been starting to feel pressure to move on with my life and discover what will truly make me happy..or maybe its just that I am getting older!

  8. Hi Jamie,
    Great post! I just found this site. I believe I am under this transit right now. I am born Sept. 7, 1979 and my sun is at 15 Virgo. Would I be under this transit until about 2015? Thank you

    • Decan 3 will receive a triple trine from Capricorn as besides Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter will be there in conjunction. I just wonder about the effect of two “malefic planets” sending a trine to one’s Sun. Fortunately Jupiter will be there but only during 2020. Then after, the double trine to Virgo and Taurus will continue… by the malificent. I hope only goodness may result from that situation.

  9. I have this transit coming up next year, born May 8 1992. I’m ready for the rebirth, especially the success. Glad it’s after the Mars and Saturn opposition.

  10. huge question: i guess pluto will go direct at 18deg cap soon .my natal pluto is 18 virgo ,my sun 18 taurus…will this somehow make an earth trine ? good ? or more stress ?

  11. I will have the sextile to my sun. Ineed empowerment. What the orb applying . ? Orbs seem so vague. The trine i loved. Also, have neptune trine saturn and jupiter. Same time. Cheers. The trine is great.

  12. Transiting Pluto is next year conjunct my natal saturn at 29 Capricorn in the 7th, opposite my ASC and trine exactly to my sun at 29 taurus. Jupiter will also join in, then conjunct my natal Jupiter a 7 degrees Aquarius opposite natal moon and mars at 7 Leo, square natal neptune at 9 scorpio. Im not looking forward to this at all. The trine to the sun looks ok, but the rest looks to intense. Any thoughts on this?

  13. I had Pluto trine Sun transit for the last year. I would say my health improved after a few bad years. My business grew slightly, but I noticed more praise and positive feedback about my readings and website articles. So that was an ego boost.

    Apart from my articles reaching people somewhat, I did not notice any greater personal power or influence over others. I became the victim of an abuse of power with my real estate agent evicting me. I may fight back at a later stage but just rolled with the punches for the time being to focus on the basics, like moving to another house.

    At home, I seemed to have the same amount of influence over my wife and kids; little to zero. But for many years, I have consciously avoided trying to influence others. I let them make their own choices and then offer help if they want it. I do advise against dumb or dangerous ideas, though. After some tragedies, mistakes and failed relationships, I decided not to use my power to influence other people one way or another.

    But this morning, 17 days after my final Pluto trine Sun transit, I had a revelation in the shower. I also have Neptune trine Neptune transit, Uranus trine Jupiter transit and Uranus trine Ascendant transit. Shorter term, there was Sun trine Moon transit within that hour.

    I had the realization that I should now use my power to influence my family members, as well as others, with the aim of improving my family’s life. But only in cases where I know I am right. And that decision is based on experience and astrology. It does take a level of self-confidence and ego, which I must now have. Or perhaps self-belief and a belief that my influence will do no harm and hopefully some good.

  14. I have a revelation Jamie, Pluto trine Sun, progressed composite chart, showing a double grand square – emblematic octagon, and an hour glass pattern. Sun looks very good here. Valuable connections to a variety of outer planets and centaur.

  15. It will take a few years before Pluto actually trines my Sun in Gemini. Sun is at 8 degrees Gemini. After the Sun there is also the Moon at 15 degrees Gemini and Venus at 20 degrees Gemini. So not from January 2024.

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