Saturn Opposite Saturn Transit

Saturn Opposite Saturn Transit

Saturn opposite Saturn transit is a period of reassessment and restructuring that occurs at ages 15, 44 and 74. Also termed the Saturn Opposition, it is often a challenging turning point in life because the opposition aspect is similar to Saturn. Both make things slow and cold and cause blockage, restrictions, delay, rigidity, repression, hardship, standstill and crystallization.

However, the opposition also provides inner strength, endurance and protection, while Saturn provides patience, discipline, and stability. So, if you have been responsible and hard-working over recent years, your Saturn Opposition may bring achievement and recognition. This is especially so if your natal Saturn is well-aspected.

Whatever the case, circumstances will encourage you to slow down, reexamine your long-term goals and prepare for a new seven-year cycle, so patience is essential. The most critical areas of your life are being tested to ensure their soundness.

If your career, relationships or home life is causing stress, serious decisions may be necessary to realign yourself with your karmic path. The further you have strayed from that path or the more irresponsible you have been, the greater the stress and challenges will be.

Age 15

Saturn opposite Saturn transit at age 15 represents the beginning of adulthood with mistakes and lessons. Puberty is almost complete, and you may begin your first job or serious relationship. You want to be treated as an adult but may be frustrated by limitations and delays. Responsibility is the major theme, and confrontation with authority figures will likely occur as you test your limits. You also start thinking more seriously about your long-term goals and career path.

Age 44

Your second Saturn Opposition at age 44 is the most significant because it means you are getting old.

Scientists have found that human beings age at a molecular level in two accelerated bursts – first at the age of 44, and then again at 60. [CNN]

Neglecting your health over many years can lead to illness now. A poor diet, laziness or addiction will catch up with you. You may feel sorrow, guilt or frustration, but it is time to learn from your mistakes, let go of bad habits and restructure your life.

Saturn rewards hard work. So, if you have looked after yourself and made healthy life choices, you will have some protection against disease. You will also have the energy and motivation to handle the challenges of this major transition.

Facing the consequences of your actions over the last 7, 14 or 30 years is the major theme of this transit, and it applies to all areas of life, not just your physical health.

Your relationships with your partner, family and colleagues may be tested regarding strength, dependability or loyalty. This especially applies to people you feel some responsibility for, have shared responsibilities with, or are your superiors. Relationships strained over recent years may end or be subject to restructuring.

This is also a period of reassessment of your career, long-term goals, reputation and public profile. If you are on the right path for your soul, love your work and have been hard-working, this will likely be a high point regarding professional success and status. Promotion, more responsibility, a role as a leader or mentor, or even a comfortable early retirement is possible.

Loss of employment, an unsatisfying career, financial debt or frustration due to an inability to achieve long-term goals are signs that you should reconsider your career choices and other major objectives. Drawing a line under the past and letting go of outdated ambitions does not have to be seen as a failure.

Setting a new course with more achievable and realistic goals can remove restrictions and relieve you of a heavy burden. Your options could include more education or training, refinancing or bankruptcy, or more education or training.

Relocation is another possibility, as Saturn opposite Saturn transit can also affect your physical home. You may need to move, renovate, repair, downsize or even buy your first home.

Whatever the case, self-discipline, hard work and patience are needed as you overcome challenges, remove barriers to progress, and strengthen or rebuild your foundations for future stability and security.

Age 74

Congratulations on getting this far; you are now old. Your final Saturn Opposition brings reflection and memories, as well as practical issues and serious decisions about your future. If you are still working, it is time to consider slowing down and handing over responsibility.

It is time to get your affairs in order, like your will and funeral arrangements. Plan how you want to spend your remaining years. Your living arrangements and level of assistance may need reassessment, and material possessions may need to be organized or passed down.