Uranus Trine Sun Transit

Uranus Trine Sun TransitUranus trine Sun transit allows you to make big changes in your life without the disruption that significant changes often bring. As this transit approaches, you should feel the anticipation and excitement building, sensing better things on the horizon.

Uranus rules higher awareness, and the Sun is your conscious self, so you should easily envision a more positive and progressive future for yourself. Creativity and the willingness to experience new things and meet different or unusual people are also heightened.

These stimulating changes in your life and inner excitement will mean you can express a more bubbly personality. You are more open and less inhibited, and you can be more comfortable and even proud of being a bit weird. You may also study things that you thought were once too out there, like astrology or other occult fields.

New and exciting is the theme on the relationship front, and there will be more significant opportunities to meet more people from more varied backgrounds. Even a relationship with a long-term partner can benefit from your experimental and more open-minded desires.

Uranus Trine Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Virgo & Capricorn Decan 1May 2018April 2021
Virgo & Capricorn Decan 2July 2020March 2022
Virgo & Capricorn Decan 3May 2023April 2026
Libra & Aquarius Decan 1July 2025May 2028
Libra & Aquarius Decan 2May 2028April 2031
Libra & Aquarius Decan 3July 2030May 2033
Scorpio & Pisces Decan1August 2032June 2035
Scorpio & Pisces Decan 2September 2034July 2037
Scorpio & Pisces Decan 3July 2037May 2040

11 thoughts on “Uranus Trine Sun Transit

  1. Hi Jamie.. my D.O.B is 20 August 1983 (Leo Decan 3), From last one year my company has finalised by transfer to other country but for some issues or the other the same is not happening? Do you think that the same would be finalised this year and when?

    OR do you think I should start looking for a new job? I want to take transfer to other country, it is possible?

    When this trine would have a favourable impact

    • I would remain patient because Uranus trine Sun transit will bring on the positive change easier from June 2017 to March 2018.

      • Thank you Jamie…
        sorry to bother you… you don’t forsee something happening in December or early 2016?

          • Thank you Jamie for your response…. Lets hope this transit brings some positive change… I feel really frustrated and helpless as things are stuck and you are not able to control…

            Your positive response give some respite…

  2. How to interpret transit uranus trine my decan ( august, 16 leo 3) but opposite my ascendant decan ( 27 degrees 25, libra decan 3) until 2019? Such a long time and such conflicting effects? I am confused.

    • Uranus trine your Sun does not last as long as Uranus trine your decan, depending on the degree of your Sun. I use a one degree orb for transits so you have Uranus trine Sun transit for about 9 months:
      18 Jun 2014
      25 Aug 2014 Rx
      30 Mar 2015

      Uranus opposite AC transit:
      11 Jun 2017
      27 Sep 2017 Rx
      30 Mar 2018

  3. Thank you, Do you mean 18 June 2016 in your above comment as opposed to 2014? My sun is at 23 deg 16′ in Leo – aug 16- and AS at 27 deg 25′ in Libra, Thanks – is this a dangerous time to invest in a new business / website I am building?

    • Yes, my mistake.

      Uranus trine Sun transit Jun 2016 to Apr 2017
      Saturn trine Sun transit Jan 2017 to Nov 2017

      Very safe for starting a website business because of Saturn trine Uranus. Uranus rules technology and Saturn brings security.

  4. Can you look at My chart and tell me lucky days/transits?
    Dob 9/24/1977
    11:11 pm
    Houston Missouri USA

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