Venus sextile Pluto maximum orb 3°00′.
Venus sextile Pluto natal makes you passionate about love and the things that you love. Whether it be another person, a hobby, or anything else, you will become deeply involved in whatever you love. Love, giving, and receiving love are so important to you that your life would be meaningless without them. In other words, your life revolves around love.
When I say you are passionate about love, you feel it deeply, enveloping you; you can even define yourself through strong relationships or your love of something. This is an overall positive influence and positively affects your relationships.
The term “love to death” may apply to you, but you will find nearly everyone would love to be loved by you. Even if it sometimes appears you become too intense or come on too strong, it would only be because you are so concerned about a particular issue. For example, you may become pushy if you think your partner is in danger.
Friendships are most important to you. You are incredibly loyal and committed and expect the same in return. But even you will realize that it would be a rare person who could match you for the level of devotion you give to another.
You should enjoy popularity due to intense subconscious attraction felt by others. There is a dark and mysterious nature to your beauty that others find spellbinding. In the bedroom, you may explore taboo areas of sexuality or be inclined to experiment with your sexuality or get a thrill out of affairs.
You may be attracted to dark and mysterious types, sometimes even dangerous sexual partners. Even so, such relationships will be safe and fulfilling and should not endanger your social standing or public profile. Privacy may be necessary to you, and you are good at maintaining secrets regarding relationships.
You can be devastated when a relationship ends. But you also have strong recuperative powers when it comes to love. Entering a new relationship will be like a personal transformation, positive. You may find that over time, the depth of your love of nature evolves to even greater depths and takes on a more spiritual feel.
Money will also be necessary for your life. You should be at least comfortable and can put much effort into always having enough in the bank to make yourself comfortable. You may be born into money or marry someone wealthy. Even from humble beginnings, you will strive to improve your finances. Having enough to spend on luxury like the latest fashion is essential to your sense of self. Above all, you will judge your value mainly on the amount of love in your life, in your relationships.
Venus Sextile Pluto Transit
Venus sextile Pluto transit deepens your love to an intense level. Companionship becomes more critical as you long to share the love with someone special. If single, you may become obsessed with someone and not be able to get them out of your mind. Any new romance now would be a whirlwind experience and significantly change your life. If new love is impossible, hanging around friends or mixing in a group will meet your need to share and care.
An existing relationship can evolve to a more profound or spiritual level. You would be more “into” sex than usual and may experiment with taboo areas of sexuality. Affairs are also possible, and secret romances may start under this transit. With all relationships, whether love relationships or not, superficiality will not satisfy you. You long to experience friendship or love at a more feeling level.
Privacy may be of concern under this influence. You may have reason to keep a relationship secret or want to uncover some secrets, and both options are favored. With love relationships, in particular, you will leave no stone unturned to discover the true feelings of the other person, perhaps even your true feelings.
Venus Sextile Pluto Celebrities
Charles III 0°10′, Ernie Dingo 0°10′, Tessa Thompson 0°12′, David B. Feinberg 0°12′, Stewart Granger 0°20′, Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll 0°25′, Jean-Claude van Itallie 0°28′, Lauren Hutton 0°29′, Harold Wilson 0°32′, Meg Ryan 0°32′, Charles Evan Hughes 0°35′, Julian Amery 0°36′, Tío Camuñas 0°37′, John Coltrane 0°42′, A. Frank Glahn 0°43′, Bill Clinton 0°44′, Marc Bolan 0°46′, Larry Christiansen 0°48′, Paul Claudel 0°55′, Althea Flynt 0°55′, Lou Doillon 0°56′, Cara Cunningham 0°57′, Jeremy Renner 0°58′, Peter Ustinov 1°03′, Julie Newmar 1°06′, Teri Hatcher 1°10′, Philip Johnson 1°13′, Nostradamus 1°14′ (DD), Brigitte Lahaie 1°17′, Donald Maclean 1°17′, Maureen O’Hara 1°17′, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 1°28′, Karl Marx 1°33′, Tyga 1°36′, Tracy Austin 1°38′, Marie de’ Medici 1°41′.
Venus Sextile Pluto Dates
February 7, 2025
March 21, 2025
May 6, 2025
December 2, 2025
March 10, 2026
January 11, 2027
April 25, 2027
November 5, 2027
More great insight, Jamie.
Thank you!
You will not be surprised to hear that, once again, I did not win the lottery on Wednesday. I am far, far too trusting and slow to learn (I have Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th and an 8th House Chiron). If I had won the lottery on Wednesday, I would have planned to give all of my winnings trustingly over to my son, John. My son has his natal Pluto exactly conjunct my Progressed IC, Sun and Venus. He’s Mr Control Freak, afraid to let go of a very disfunctional family history.
Bit by bit, I’ve been learning. Today I just got home from the little store by the shore of Lake Tahoe where I live. This time I bought two tickets with identical numbers. The winnings will be divided equally. One ticket is for me. The other ticket is for Annalakshmi on the Swan, a restaurant in Perth, Australia, which is run by a Hindu spiritual group. They perform traditional Indian dance and music and serve Indian vegetarian food. Their policy is “eat as you like; pay as you feel.” There is no set charge for a meal at Annalakshmi. People pay whatever they feel like paying.
There is no boss at Annalakshmi. There is no work schedule. Group members come to serve at Annalakshmi when they feel like it. Their guru died several years ago, but still the group holds together. Members of the group see their guru in dreams and receive messages from him.
I did volunteer work at Annalakshmi between March and November of 2009. The group sort of took me under its wing. I didn’t really understand what I was doing there. Over time, I began to comprehend a bit about how the group worked. I stayed overnight and slept at the restaurant sometimes. I realize now that the guru was working with me while I was alone at the restaurant at night.
Several years ago, I had the intuition that my son, John, would spend time at Annalakshmi, learning to cook and dance in the traditional Indian way. He needs a family to take him under their wing, the way the group did with me. (I had my Chiron Return at Annalakshmi). Now, I am seeing this vision quite clearly again. It is a healing that is needed.
The people at Annalakshmi aren’t perfect. They aren’t saints. But they have an enduring faith in the power and value of love.
I’m Double Skorpion with Pluto/Psyche 10° VIR and Neptune-ASC-*VENUS*-Mercury 11°-15° SCO. And my SP Mars is 16° CAP, trining my natal TAU Moon.
So…where’s my money?
There is a quarter moon today at 16.18 Capricorn. Let us know how this week goes for you Vallin.
Hi Jamie,
This sounds great ! How will this blend with Mars activating again the eclipse of 16 Sept? In my case the eclipse was making an opposition (not exact) with natal Saturn and it was also activating a Venus opposition Saturn opposition (not exact) in terms of synastry.
Would it bring a positive emotional /money/ estate change?
Early next week…is intense for me…to say the least. Pretty stressed about an emerging situation.
I have transiting Mercury 7th about to exactly sextile my venus 5th which is almost conjunct transiting Pluto…
Transiting venus is in the 7th will also be in aspect to above…passionate.
Both transiting mercury and venus Pisces 7th are opposite my Pluto 1st. I worry I cannot hide feelings from someone.
Both transiting mercury and venus will also conjunct my mars 7th! I feel overwhelmed, sensitive, in love. I’m having my Chiron return now – conjunct natal mars.
Transiting mars in my 4th will square planets in the 7th! The only consolation is mars now sextile my sun 6th.
To make it more impossible transiting Jupiter is almost conjunct my Neptune 3rd, and in trine to me mars 7th, and sextile to my Pluto/ uranus 1st!
The Sun is approaching Neptune in my 7th, which is square my IC, MC.
Since last year – venus retrograde – Ive been in denial over falling for an intelligent and assertive man older than me, outside of my fractured partnership (who I have admitted honestly I wished to break from) but withheld my emotion from the person I feel for. I know they are aware I’m avoiding admitting it. It’s killing me. Every week I see him, I’m so aloof /shy. Everyone has to witness the chemistry and our our awkward exchange.
Oh and transiting Saturn and lillith are square my own saturn 7th/8th. I’ve been aware Ive need find courage to end marriage for years – been trying to seperate last year or so – but complicated as I’m a parent – so to change and organise my life smoothly and this has arrived – and I cannot lie – but surely at this time it is seriously unwise to let out what I feel to someone Ive know, and adore barely a year? He wants truth, but I want to just to slow things down…
Any advice appreciated!
Jamie, I found your article on the October 5th, 2017 FullMoon a big help understanding what we may face at this time wrt relationships. The one with Venus and Mars in conjunction at 18°Virgo, where we go very deep in analyzing partnerships. My initial impression was how a person with personal Virgo energy points, such as a Virgo Rising sign may experience hightened intensity during this Venus/Mars cycle..
Stares. Hits ❌ for doubt. Cancel culture wins.