Status Update on Comments

left-elbowGreetings everyone, especially all you newcomers since I last posted a status update. Astrology King has grown a lot over the last year with the monthly and yearly horoscopes ranking high on the search engines. The amount of comments lately has really stunned me and this is the main reason for posting this update.

For those who don’t yet know me so well, you can read my biography. I have a number of ongoing health concerns so every now and again I do get behind with my work. I’m in the middle of one of those forced breaks from work due to some minor surgery last Friday.

I am not going to get behind on writing horoscopes this time. Instead, I won’t be answering as many comments I have been lately. I actual really enjoy the discussions here so will try my best to catch up once the April horoscopes have been posted.

The image above is of my left elbow. My hand and fingers had lost strength over the last two years and the muscle between my thumb and index finger had wasted away. The medical term is ulnar nerve entrapment, a similar conditions to carpal tunnel syndrome. It was probably caused by resting my left elbow for long periods on the hard arm rest of my computer chair.

Transiting Chiron is opposite my Jupiter. The previous solar eclipse was conjunct my Jupiter. This week’s solar eclipse is opposite my Jupiter. Perhaps this is a repercussion of all the growth my business has enjoyed from working at the computer over the last six month. Asteroid Hygeia was exactly conjunct my Sun on the day of the surgery.

Once again, thank you everyone for all your support and encouragement. Best wishes, Jamie.


78 thoughts on “Status Update on Comments

  1. Hi Jaimie, I’m so sorry you’re undergoing such health crisis. Know that I’m naturally wishing you a speedy recover. But perhaps the short following tale will make you smile.

    Last year, around Oct or Nov. I reached out in despair about love and work. You told me things will temporarily get better a bit in Dec but to look for Feb and Mar for major changes.

    Lol well patience was never a virtue I possessed. But trials and tribulations have taught me anything worthwhile takes time. In short, life is starting to show signs of possibly turning around. I didn’t want to say anything at first in case I jinx it or incur evil eye or jealousy on the board. But I wanted to brighten your day and let you know that your words did help. So thank you.

  2. Rest up, sorry to hear about the difficulties. Maybe a dictation software (there are some free ones) and then doing light edits on the comp will help?

  3. Wishing you optimum results and a speedy and complete recovery!

  4. the big ouch! Been there with surgery-recovery is most important-take care! You are the Pro-You know your own chart-this phase will hopefully be short!

  5. Get well soon. Thank you for doing this blog and helping those of us in need of guidance and direction 🙂

  6. Thank you for answering all my questions, hope you feel better soon! Makes me feel silly now asking about my little cold in relation to astrology ha! This sounds so painful I’m sorry! This solar eclipse is also conjunct Lena Dunham’s Jupiter and she had to get emergency surgery today, wonder if there’s a connection? Thank you for the update and take your time in your healing process!

  7. I hope you have a good recovery, but I do not want to be confronted with images of surgical scars when I open an article. Please consider your recipients. Cancelling my subscription.

  8. Valerie – have a heart. Seriously. He posted it so that we can understand what’s on his plate and more importantly be cognizant that the world doesn’t revolve around us. Good gawd. Have some empathy.

  9. Speedy recovery Jamie! Lovely stitch-work you’re showing-off there 🙂
    Valerie sweetheart – do lighten up!!

  10. Wow! I am supposed to have this surgery myself on my left elbow. Part of my fingers are numb from the nerve entrapment. I have been putting it off, because I was concerned about the surgery. Jamie, you will have to let me know if it helped you. Good luck in your recovery and I hope all goes well.

    • Definitely worth it Lynn. The strength came back immediately. Still some tingling but it can take a number of months to heal properly. Going back to see the surgeon in a couple of weeks.

      • Thanks for letting me know. I have been putting it off for some time, but my arm and hand are getting weaker. So, I am going to have to cowgirl up and get it taken care of.

        Hope the tingling goes away soon. Take care.

  11. Hi Jamie

    I’ve read that Astaxanthin (Astazan Lifestream in Aus) has been beneficial for carpel tunnel in some cases. It’s pretty good stuff- I take it everyday.
    Hope the arm heals quickly for you, rest up and take it easy. Thank you for all you do.

  12. Thank you for all your advice and guidance. Best of luck to you. Maybe you can use a dictation service during your recovery so you don’t get too far behind with all the requests for your valuable knowledge. It’s a thought.
    Good Luck and speedy recovery!

  13. Rest typically means rest. Not another way to fit in work in the meanwhile.

    • I wish my Gemini boyfriend would get this. He’s Sun-Mars, Mars Antares, Aries Venus, Cap Moon. Doing a Horary question for his new job now. He thinks he’s going to lose it, and lose it!

      0.21 Aries Rising? As in, this is just getting started! Uranus in the 1st? the outcome sure to be unexpected. Push will come to shove, whatever your first response, he usually does the opposite. Cap Moon’s and Scorpio Moon’s first response is always doom. It’s a Mars ruled chart, and for the most part, neutrally aspected and has a separating 4 Mercury, all wide and in approach by the rest. This means struggling to be heard, hard to get around. But dynamic communications for better or worse.

      Mars is also Trine to the Ascendant and being the ruler of the chart is Mars this makes for good omen..

      A tight quintile to Jupiter= luck with what your driving at. Tight semi-square to Pluto = a little rage. Square is big rage. Jupiter sits in the 6th = work blessed by Luck, conjunct the North Node, increasing the luck. As time goes on, with routine work and co- workers. The less ego that’s involved with Virgo, the smoother things go. Jupiter is in Virgo and the 6th makes it’s powers doubled.

      Jupiter is Retrograde, making for a internal display of luck, most people won’t see it. But it will be there.
      Jupiter in Virgo in super tight trine to Pluto in the 10th house = Powerful Luck with the 6th, routine and career 10th.
      Pluto is also trine to the North Node, Increase in Power and Recognition.

      This is no doubt a tough chart, but most of the action is hidden in the 12th which from a Horary question standpoint, makes these planets neither plus or minus.

  14. Thanks for the update, Jamie. Over the years your articles have spoken to me as if they were a private reading, and I’m pleased you enjoy comments by your readers. In that your words helped heal my spirit, I am praying for your speedy recovery — and expect my prayers to be answered! (heh heh.) Get well soon.

  15. Prayers been sent towards you Jamie, many thanks to you, you’ve been ill and working so badly.
    Wishing you all the best you deserve to be healthy and well for you are one of the big Astrologers nowadays.
    Take care for yourself and get well soon.
    Best regards .

  16. Jamie, I wish you a speedy recovery and many thanks for your comments and knowledge

  17. Really not surprised it’s grown over the past year. Your posts are honest, insightful and helpful and the web format is simple and clean. Recover well and fast! Keep doing what you’re doing.

  18. Dear Jamie get well soon God bless u and thanks for your post love and lots of blessing from India

  19. Godspeed Jamie…your commitment to your work is admirable and greatly appreciated. Many blessings! Thank YOU!

  20. Love your site. Read it often
    Sending you healing energy
    Knowing you will be well

  21. I wish you good heath and a speedy recovery!!
    I send you healing & positive thoughts.
    Surely you will be put on our healing list and in our prayers.
    Take care of yourself and God Bless!

  22. minor surgery jamie ? yikes , still it looks like a nice job take plenty of vit c it is the Uranus of vitamins …bloody awesome stuff mate get the sodium ascorbate powder mix it with a little water then add lecithin powder it too mixed in water and then put it in an ultrasonic aka jewellery cleaning thingy ma jig …hey presto you have made potent liposomal vit c that gets strait to the nucleus of each and every cell straight to the mitochondria ….bit like a million volts up yer jacksi but alot let less painful … do I know how brilliant this is .well from direct experience of course…since I last commented I have been givien my dance card for a trip round the floor with the Spanish Dancer ( rhyming slang)! .. and five biopsies later … all is well …
    Obviously I have done my research on liposomal vit c … and at the very very least I believe concurrs with the adage ‘ first do no harm ” otherwise I wouldn’t be sharing it on a public forum … trust me moon 18 pisces, hygeia 18 pisces , juno 20 pisces and you know the rest … good luck

  23. Jamie,, it’s not just you, these energies are flying all over the place! I have never gotten so many minor injuries in a weeks span. Let’s see, I scratched my thigh AND shin with saftey pin that came out of some clothing, working it’s way into the wash cloth in the washer. Something bit me over the weekend on my arm, I broke my new phone’s glass screen riding my bike, and my left ankle is acting a little stabby. Get well soon!

  24. Wishing you a healthy recovery at the speed that’s best and safe for you! Michelle

  25. Hi Jamie, I’m not sure if any repair is possible to your hand as I don’t know the whole complexities of it. But I may suggest reiki? I think it’s wonderful. Reiki really healed my heart chakra, even in just one session. I have Venus Square Saturn and I remember you replying in a comment to someone that you have the opposition. It causes a lot of heart ache!

    Anyway, I’m really happy for you that you’re finally receiving some Jupiter luck, with your business doing so well! Great news! I read about your sufferings throughout your life on your bio page – I too, have suffered a lot in my life. I hope that in the near future my luck will also improve. I’m a Scorpio and apparently it’s a good year for Scorpio’s – business, wealth etc. Sending love, hope and warm wishes to you. All the best. Katie 🙂

    • I’m Venus Opp Saturn too, can we all just cry right now… lol In Vedic it said Venus in the 8th has the least conveniance’s..sooo little, I even have a hard time spelling it… But at least it’s exalted, I always feel like I’m finding the love of my life. Each one always feels bigger, safer and more stable.

  26. Hello Jamie,
    Wow, that’s going to be one amazing scar! I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you.
    Have been exploring your site and there’s a LOT I’d like to read. Take care of yourself and get well soon!
    With gratitude, Sunny

  27. Consider looking into a B6 deficiency as it relates to carpal tunnel, as well as zinc supplementation in case you might be copper toxic? If you haven’t done so already.
    Thank you for the free horoscopes.

  28. yi jin jing.. doesn’t mention what you do nowadays but i found computers really tear you up if you don’t maintain your upper body, put arms above head. i use a little 5×7 wacom tablet for a pointer instead of a mouse, which i can set in my lap et c. take to park, except ants like to crawl inside and stay there, i swear i had one that lived inside it for a fortnight. for health, make chinese friends.

    hadn’t seen your bio before, you’re at your leisure of course to reply or not to my “consultation”, obviously i already have a dizzyingly rich experiential palette to ponder 🙂 oz is a good life.

  29. I’m new at your site and just found out about your health status. Sending healing vibes. You do such great service to others. Good karma back to you.

  30. I wish you all the best with your recovery!!
    May you use the restful time to heal and recharge energy :).
    I am so happy for you when I read that Astrology King has grown a lot over the last year. Congratulations for the great result of your amazing work!

    Looking forward to read your post and horoscopes once you feel better.

    P.S: I am always surprised when I find that we have planets on similar degrees as well as interesting planetary interaction between our charts: “Transiting Chiron is opposite my Jupiter. The previous solar eclipse was conjunct my Jupiter”. That was the same for me (plus a trine to natal Chiron on 10th). I am still waiting to see how it will unfold but so far I have noticed an increase in people/ friends coming to me for emotional or work related healing/ support …

    Keep calm and recover soon!!

  31. Hear hear! I echo the earlier sentiments of the other posters. Best of wishes to you!

  32. You’re the best Jamie, wishing you a speedy and amazing recovery!!!! Your posts are life-changing I’m sure all of us are happy you are recuperating well, we can wait until you’re 100% for comment response easy. Much love -C

  33. Thanks for all the lovely support everyone. I am now up to date on my posts and horoscopes. Am slowly catching up on comments, now up to March 4.

    The wound has healed nicely now but still a bit sore inside. Didn’t realize there were stitches inside as well. Happy Easter!

    • Great to hear that the wound is healing well! 🙂 Healing can be a magical and miraculous process! There’s a lot of energy out there, whether it’s coming from the universe or spirits or both! I think that things are going to be on the up for you now.

      • Yes, I feel optimistic, thanks. I’m up to comments on March 10 now. Wondering if I’m catching up at all!

        • You’re doing a lot! It’s kind enough of you to even reply to comments. Not many astrologers even provide this service. You can only do what you can do with your time. You’re not a shrink and like you’ve said in comments before, you’re not a “genie.” People can’t expect too much from you. Your 3 kids are your priority and I hope that people understand that if they’ve read your bio. All the best with writing your articles and finding the time to reply to so many comments!

    • Dear Jamie, I’m pressing ads here because I am a pensioner and this is how I like you to be paid….but back to tonight : how is your relationship going ? Also….. how is your health ? “Thanks for your groovy accurate site, Kind Regards, Anne

      • Really good thanks Anne. We are trying to be patient as we save for visas, thank God for Skype. Just had my 5 year checkup and I’m cancer free so I could not be happier. Thank you so much for your support.

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