Fixed Star Asterion

Asterion at 17°42′ Virgo has an orb of 1°20′
Fixed Star Asterion

Canes Venatici Constellation [Stellarium]

Fixed star Asterion, Beta Canum Venaticorum, is a single star situated in the Hunting Dogs, Canes Venatici constellation. Magnitude 4.25, spectral type G0 V.

Asterion (Ἀστερίων) means Starry in Greek. Chara (χαρά) means Joy in Greek. Chara originally applied to the “southern dog” but it is now the official name for β Canum Venaticorum.

In 2006, astronomer Margaret Turnbull labeled Beta CVn as the top stellar system candidate to search for extraterrestrial life forms. [1] This is because its spectral type G0 V is very similar to the Suns (G2 V).


Asterion Astrology

Fixed star Asterion has the same Saturn-Venus qualities as Cor Caroli and Copula, which can signify great respect given to the individual for services well given. [2]

SPECTRAL CLASS G: Basically, the yellow group is fortunate for success, material matters, careers, leadership ability, the ability to conquer, mental keenness, a demanding person, one who is thoughtful, serious person, brings on melancholy, one who is a hard worker, a determined person, an adventurer, a private person, a rise followed by a fall, one who is enduring, a sincere person, a self centered person, causes self destruction and possibly violence. [3]

Constellation Canes Venatici

Canes Venatici gives a love of hunting and a penetrating mind, making those born under it faithful, keen, clever and fond of speculation. [4]

Beta Canum Venaticorum, Chara

Beta Canum Venaticorum, Chara [Wikisky]

Asterion Star Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Asterion: Salma Hayek 0°11′ (and Pluto), Jeff Bridges 0°23′, Richard Nixon 0°54′, Andrea Bocelli 1°03′ (and Mercury), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1°29′.

Midheaven conjunct Asterion: John Wayne Gacy 0°51′.

Descendant conjunct Asterion: Billie Eilish 0°24′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Asterion: Imelda Marcos 0°14′, Robert Downey Jr. 1°04′, Dua Lipa 1°19′.

Sun conjunct Asterion: Ivan The Terrible 0°05′.

Moon conjunct Asterion: J. P. Morgan 0°15′, Marquis de Sade 0°24′, Jamison Twins 0°36′, John F. Kennedy 0°38′.

Mercury conjunct Asterion: Andrea Bocelli 0°28′ (and AC), Robert De Niro 1°13′.

Venus conjunct Asterion: Roger Federer 0°14′, Kamala Harris 0°41′, Dolores O’Riordan 1°09′. 

Mars conjunct Asterion: Clarence Thomas 0°09′, David Koresh 0°29′, Jenna Ortega 0°59′. 

Jupiter conjunct Asterion: Patch Adams 0°52′.

Saturn conjunct Asterion: Charles de Gaulle 0°08′, Caitlyn Jenner 0°53′, Max Götze 0°56′, Richard Branson 1°11′, Bernadette Brady 1°14′.

Uranus conjunct Asterion: Charles Ponzi 0°34′, Pablo Picasso 0°57′, Halle Berry 1°00′ (and Pluto), Charles II of England 1°16′.

Neptune conjunct Asterion: Bill Cosby 0°07′, Warren Beatty 0°08′, Woody Allen 0°08′, Jack Nicholson 0°21′, Morgan Freeman 0°39′, Bruce McLaren 1°23′.

Pluto conjunct Asterion: Halle Berry 0°03′ (and Uranus), Salma Hayek 0°41′ (and AC). 

North Node conjunct Asterion: Stormy Daniels 0°11′, Cecilia Bartoli 1°24′, Sean Penn 1°29′.

South Node conjunct Asterion: Conor McGregor 0°42′, William S. Burroughs 1°13′.


  1. Stars searched for extraterrestrials,, February 19, 2006.
  2. The Living Stars, Dr Eric Morse, 1988, p.51.
  3. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.246.
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.34.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

9 thoughts on “Fixed Star Asterion

  1. Interesting. This is conjunct the sun, moon and jupiter in my natal chart, and i’d like to believe all the good qualities for sure, but is the ‘love of hunting’ metaphoric? I don’t eat other animals and have a problem with those who hunt as a ‘hobby,’ but in other aspects of life, i do go after what i want. And again hounds are protective of what they love.
    I hope this was helpful(ish) feedback.

    • His writing sounds like it is literal but i would expect that for more evolved souls it would be metaphoric. Depends of course, what if you were selected for an episode of Survivor? Could you survive in the wild by catching your own food?

    • Asterion Conjunt my Mars. I also dont eat animals. Hunting is just searching determinedly for someone or something which I feel like is my whole life purpose sometimes, add that with mercury in Sag and I be searching determinedly for far away ideas. My mind is crazy and it influences my action to the point that I go out on expeditions in the mountains and shit searching for answers to life lol

  2. Interesting! This one conjuncts my natal Jupiter and is close enough to my Juno in Virgo the sign of service 😉

  3. It is exactly on my Descendant, so am I drawn to people who show me respect? Certainly, I know I don’t suffer fools gladly!.

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