Asteroid Merlin – Warrior Priest


Asteroid Merlin is named after the wizard of Authurian Legend. That story is fictional and has become more and more removed from the historical Merlin over the years. The historical Merlin was born about AD 540 somewhere around northern Wales and southern Scotland, and his name was Myrddin Wyllt.

He was the adviser to the pagan king Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio. In AD 573 Myrddin watched his king being slaughtered, along with all his troops at the hands of the Christian king Riderch I in the Battle of Arfderydd (modern day Arthuret).

From the poems in the The Black Book of Carmarthen (AD 1250) we learn that the experience of witnessing the devastating defeat of his side in this battle, the death of his king who he advised, sent Myrddin mad. Consumed by guilt, he fled into the Caledonian Forest of Scotland, to fend for himself where his only friends were the animals.

From his madness and isolation, Myrddin developed the ability to prophesy, even foretelling his own death by “falling, stabbing, and drowning”. This was fulfilled when a gang of jeering shepherds drove him off a cliff, where he was impaled on a stake left by fishermen, and died with his head below water [1]. Like other druids, Myrddin used astrology to assist in his role as adviser and prophet.

Jupiter shall abandon its preordained paths, and Venus desert its appointed circuits. The malice of the planet Saturn will pour down like rain, killing mortal men as though with a curved sickle. The twelve mansions of the stars will weep to see their inmates transgress so. [2]

Asteroid Merlin Astrology

Asteroid Merlin should therefore represent the suffering of some personal disaster which leads altered states of consciousness through drugs and or psychotic breaks. Feelings of guilt for being responsible for the disaster, not advising correctly, not foreseeing what was to come. Looking for answers and discovering truths in occult knowledge, and perfecting the skills to then master the role of adviser and prophet through some medium such as Tarot, astrology or clairvoyance..

Find Asteroid Merlin in Your Chart

1. Create your chart HERE.
2. Choose “Extended Chart Selection”.
3. In “additional asteroids or hypothetical planets”, add 2598.


1. Stobo Kirk: a guide to the building and its history. Seymour, Camilla & Randall, John. 2007, p.9.
2. – Merlin’s Prophesies.