Mars Trine Neptune April 19, 2025

Mars Trine Neptune Transit

Mars trine Neptune maximum orb 4°30′.

Mars trine Neptune natal makes you sophisticated, sexy, creative, and passionate about fighting for worthy causes. You can effectively motivate people without being forceful or bossy. This ability to attract a following stems from your non-threatening approach, magnetic attractiveness, and spiritual courage.

Your passionate drive and creativity suit a career in music, acting, or any physical arts. Dance, singing, and sculpture would allow you to express your excellent sense of rhythm and smooth style.

This aspect gives a tendency to fight for the underdog, so political or social activism would appeal to you. This spiritual and moral urge to serve selflessly makes you a very charitable and caring individual. There would be a natural inclination to participate in large groups with shared spiritual or philanthropic goals.

Your faith is strong, but you may not necessarily be religious. Less structured and more new-age forms of spiritual belief and practice would suit you, anything from astrology to vegetarianism.

Although you have a strong fighting spirit, physical aggression would be distasteful. But you would not back down if you, a loved one, or even your cause were threatened. You are more likely to win any spiritual or psychic battles through acts of kindness.

A steamy sensuality makes you highly attractive, and you should have no trouble attracting genuine partners. Like you, they should be honest and genuinely compassionate people. There is a certain mystique or ethereal nature to your sexuality that can make you very popular.

Mars Trine Neptune Transit

Mars trine Neptune transit stimulates sensuality, creativity, and community spirit. You will enjoy strong magnetic attractiveness and sultry charm, making this an ideal time for romance. Sexual encounters will be intensely compassionate, tender, and spiritual. You will likely attract a less aggressive, more spiritually inclined partner if you date.

Though not a high-energy transit, you should be motivated to express your creativity and a good sense of rhythm through dance, music, sculpture, and other physical, creative outlets. You may also be strongly urged to engage in religious or more spiritual activities, particularly involving groups of people. This would be an excellent time to learn more about how astrology affects your life and the world, and you are more in touch with the subtle vibrational energies influencing our lives.

This is not aggressive energy, but you can draw on strong spiritual courage and a fighting spirit to defend yourself and your loved ones. You can win battles now more through acts of kindness than attacking others. You should feel motivated to stand up for the underdog and downtrodden of the world. This is an excellent transit to become actively involved in charitable or human rights causes and groups. Your desire to save people, animals, or the environment is based on strong moral and ethical convictions.

Mars Trine Neptune Celebrities

Crystal Gale 0°02′, Bobby Fischer 0°04′, Julian McMahon 0°04′, Louisa May Alcott 0°05′, Maria von Trapp 0°07′, Audrey Tang 0°07′, Marjoe Gortner 0°09′, King Louis XVII 0°09′, Russell Brand 0°10′, Mary MacArthur 0°12′, William Hague 0°14′, Thomas Mann 0°19′, Karl Schwarzchild 0°21′, Angelina Jolie 0°22′, David Berkowitz 0°22′, Henri Rousseau 0°29′, Henry VI of England 0°31′, Joel Coen 0°31′, Mickey Rooney 0°32′, Jimmy Page 0°37′, Fromental Halevy 0°53′, Joe Frazier 0°58′, Jim Eisenreich 0°59′, Melville Davisson Post 0°59′, Paul Keating 1°01′, Allan Kardec 1°07′, Jawaharlal Nehru 1°08′, Tammy Faye Bakker 1°09′, John Belushi 1°10′, John Denver 1°11′, Errol Flynn 1°21′, Michelle Pfeiffer 1°24′.

Mars Trine Neptune Dates

October 28, 2024
January 13, 2025
April 19, 2025
November 3, 2025
October 2, 2026
October 22, 2027
September 16, 2028
October 6, 2029
September 4, 2030
September 17, 2031