Mercury Conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 7°00.’
Mercury conjunct Jupiter natal gives a comprehensive knowledge and broad outlook on life. You should be happy and successful in life with a love of learning, traveling, and talking with people. People like your communication style and usually your message, whether it be one-to-one, in a group, or speaking to the masses.
You like to talk while words and ideas flow endlessly from you. If this aspect has a downside, it would be a tendency to talk too much or to rant a bit. Your appearance, manners, or research style may also indicate this excessiveness or lack of discipline in communication. It is more important to you to get the overall picture right than worrying about minor details.
An all-encompassing approach suits study and careers in philosophy, religion, spirituality, law, and politics. A holistic view would also benefit natural medicine, even traditional medicine. Your warm and generous words can be soothing, and you may even have healing hands. You should also have a good sense of humor.
You should enjoy socializing and can easily make good friends because of your charm and tact. These skills would even make you a good diplomat or negotiator. You can settle disputes between competitors and bring conflicts to an end.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter is the best aspect for travel, with Mercury ruling short trips and Jupiter ruling long-distance travel and foreign countries. You appreciate cultures different from yours and may be attracted to people from other ethnic or cultural groups. Personal growth and satisfaction can be gained from overseas travel and inner, spiritual journeys.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter Transit
Mercury conjunct Jupiter transit brings good news, optimism, and a happy frame of mind. Fortune comes to many areas of life, so this is an excellent time for work and play. You should feel broad-minded, generous and friendly.
This is the ideal time to start a new course of study and to sit exams. Journeys and holidays can be booked or started. Your enthusiasm and positive thinking mean that nearly anything you put your mind to will succeed.
Many ideas can come into your head, so write them down. Social charm, tact, and diplomacy make this the right time to settle disputes between you and others or between your friends or family. Buying and selling should turn a profit, and you can negotiate a better deal in any area of life.
All kinds of business deals are favored so long as you remember to look at the fine print. You can see the bigger picture but may need assistance to check the more minor details. Keeping this in mind, you can sign contracts with confidence.
Making plans for the future is favored but don’t forget to have fun. You would enjoy chatting with friends and making new friends will be easier because of your positive energy.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter Celebrities
Josemaria Escriva 0°00′, Brigitte Bardot 0°05′, Ladt Sarah Chato 0°05′, Dick Emery 0°07′, Kurt Vonnegut 0°12′, Gustav Holst 0°21′, George Bowering 0°24′, Jim Carrey 0°32′, Woody Allen 0°36′, George Blake 0°40′, Eric Burdon 0°51′, Karen Carpenter 0°58′, Billy Bob Thornton 1°03′, Dean Martin 1°08′, Denton Welch 1°12′, Louis XVI 1°13′, Georges Braque 1°16′, George Chisolm 1°20′, Richard Nixon 1°39′, Aelxis Ford 1°44′, Johanes Brahms 1°47′, Michael Douglas 1°49′.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter Dates
March 27, 2023
June 4, 2024
June 8, 2025
August 15, 2026
August 19, 2027
August 27, 2028
October 3, 2028
October 2, 2028
October 30, 2029