Moon Square Venus Natal and Transit

Moon Square Venus Transit

Moon square Venus maximum orb 5°30′.

Moon square Venus natal makes it a struggle for you to satisfy your need for love and affection. Above all, what you want most in life is a loving, harmonious, and drama-free relationship. Your emotional well-being depends on the loyal and regular nourishment and support of loved ones.

You may even measure your success in life by your intimate relationships and the loyalty and devotion you receive. If you are single or your marriage is unsatisfying, you can go to great lengths to find romance. However, a tendency to be temperamental can lead to unwise romantic involvement and a liability for scandal. One-night stands and affairs would fail to satisfy your constant need for love and affection.

You are socially popular, charming, and beautiful. You are a lovely person and love being surrounded by fine things. You aspire to be well off and live a simple, comfortable life. You should enjoy the company of a wide circle of friends and have plenty of admirers.

However, In your quest for pleasure, you tend to be ignorant of other people’s needs. You need that euphoric feeling from releasing pleasure chemicals in your brain. Sometimes, nothing else matters, and you may appear greedy and wasteful.

Greta Garbo [see chart] is remembered for her luminous and unforgettable screen performances. She shunned publicity and lived a private life without marrying or having children. Greta still led a peaceful life of leisure with loving friends and enjoyed a busy social life. However, her lack of intimacy and romance led to depression and moodiness.

as early as I can remember, I have wanted to be alone. I detest crowds, don’t like many people. (real life)

I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference. (acting role) [1]

Moon Square Venus Transit

Moon square Venus transit increases your need for pleasure through love and affection. You should feel friendly, romantic, sensual and sentimental. However, sometimes you can be careless, moody or self-indulgent. If your love life were to suffer, you would feel sad and lonely.

You will probably find it hard to get motivated for challenging tasks such as going to work. A much better option is to seek pleasure through friendship or activities that bring you joy.

A healthy relationship may experience some slightly uncomfortable moments, but these can easily be remedied by making an extra effort to please your lover and compromising to maintain harmony.

Unsatisfying relationships may suffer from disloyalty or other forms of disrespect. Trying to satisfy your need for intimacy with a stranger would cause problems because of your carelessness and low standards.

A new romance now would be challenging but not impossible. Several tests would need to be passed to ensure mutual love, respect, and loyalty.

When seeking pleasure, be mindful of a tendency to overdo things. Self-indulgence, greed, and laziness would not make you look so beautiful. Avoid impulse buying and leave your credit card at home.

This interpretation for Moon square Venus transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full Moon square Venus.

Moon Square Venus Celebrities

Greta Garbo 0°02′, Pablo Escobar 0°05′, Candice Bergen 0°09′, Edward Higgins White 0°10′, Olivia Rodrigo 0°11′, George H. W. Bush 0°15′, Pete Hegseth 0°16′, John F. Kennedy 0°28′, George Lucas 0°29′, Princess Diana of Wales 0°39′, Nikola Tesla 0°48′, Francis Galton 0°52′, Sam Cooke 0°54′, Ally Sheedy 1°04′, Nicole Brown Simpson 1°10′, Donald Rumsfeld 1°20′, Stephen Arroyo 1°21′, Jacob Schiff 1°30′, Robert the Bruce 1°32′, Paul McCartney 1°33′, Charles Dickens 1°39′, Oscar Pistorius 1°40′.


  1. Greta Garbo, Wikipedia.

12 thoughts on “Moon Square Venus Natal and Transit

  1. Yep this sounds tough and I truly feel the sadness and frustration this may cause and affect having a love life or love of life, not that I agree with life being a competitive game as it had becone, but I somehow think may be my moon in Libra in 12th house inconjunct my Venus in Taurus in 7th, has me well in the running for the title of the biggest liser lol! Always havimg to be the one to xomoromise, always made to feel in love based relationships and partnerships, I have to pay, make the sacrifice, choose from the dictated choices of others, be expected to hold the balance or keep the peace when there is disharmony, in other words repetitive conditioninh to expect myself to be compromised and for there always to be a payment of something I love for somethimg else I love…recently I have had the pluto square moon and trine Venus at 15 degrees, its been a “screw the lot of them, no desire to be “rehabilitated” back into that society, family, relationship at all”, in deed choosing to and having worked hard to break that habitual no choice life!” begin anew, by conditions and i will not compromise,myself, in the new formations, simply genuine equally shared ground or will keep on moving on until I do 🙂

  2. I somehow realized while I was observing my friends with such natal aspect that they want the things they dont need and when they get what they really need they reject it going after the things in life they crave for.

  3. It is better to be dead then have this aspect. Plain and simple.

  4. I think it’s hardest having this aspect as a woman, especially when you have the looks to go with it, because of how society treats women. I have felt objectified for as long as I can remember because I never had clear messages from my parents. I was also hardly ever told I was beautiful, rather what I was supposed to do to be the “ideal” child. Since I don;t feel I have succeeded in whatever I am “meant” to do, I have a very bad relationship with my self worth and I have never really valued my looks. Growing up I was considered ugly actually…funny enough. I only started really being seen as pretty when I left secondary school, after age 16 or so. However by then I still had never really mastered the art of self esteem. You can see where I’m going with relationships etc. I don’t regret my romantic relationships. I learned something from them plus none of them treated me badly it just was me wanting to be loved and them just seeming to be stuck on my looks or whatever they were attracted to.. My venus squares my ascendant too..the Asc is leo and my moon is cancer. Venus is in scorpio (yikes..I know!) I have tons of baggage in my chart and I have to go through my chart again and really understand all these aspects and the degrees and just sort of move on I guess. I’ve spent years researching, learning about myself but it’s still been through others’ eyes. I want to learn who I am through my own eyes. It’s a very long journey and I’m exhausted and a bit bored actually. I’m ready to start shaking things up and living my life and saying F you to all the B.S. I’d like to think that as much as astrology is an important and amazing tool that I still have choices and options and not totally controlled by it. 😉

    • hurtingbutrecovering I have a very similar up bringing as you ! The one thing my mother said she didn’t want me to get a BIG head over my beauty so she thought that by telling me I looked tired and mad she’d peck that ego down to size but all it did was cause me to hate myself and feel so worthless I was convinced that I was disposable until a magical day came upon me and some friends of mine and we all had the op. to drop acid which led to my healing of that hole in my heart an embrace from God our Father Jesus and Mother Gaia I never felt the same again after that Love bomb it created space now to really heal the rest of the garbage and really learn about myself I even started working out as I had all this extra energy now that my workouts were spiritually transformative, and just to mark an achievement I competed in the Ms Fitness Comp. and Emerald Green in Seattle. Now I am not fully healed it is a life long journey and I must stay on top of my past as it is always there ready to bring you back into the fold. My challeng this min. is not letting people walk all over me and to Stand up for myself , and I avoid conflict like the Cowardly Lion true to form but I am always being tested most of the time I pass w/ diplomacy and sometimes I fail wondrously and the best come backs haunt me later that day., lol

  5. I don’t think I’d rather be dead. It’s not the greatest aspect in my chart but at least my Venus is Conjunct my Mercury. Definitely a nice little bonus for me.
    I’ve been researching a lot about astrology lately and I’m curious about this aspect. So, if my moon, in Capricorn 1st house -large 1,2,3rd and 7,8,9 houses. Sag (25 25’30”) is my Ascendant, though physically I have more cap characteristics, and 2nd house starts in Aquarius- is 9 degrees 41’58” and my Venus, in Aries 3rd house near cusp and in Retrograde- as is my Mercury to all of the above- is 9 degrees 44’ 7”R would that indicate I have an almost exact aspect, similar to the example of Greta Garbo? The natal chart reads 0a next to the square. I have strongly identified with that infamous statement since I first heard it as a child. Do you know that movie The Net with Sandra Bullock? I was 9 years old when I saw that movie and I thought “that’s the life for me,” working from home and all that solitude…nice. Of course if you’ve seen that movie it turns out not to be such a good thing. I have never married but I do have children; 4th house sun, in Aries as well. A lot of Aries fire in my chart between 3rd and 4th house, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Lilith, Pallas Athena, Psyche, Eros, and Pars Fortuna. Cap moon and co-ascendant, Mars in Taurus. Saturn and Pluto Scorpio. Fire, Earth, and the driest Water. Haha. It’s fun being so stubborn and bullheaded! 😂
    I very much agree with the sentiment of doing well and living a simple life of ease but my nodes won’t be having it. I’m meant to work hard this go round. North node in Taurus 5th house.
    Second question: how does my Venus in retrograde play into the squaring of my moon? And, Mercury squares my moon as well, seeing as Venus and Mercury are conjunct; does the effect carry over or is it compounded in any way? I have always felt uneasy expressing emotions even when I’ve wanted to. I prefer solitude. One-on-one and small intimate gatherings are good. But I am very uncomfortable in large crowds or going to gatherings if I only know 1 person there. I’ve never been to a concert; too loud and far too many people all bunched together. I am a social butterfly but I feel it’s only superficial. I can get along with everyone, even people I don’t like to loathe. An extroverted introvert, when necessary. I think that’s the Venus/Mercury conjunction it won’t allow to be so rude or inhospitable.
    I think I’ve rambled on enough. I appreciate the post and look forward to any replies to my inquiries should anyone be so kind as to offer any.
    Oh, one more question, I recently became interested in a gentleman who has his Moon square Venus as well; along with a square to Saturn -Moon in Cancer close to cusp, Venus and Saturn conjunct in Aries and both conjunct my Sun. I can tell he’s interested but I fear neither of us is willing to put it on the line and make the first move. Is it wise or advisable for 2 people with similar aspects to get together? All in all we have 12 aspects in our individual natal charts that are the same or similar, i.e. he sextiles where I trine or vice versa. His chart has interesting configuration. But his Pluto (Sag) opposes both his Sun and his Mars(Gemini), and almost his Mercury (Taurus) as well, so I’m little bit hesitant. He does have the Mystic Rectangle in his natal configurations so that’s good, right? He also has a T-square, anvil, and a minor grand trine.

  6. I, too have this. And have made life’s journey from being other people’s sexual property since the age of 6, constantly craving a denied gentle touch and kind word, to accepting that love is nothing more than a neurochemical process that creates the false highs as any other addiction and causes people to do very dangerous things in the name of another sweet love fix. You’re safer with heroin in my opinion. I am happy never wishing to be “loved” or touched again. It’s taken 4 decades of my wasted life to reach the point of being able to say “NO.” My yummy sumptuous body is finally my property and no one has my permission to trespass.

  7. Near as I can tell, the Moon Square Venus is the last aspect the Moon makes before it goes void in Aquarius, the day of the Spring Ingress, March 20, 2020, 9am UTC.

    “Knowing that the Moon is not Void means that something will come of the action. Exactly what will come of it is reflected in the final aspect the Moon makes before it passes into Void mode” The Book of the Moon, by Steven Forrest

  8. Knowing the Moon was not void on Dec 21, 2020, at the final setting of the Second Proof, 5:40:30 pm EST, meant that something will come of the action.

    And I had to look again at the Moon void schedule today, because there are checks coming.

    Moon sq Venus, Monday, January 4, 2021

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