Moon Square Venus Natal and Transit

Moon Square Venus Transit

Moon square Venus maximum orb 5°30′.

Moon square Venus natal makes it a struggle for you to satisfy your need for love and affection. Above all, what you want most in life is a loving, harmonious, and drama-free relationship. Your emotional well-being depends on the loyal and regular nourishment and support of loved ones.

You may even measure your success in life by your intimate relationships and the amount of loyalty and devotion you receive. You can go to great lengths to find romance if you are single or your marriage is unsatisfying. You may try to fill the gap with one-night stands and affairs, but eventually, this fails to satisfy your constant need for love and affection.

You are socially popular, charming, and beautiful. You are a lovely person and love being surrounded by fine things. You aspire to be well off and live a simple, comfortable life. You should enjoy the company of a wide circle of friends and have plenty of admirers.

However, In your quest for pleasure, you tend to be ignorant of other people’s needs. You need that euphoric feeling from releasing pleasure chemicals in your brain. Sometimes nothing else matters, and you may appear greedy and wasteful.

Greta Garbo [see chart] has the strongest Moon square Venus aspect of any celebrity I found (0°02′). Although she is remembered for her luminous and unforgettable screen performances, she shunned publicity and lived a private life without marrying or having children.

Greta still led a peaceful life of leisure with loving friends and enjoyed a busy social life. However, her lack of intimacy and romance led to depression and moodiness.

as early as I can remember, I have wanted to be alone. I detest crowds, don’t like many people. (real life)

I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference. (acting role) [1]

Moon Square Venus Transit

Moon square Venus transit increases your need for pleasure through love and affection. You should feel friendly, romantic, sensual and sentimental. However, sometimes you can be careless, moody or self-indulgent. If your love life were to suffer, you would feel sad and lonely.

You will probably find it hard to get motivated for challenging tasks such as going to work. A much better option is to seek pleasure through friendship or activities that bring you joy.

A healthy relationship may undergo some slightly uncomfortable moments, and this can easily be remedied by making an extra effort to please your lover and compromise to maintain harmony.

Unsatisfying relationships may suffer from disloyalty or other forms of disrespect. Trying to satisfy your need for intimacy with a stranger would cause problems because of your carelessness and low standards.

A new romance now would be challenging but not impossible. There would be several tests to pass to be sure of mutual love, respect, and loyalty.

When seeking pleasure, be mindful of a tendency to overdo things. Self-indulgence, greed, and laziness would not make you look so beautiful. Avoid impulse buying and leave your credit card at home.

This interpretation for Moon square Venus transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full Moon square Venus.

Moon Square Venus Celebrities

Greta Garbo 0°02′, Pablo Escobar 0°05′, Candice Bergen 0°09′, Edward Higgins White 0°10′, Olivia Rodrigo 0°11′, George H. W. Bush 0°15′, John F. Kennedy 0°28′, George Lucas 0°29′, Princess Diana of Wales 0°39′, Nikola Tesla 0°48′, Francis Galton 0°52′, Sam Cooke 0°54′, Ally Sheedy 1°04′, Nicole Brown Simpson 1°10′, Donald Rumsfeld 1°20′, Stephen Arroyo 1°21′, Robert the Bruce 1°32′, Paul McCartney 1°33′, Charles Dickens 1°39′, Oscar Pistorius 1°40′.


  1. Greta Garbo, Wikipedia.