Sun sextile Ascendant natal makes you an active, intelligent, and interesting person with a powerful personality. You energize other people with your ...
Read MoreClimate Change Astrology can only be understood by studying longer-term trends found in the outer slower-moving planets. In fact, we have to look beyo...
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Uranus sextile Neptune is a significant planetary aspect shared by the generation born from 1965 to 1969. Uranus sextile Neptune next occurs from 2025...
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Moon trine Ascendant natal makes you a sensitive, caring person who forms close emotional connections with others. You relate to others through your f...
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MOON PHASES: 2018 | 2019 | 2020 Times and Dates for the 2019 Moon Phases Calendar are set for New York. 2018 Moon Phases Calendar 2019 Moon Phases Cal...
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Pluto sextile Midheaven natal gives you the willpower and natural talents to have a successful career. One of your parents was likely particularly ste...
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