Full Moon 18 May 2019 – Sacrifice and Offering

Full Moon May 2019 AstrologyThe full moon on Saturday, May 18, 2019, at 27° Scorpio is opposite Mercury. This means self-centered and overly rational thinking could lead to disagreements and prejudice. The Sun with planet Sedna and the notorious star Algol bring painful memories or pending loss associated with illness, violence or natural disaster.

The Moon in the Constellation of Lupus the Wolf makes aggression and victimization major themes for full moon May 2019. However, helpful aspects to Pluto allow for greater understanding and positive transformations through sacrifice and offering.

Full Moon Meaning

A full moon occurs when the Sun is opposite the Moon. This highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life such as your work versus home, or what you need versus what you want. Inner tension and external pressures can lead to personal conflict and crises that drain your energy. Your home, family and intimate relationships come into sharper focus following a full moon.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. Use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon May 2019 Astrology

The May 18 full moon at 27°36′ Scorpio makes aspects to Mercury, Pluto, and minor planet Sedan as shown below. The Sun and Mercury join two important fixed stars in Constellation Perseus, but the Moon joins only minor stars in Constellations Libra and Lupus.

Full Moon May 2019 Astrology

Full Moon May 2019 Astrology

Full Moon Aspects

Full Moon opposite Mercury makes it harder to share your feelings because of scrambled or polarized thinking. The Sun with Mercury means your thinking may become selfish or overly rational, lacking in empathy. Arguments can result from misunderstandings or emotional biases such as tribalism, patriotism or racism.

Sensitive discussion topics and negotiations will likely be problematic. But this is a good full moon for spending time in reflection or chatting with a mentor about some of your feelings which might be holding you back.

Full Moon sextile Pluto is not a strong aspect at over 4 degrees but Mercury trine Pluto (1°23′) is. So Pluto has an important and positive influence on this full moon. It helps you focus and understand things at a deeper level. It helps you get in touch with your feelings, especially your deeply buried emotions.

More intense personal interactions will show exactly how you feel about someone and how they feel about you. Relationship will evolve to a deeper level or you will be free to move on. Like a psychologist, you can deeply probe under the surface to solve mysteries or investigate crimes and secrets.

Full moon opposite minor planet Sedna suggests the rationalizations and difficulty in communicating emotionally may have something to do with deeply buried memories of cataclysmic events like floods and tsunamis. Sedna seems to be associated with climate change, especially as it relates to the oceans and extreme weather events.

Full Moon May 2019 Astrology

Full Moon May 2019 [Stellarium]

Full Moon Fixed Stars

Full Moon May 2019 falls within the ecliptic Constellation of Libra as shown in the image above. Where there is an imbalance, the Scales find a state of equilibrium by punishing hate and rewarding love. A full moon in Libra Constellation is also symbolic of those things that we find most difficult to come to terms with, especially about ourselves and our past, both individually and collectively.

The full moon also aligns with some minor stars within Lupus the Wolf or the Victim, symbolic of sacrifice and offering. Lupus Constellation gives an acquisitive, grasping, aggressive, prudent and treacherous nature, with a keen desire for knowledge, and strong ill-regulated passions. [1]

See Precession of the Equinoxes to learn why Libra Constellation is in Scorpio Sign.

27 ♏ 38 – Full Moon May 2019
27 ♏ 45 – Phi1 Lupi
27 ♏ 54 – Pi Lupi
27 ♏ 58 – Lambda Lupi
28 ♏ 01 – Kappa Librae

The Sun, Sedna and Mercury are conjunct notorious stars in Perseus Constellation. The Sun and Sedna are with Algol, while Mercury is conjunct Capulus.

Fixed star Algol causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature. With the Sun: Violent death or extreme sickness. [1]

Perseus Constellation is indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena. [2]


The May 18 full moon opposite Mercury creates selfish and polarized thinking that can lead to prejudice and arguments. The full moon in Constellation Lupus the Wolf brings the potential for aggression and victimization.

The full moon opposite planet Sedna and the star Algol suggests past or present illness, violence or natural disasters could be the cause of emotional pain and suffering for many. But A helpful aspect to Pluto increases self-understanding and acceptance. Awareness of emotional triggers for destructive behaviors can lead to positive transformations.

Full moon May 2019 calls for greater empathy for those less fortunate who are suffering through no fault of their own. The Moon in Constellations of the Scales and the Wolf facilitates karmic rebalancing through sacrifice. This could include donating to charity, quitting a bad habit or stopping domestic violence.

A full moon has a relationship to the previous new moon. Your May 4 new moon goals can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. You can make emotional adjustments in response to those new goals. The May 18 full moon lasts for two weeks up to the June 3 new moon.If the full moon directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see full moon transits.

Full Moon May 2019 Times and Dates
  • Los Angeles – 18 May, 2:11 pm
  • New York – 18 May, 5:11 pm
  • London – 18 May, 10:11 pm
  • Delhi – 19 May, 2:41 am
  • Sydney – 19 May, 7:11 am
  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.41, 124.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.21.

25 thoughts on “Full Moon 18 May 2019 – Sacrifice and Offering

  1. Everybody is now looking for their good days. we will do this if we only focus on helping other. Teer guide is also provide you teer results which you can easily watch daily

  2. Hi Jaime, Im wondering what your thoughts are on this full moon impacting on our federal election weekend in Australia..

    • This full moon is tine Bill Shorten Jupiter (28 ♋ 18) and square Scott Morrison’s Jupiter (26 ♌ 30). Looks like Bill is the winner.

      • Hey Jamie, BUT, is’nt this the Uranus conjunct Venus day too at 3 degrees Taurus. Extraordinarily important. Regards to you Jamie.

        • Yes, definitely Lynne. Especially for a change in values which I think should be a big election issue. Uranus is sextile Bill Shortens Venus (2 Cancer).

          • The square was the winner then Jamie, (I often find that) big business Pluto winning again esp. with Saturn in Capricorn beside him. Politics eh. Cannot be quite as depressing as UK though. What a load of shyshers they all are. Pluto in Capricorn is supposed to bring down the self seeking governments for their own wealthy kind, not really seeing that yet, just disarray everywhere. Can the people really rise?? Regards Jamie, sorry your country did not get a different story today.

            • Yes Lynne. Another thing worth considering is that this full moon came this morning in Australia, after the election. The previous new moon was the important one for forecasting.

      • Well that didnt pan out as expected ! Any idea what went ‘wrong’ ?

        • Too depressed to think about it. I would need their times of birth to start with. I did not look at the Australia horoscope either.

          • They were born 1 year snd 1 day apart. A #4 year for Bill & a #6 year for Scott. Wonder if Saturn retro with Cap. Was to blame. Yess Im disgusted eith Aistralia today. Considering moving to NZ

  3. Iis Toliman in the constellation of Centaurus at 29.36 in Scorpio too large an orb from this full moon? Thanks in advance!

    • Good question Sue. Toliman at 29°43′ is 2°04′ from the full moon which technically is within the suggested orb of this large star (2°40′). So if you have a planet on Toliman I would definitely take it into account for the full moon.

  4. even though i try to hold on, i have to say that it’s hard to love someone you can’t even give some kisses

    • A lunar node is either of the two orbital nodes of the Moon, that is, the two points at which the orbit of the Moon intersects the ecliptic. [Wiki]

    • The North (true) node is Cancer 18 degrees, that means the South node is always opposite the North so, 18 degrees Capricorn. Regards.

  5. Jamie how would I figure this out… so this full moon is exactly square my Natal sun. My Natal sun makes a trine to my Natal Moon (4 degree orb) and my MC (4 degree orb too from the other side). And 6 degree orbs to Natal mercury and mars by conjunction. What aspects do I read to know how this will play out? Thanks! (Oh and how do you think this could affect me:)

  6. From the heliocentric view notice Sedna inconjunct the Galactic Centre. This is a long term aspect, with exactness between Apr30 and May9, 2019. So if Sedna is climate, particularly relevant to northern hemisphere, and she’s in an aspect of adjustment with the GC, the Sun is now on the other side of the inconjunct, ie. seperating. Which means we are in a new ballgame. A pattern change, that is, if you notice Pallas Sextile the GC, in a Yod with Sedna, with the Moon/Earth at the fulcrum. So, indeed, a very important Howling wolf fullmoon presents itself.

  7. Hi there – thanks Jamie, what would be the final “depositor” of this chart, just wondering if there is?
    Thank you.

  8. Thank you Jamie for List of Full Moon days. Looking forward to read articles on planet transit predictions and tarot card reading.

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