Mercury conjunct Midheaven natal gives a piercing intellect and communication skills well above average. You see everything and see it very clearly. Y...
Read MoreJupiter opposite Ascendant natal is also called Jupiter conjunct Descendant and Jupiter Setting. This generally positive aspect makes you a friendly, ...
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Jupiter trine Uranus natal makes you a creative genius. You are always looking ahead, experimenting, questioning, and seeking new and exciting adventu...
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The New Moon on Sunday April 15, 2018 at 26° Aries aligns with the planet Uranus. This means the New Moon April 2018 astrology is perfect for making ...
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Venus conjunct Midheaven natal makes you loved by many and is a sign of popularity. You get along with just about anybody and are comfortable openly s...
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The full moon on Saturday March 31, 2018 at 10° Libra is a blue moon because it is the second full moon of the calendar month. The Blue Moon March 20...
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