
AustralopithecusAbout 2001, my esoteric astrologer, Maggie Kerr, referred me for a past life regression. It was done using meditation, not hypnosis. During the regression, I saw images and felt strong feelings. I felt my body, and I was hairy. We drank from the waterhole, but I was scared because there was a monster in there. We ate raw meat because there was no fire. My group was small, and we all took responsibility for the kids. We did not speak, so we communicated by looking into each other’s eyes.

I got a sense that there was a problem. I saw three men coming from over the rocky hills. They were coming because one of the girls had just had her first period. It was like a special time for the women. I don’t know if the girl was mine, but I felt responsible for her. I was about 20 years old and I think I may have been the leader of the group. One of the men had raped the girl. I did not see it, but the next image I saw was the eyes of the man looking at me as I bashed his head with a lump of wood and killed him. In his eyes, I saw terror and realized that they were the eyes of my brother in this life.

I then saw members of my group looking at me in disbelief. Especially the girl. I saw in her eyes that I had to leave and also recognized those eyes as those of a girl I was close to in this life at the time of this regression. I got confirmation from others in the group that I was banished. I spent the rest of that life living on my own in a cave away from my group. I saw a painting on the cave wall of dots within an outline like a tear-shape. When I was ready to die, I crawled up the back of the cave and went peacefully. I went up in the sky and saw bright lights like fireworks but stationary. There were blues, oranges and greens. I saw the faces of my mother and her mother from this life. I had to choose one of them to go to.

A couple of years later, I was reading a National Geographic about evolution. It got me started on researching that life in the regression. Based on the timelines for the use of fire, and the development of the voice box, I worked out I was Australopithecus africanus. As you can see in my horoscope below, Saturn is rather strong. It shows that there is a lot of karma from the past about taking responsibility for my family.

Reincarnation Astrology