Since my last personal update in March 2016 my health has continued to improve. This allowed me to get ahead with the 2017 and the monthly horoscopes as well as major transits and moon phases. I had even caught up to date with responding to comments.
Now I am on holiday for a week in the Philippines to visit my new partner for the first time. Yes I have fallen in love so writing new posts and answering questions is not a high priority this week.
My Facebook friends will have seen my relationship status change from “single” to “in a relationship” to “engaged” in less than two months. Now comes a long twelve month wait for a visa applications so Maila and her two children can live with me and my three children in Australia.
I hope you all understand that responding to comments now has to be a lower priority as I need to earn more to support a larger family. Eventually I hope to offer personal readings but initially this will be to previous clients only.
Thanks again for all your support over the years and I wish you and your families all the very best.
This is great!Jupiter in Libra magic and abundance!Congratulations!You have been very generous to your followers by loyally responding to comments in the past.Other astrologers with online blogs/websites will always refer by saying “please order reading”..maybe you could do the same?Have a fabulous holiday!
Awesome! Congrats
Which eclipses and to what planets for you triggered this new love and relationship status you think?
September 1 solar eclipse conjunct my Moon then the September 16 lunar eclipse trine Descendant..
great news! You are looking healthy and happy! What more can one ask for. Thanks for sharing with us,Jamie. I wish you a wonderful life ahead with your partner and the kids.
I love reading your blog. Glad to know the man behind it is healthy and happy!
Congratulations Jamie. Your news and your sharing just became a bright spot in a bleak day 🙂 all the greatest happiness to you and your family
Congratulations Jamie !
Hoping for the best for you , your new life and those who share with you, blessingsJamie
Congrats .Striking look.If you are going through heaven,Keep going. Thanks for shearing the good news with us.Have a pretty Holiday! Best of luck.
Wishing u all health and happiness Jamie. Thanks for all of your responses to our queries…
Congratulations! Wishing you and your extended family much blessings, and my very best!
Thank you for your giving heart. Now its your time to enjoy the response in a high level relationship. Wishing you all the true Happiness and many flowers on your path.
Beautiful, Congratulations
wishing you all the best
Congratulations !!
I really really need a reading from you Jamie !! my dob is 22-03-1985, 5.55 pm Raigarh India…
Just in case you have some time 🙂
All best wishes Jamie! In follow-up to earlier postings, would you agree this is related to the Pluto conjunct ascendant transit?! I am more convinced than ever that this transit (and the transit of the 12th in general) are all about identifying, experiencing and ultimately healing multi-generational wounds… I think the transit helps remove physical, mental and emotional blockages…! Maria
Hi Jamie, We’re all happy for you! Congratulations! It must be…….written in the stars!!!! 😀
So, you said Hillary was going to win the election. Any explanation???
This won’t accept the email address you send me emails too. ?????
Glad you are feeling better Jamie, article in Guardian today by Naomi Stein re USA election you might like.
Congratulations and Wishing you all happiness in the universe.
WOW Double Congratulation to you Jamie, you really deserves health and happiness!
I am Thrilled to hear your good news, I sincerely wish you great health; eternal love, happiness and success
All the best always wherever you are!!!
Hi, Congrats Jamie. God bless. I thought you were in US. Daisy.
Congratulations, Jamie !!!!
So happy for you Jamie…..congratulations! X
What!? Yes, you said Hillary was going to win and I believed you and I am so disappointed! What happened? I can only hope that Trump’s turn is super short! Please give us good news! I know you’re in love but please focus here.
Best wishes!
Best wishes. God’s speed on the paperwork, etc.
Infinite love to you, Jamie ! May the universe reward you for your incredible sincerity and generosity. You are one of my favorite teachers and I am beyond grateful to you for everything you share.
Hi Jamie,
We have never met, but I am into Astrology just like you.
I have a gorgeous Filipina wife, and a stunningly beautiful daughter.
So well done, and good luck for the future.
Always remember, your health is more important than anything.
I found that out the hard way.
Best wishes.
Wishing you and your new family all the very best.
so happy for your healing and your happiness….. Pate
Congrats ,,,,,
best of luck Jamie
Hello, I am a new subscriber. I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been unwell and I’m really glad to know that you’re on the road to recovery. Keep improving.
congratulations Jamie, timing is great. Listened to your own advise regarging it being ok to start a romance when Mercury Rx, between Venus and Jupiter. I too started a relationship at that time, but it broke a few weeks ago. Love your idea about $ for personal readings. It’ll really cut down on the clutter in the comment sections.
I am very glad for you and your fiancée, Jamie. Good luck on your holiday and for your future plans. May Jupiter in Libra shine his grace down on you and your new-found family. I’ll miss your posts during the interim, but you have been really prolific all this year and deserve a break anyhow. Enjoy life — we’ll be here when you get back to writing, I’m sure.
Welcome to the long road of spousal sponsorship. I know. I married a Chinese national in 2013,. I ‘ve been trying to have her allowed into Canada ever since.. There are pitfalls. I hope your application goes better than mine.
Absolutelly great news my man…
I wish you all the best…
Jamie, I am so thrilled for both the improvement of your health and your new relationship and family! Such happy and wonderful news. Love and blessings to you (both!), and congratulations. : )
Thank you for sharing your wonderful news. So happy for you. xo
congratulations !!
so happy for you Jamie!! I truly wish you the best, love, joy and serenity! You contribute to the world, in a meaningful and slefless manner through this’s only natural the universe sends you love, your way!
Congrats Jamie, such lovely news; wishing you so much happiness!
Congratulations to you both. Enjoy your holiday. ????
Congrats! I am happy for you
Congratulations on your new life, and all the best to you and Maila and the children! May the good health and happy life continue.
Jamie, I am happy for you! Wish you much health and enjoy your new life with your new partner! Many hugs from the bottom of my heart!
Congratulations! How wonderful that you are feeling better and have a new partner. Lots of health and happiness.
Thank you everyone. I am going back to Philippines in two weeks with one of my kids. One whole month this time!