Pluto opposite Midheaven natal is also called Pluto conjunct Nadir. This aspect makes you an intensely driven and resourceful person. It suggests that dramatic events in your childhood, ancestry, and previous lives are deeply ingrained in your subconscious. These experiences shape your life for good or bad, depending on other aspects to your Midheaven and your early experiences.
It is likely that you had an especially significant relationship with one particular parent, probably your mother. This parent may have been overly emotional, interfering, absent, or cruel. If this was the case, the early emotional trauma would make it difficult for you to form healthy relationships. However, if this parent was supportive and emotionally nourishing, your early experience would form the basis of a very successful life.
Past life experiences etched in your soul memory may also profoundly affect your life. If they involve abuse of power, loss, or violence, they could result in fear, paranoia, self-destructive habits, and obsessions. But it is also possible that you have spent lifetimes acquiring unique skills and talents, and these will enable you to master your power and lead a meaningful life.
A mix of positive and challenging early experiences usually leads to a complex personality with intense inner life. You may have difficulty understanding your feelings; at times, they become so severe they affect your decision-making. Especially when young, you may prefer your own company and confide in only one or very few people.
You must develop independently of your parents. Too much negative influence and interference in your life from anyone can lead to emotional dependence on friends and partners, parochialism and prejudice. Sometimes you are both very empathetic and confrontational. But your wonderful memory of people and their lives is a real asset.
Pluto Opposite Midheaven Transit
Pluto opposite Midheaven transit brings an inner transformation that manifests outwardly as changes in your home and family life. Memories and dreams about your childhood, ancestry, and past lives can significantly impact your emotional life. You may experience guilt, fear, or foreboding, but purging bad memories is part of this transit.
It is time to free your mind of deeply buried trauma that may have caused challenging behaviors, bad habits, and limiting beliefs. You might become more interested in your family tree, and researching that can also be a healing experience. Race consciousness means you can have pride in the achievements of your ancestors without being racist.
A deeper understanding of how your past affects your behaviors and beliefs will lead to a positive personal transformation. This, in turn, will lead to a more prosperous, happier life once this transit is over. But during this transit, as you clean out the dark recesses of your mind, dramatic and sometimes traumatic experiences can play havoc with your life.
Your foundations are transforming, and anything that has outlived its purpose will disappear. Along with bad habits and outdated beliefs, you may say goodbye to some relationships and possessions. But this does not always have to happen. A strong relationship will evolve with you. You could renovate your house instead of moving house. However, allowing change to happen freely in your domestic and private life would be best. You cannot stop evolution.
Pluto Opposite Midheaven Celebrities
Linda Marshall 0°36′, Louis Braille 0°52′, Barbara Hutton 1°00′, Christine Keeler 1°03′, Barry Gibb 1°07′, Liz Renay 1°15′, Alessandro Moreschi 1°16′, Mick Jagger 1°27′, Lena Horne 1°27′, Louis XVI 1°33′, Penelope Cruz 2°03′, Tyra Banks 2°28′, Dionne Warwick 2°42′.
Hi Jamie,
Would this also apply to progressed Pluto opposite MC?
My progressed MC will conjunct my natal IC (22.12 Libra) on 21 March 2045. It will make a sextile to progressed moon (which will also be conjunct natal north node (20.00 Leo). My progressed venus (1.30) will make an almost exact opposition to natal moon (2.32 Aries). And natal Saturn will be at 2 degrees from progressed ascendent.
To me this sounds as something serious, any thoughts? Thanks!
I would think so Meli but just remember progressions are a not as important as transits. They should support what you find in your transits.
Thanks Jamie, I will take that into account!
By the way you wrote “It suggests that dramatic events in your childhood, ancestry and previous lives are deeply ingrained in your subconscious. These experiences shape your live for good or bad, depending on other aspects to your Midheaven and the type of early experiences you had.”
So would natal Venus (19.12 cancer) square natal Pluto (19.56 libra) and MC (22.12 Aries) be some aspects that shape life for bad? Would these experiences be related to career or home?
How would this play out, what to expect, if your natal sun and mercury are conjunct your MC opposed to Pluto – this is happening for me right now.
Hi Jamie,
Pluto transit will square my Midheaven on 4 Oct (22.12) . I am very concerned as the ruler of my Midheaven (Mars) will also square Pluto……would this end my career? are you planning to write something about it?
Yes, I will write about all the major aspects and transits I have not finished yet. If your Midheaven is well-aspected there is really no reason to worry.
Hi Jamie,
First of all, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I am also interested in mc square pluto transit. my mc is 25 degrees of aries … what can happen? I am quite worried ..
I have transitting Pluto n Saturn opposing my rulers Mars Pluto MC 11 October 2020.
Whatever physical activity I do always ends in pain. It’s a pain!
Woah! Happening now for my partner… Pluto 26.47 EXACT opposite their Cancer Sun at 26°47 and conjunct thier Arachne 26°29.
-MC is 2° orb at Cancer 24°. Mercury is nearby and retro at 22° Cancer, I understand is not combust since it is retro?.
-On May 4, transit Sun 14° is trine their natal Saturn in 3H 14°, Atropos & Apophis at 26° Cancer conjunct their Sun & MC.
The chart holder has dedicate the past few years+++ on a project, pure diligence… and many iterations… family and freinds saying… Oh your still working on that…. I knew the Pluto transit was a potent lineup, Atropos and Apophis exact conjuct the Sun put me on edge…
Then… a proposal/offer came in during this transit and CLOSED in 5 days time on May 4! The way this went down is driven by technology – pure Uranus at work.
Saturn trine Sun, Saturn bestows the gifts for hard work?. My view on Atropos the inevitable 3rd fate the shears that cuts the thread of life. The life of creating this application has come to an end and ready for a new cycle. Coincidentally Klotho is conjunct their Klotho in 1st H (2° orb) and conjunct their ASC in a week.
Intense energy… I think there will be more to come…
My Uranus is conjunct his asteroid America 10H and my Sun is conjunct America 4H. Our Suns are opposite each other IC/MC axis, I am 1° Aquarius. I’m thinking asteroid America… Land of opportunity or uncharted territory? or ?, he is foreign born. I imagine without a chart maybe hard to see the whole pic…
TY for you site!
Hi Jamie, been reading this in preparation for Pluto reaching natal Jupiter conj IC at 6 Aqua, meanwhile Pluto remains a squatter on natal Saturn at 28 Cap, my question is because of how deeply contrasting everything is for me moment to moment, is it reasonable to assume that Pluto is already coming into range of Jupiter from out of sign, at the same time? I wonder if Im going to spontaneously combust some days lol!
Hi Jamie
In 2025 I will have transiting Pluto opposite MC and trine North node, sextile South node at the same time. How that would manifest 🤔
President Carter synastry Blue Moon, Washington, August 31
Double Pluto opposite Mid heaven. One for him and his family and one for the nation?
Natal Synastry Sun 29th degree Leo.
natal Uranus at 29Leo57r, New Gold Standard degree conjunct Sun transit. I wanted something at 29Aqr near opposition and found 1133 Lugduna, which happens to be transiting Algol.
Hello Paul. The axis that runs through the 29th degree of Leo and the 29th degree of Aquarius is a degree I’ve spent many years studying intensely upon because my nodal axis is there. My North Node is in Leo on the 29th degree. What I can tell you is that you’re the second person I’ve met with Uranus on Leo 29. That means that you also have Uranus conjunct the Star Regulus. That’s the star of royalty, princes, and kings, and it’s the heart of the lion. Uranus is the God of Transformation, originality, freedom, and most important-Life. I think there’s a lot of success within this alignment, and if you can embody the characteristics of the Lion it would help manifest the power of Uranus in your life. That area of Leo, the 27th 28th 29th 30th degrees, is very mature and evolved when it comes to self–expression and creativity. Good luck.
Moon trine Saturn, Pluto opposite Ascendant
Mundane chart, 11:33 am est, Ottawa, 24 April
The problem to which you talk about is the trappings of fame for its own sake. An appropriate place in a back forty, as a part-time hermit might work.
My IC is 17 deg. Libra, I have Pluto on the 21st degree, and the moon in the same house on the 2nd degree of Scorpio. With Pluto conjunct the IC in Libra, balance, harmony, equality, fairness are entwined in the root system. There’s transformative power available here through deep emotions and emotional experiences, the relationship with your mother, and the home and childhood in general. I’m 44 and this mystery of life is still unfolding, but having Pluto conjunct the IC on the 4th House side indicates struggles for power going on within the home.
very thoughtful words Francis, Pluto conjunct the IC or opposite the MC.
Miami FL at patchwork full moon.
natal Uranus, DNA, and Regulus stellium, opposite progressed Mercury 29Aqr41 (not shown)
your book title reminds me to keep a Ceres promise: “a food truck or restaurant that pushes the boundaries of marketing, like feral hog tandoori, or dragon meat balls, then take it down to vegetarian when Ceres conjunct Age of Aquarius Sun” ref