Pluto square Moon transit brings intense psychological and emotional purging. As you delve deeper and deeper into your subconscious, you will most likely experience a degree of emotional pain and suffering. This trauma will be reflected in your outer world as emotional power struggles with your family, partners, and women in general.
Once you are on the other side of this transit, your domestic life and emotional nature will have transformed remarkably, and you will feel stronger and wiser. However, this journey may lead to dark and depressing moods requiring remarkable resilience and courage. Deeply buried subconscious patterns of behavior will be exposed, leaving you feeling naked and very vulnerable. Any compulsions, addictions, jealousy, and guilt will come to the surface, playing havoc with your life in general, and particularly with your intimate relationships.
It is possible that during this time, your close relationships will come under such pressure that your partner may find it too difficult to hang around. If this were to happen, your grief would be felt intensely, made worse by the lack of emotional support and nurturing available to you. You may feel a strong compulsion to enter into a relationship you may not otherwise, as your judgment and intuition are not so helpful. These relationships may be extraordinary and karmic, but they could also be destructive. These types of relationships will, however, be beneficial in hindsight. Someone may teach you many things about life, holding your hand on the journey into the underworld.
Other domestic conditions, such as family dynamics and your actual home, may be transformed. All these possible scenarios manifest the tremendous psychological change you are going through. All this is aimed at stripping you of a lifetime of emotional baggage. You will come out of this transit hardened, emotionally tougher, and independent, better able to face future challenges in your higher emotional and spiritual evolution state.
I am passing through this phase but my moon is not in libra. exactly same phase and same struggle.
from dont know which decan I am. Sun Libra 28°12’42
Ascendant Libra 0°49’45 2nd House Libra 29°22’12
Moon Cancer 5°51’54
Nothing to worry about, no Pluto transits for you. Sun is Libra decan 3, AC is Libra decan 1, Moon is Cancer decan 1.
thankyou. as AC is libra decan 1 so shud i read decan 1 or decan 3 forecasts of urs.
I am 6° Libra moon and it has been HELL since Pluto entered Capricorn. I agree with your interpretation 100%, Jamie. I entered a relationship in late 2009 that I would not have gotten into in previous years when I was in a MUCH lighter space. I would also call this relationship karmic and it has been very difficult AND we are both learning a great deal from one another. He is a Capricorn with Cap rising, NN and Mercury also in Cap. PLUS Aries Moon, ( 23°) right on top of my sun. He also has several other cardinal planets. I have 5 planets plus NN in Aries with Scorpio rising. Not sure how this is going to play out….Just when I think the worst is behind us, some other challenge presents itself. I have been traumatized by Pluto!! LOL Saturn in Libra didn’t help either (2009/2010 – Worst years EVER for me) and now I am almost complete with Saturn’s transit through my first house. I don’t know who I am anymore! Whew!
thanks Jamie, it helps reading this a little although not sure where one ends and another begins having sun 0cancer, merc 8cancer and now moon 14Libra, so all “Luna” influences so the level of anxiety/anguish has been full volume for years literally now. will invest in a bucket load each of rescue remedy, chamomile and valerian before April methinks…there is this strange excitement building at a very deep level more and more too tho wondering if i am simply in “its nice to be insane” mode as a result lol!
My moon is in Libra and I am going thru this right now. The last 2.5 years have been hell regarding my marriage,death of family, car accidents.. I am getting help now for PTSD and its fantastic. The therapy is called EMDR. Google it to see if you can benefit as well.
I cannot believe the accuracy in Astrology. Its incredible:)
Thank you for sharing that Patti, I hope every success for you too!
I find the “Astrotheme” title for the description of Pluto square Moon quite intriguing and feels appropriate
“The poison and the antidote” quite cool!
I went through a Pluto square Sun transit around 2009-2010 and it was total HELL , one of the ‘worst’ times in my life….. on the upside (!) I would say that it taught me a lot about myself and my life in a very painful way, without these times we don’t evolve and hitting rock bottom does restore your faith, if nothing else out of desperation! I think Saturn was somehow involved in the mix back then too… good luck to anyone going through this and remember: “this too shall pass!”
I am Libra decan 1 with an aries moon. Is the worst over for me, regarding the Pluto transit?
That depends what decan your Moon is on. It is definitely over your your Pluto square Sun transit, but these ones do take some time to recover from. Find the degree of your Moon here: Pluto is currently moving backward at 13 degrees Capricorn.
My Aries Moon is at 14 degrees. Looks like it’s not over. I’m new to astrology. I stumbled upon this Pluto transit stuff, started to read about it, and discovered that my life going back to 2008 had been described TO THE LETTER, down to specific events, even exact sentences I had said. Thank you for replying.
I have an 16 Aries Sun and 12 Libra Moon (and 10 Gemini ASC)! These aspects are crushing me! Especially with the women at work. I have all female bosses! I’m learning a great deal about power, dealing with my emotions, and figuring out my life direction and what I want for my life. My Bosses seem very intent on “putting me in my place” at the same time they look for anyway to use my talents. To add to this, there are few opportunities where I live and my partner flat refuses to even consider moving to another town. My options are to leave on my own for other professional opportunities or wait things out where I am. My instinct is to run away. But there is a personal support network here that I have never had before and I don’t really want to leave it. I feel like I’m torn between my personal life and career. I will be soooo glad when this is over!
Hi KIrlie, the moon is about repetitive emotional cycles, if interested, I have offered what I have learned below in case it helps.
Hi Kirlie. just sharing what I have learned in case it helps you use the transit for the positive potential rather than just suffering the negatives of it. I went through Pluto opposing my 0’Cancer sun, then my 8’Cancer moon which pretty much deconstructed most of my life and challenged just about every belief in my mind. I have been living in poverty and without my own place since late 2011 even being separated from my so called adult children who still needed their mother. I am now experiencing the square to my moon at 14’Libra (also compacted by the recent cardinal cross with Mars on it) and it is very challenging yet cleansing by not avoiding the emotions that I am feeling rising and releasing them privately then replace them with good feelings, rather than putting a “lid” on them and waiting until they erupt at someone who is only the straw breaking the camels back, not the whole problem, then once the emotions (moon) are clear looking at what my thoughts thus ego (Sun) are ‘expecting” by seeing what is happening around and to me to show me what I really think? Meaning what you are experiencing from the males in your life which is no doubt being supported by females who fear the consequences in not supporting them or fear being subjected to the experiences you are having, is what you really at the unseen or occult (Pluto) level think or expect and change that by giving yourself hope and anticipate a better result than the one you are experiencing. Yes your thinking will fight a little by perhaps challenging that it is not possible because it/they have always been this way or that you are delusional to be hoping for something better which may lead you back into the emotions rising to show you how you actually feel (moon) about yourself or a resistance to ending you emotional suffering because it doesn’t matter as much as what you think, but it is about self esteem and self worth, values of the feminine (Libra) in this particular transit and the confusion it causes is also able then to allow creativity to flow, just like science explains the creation of the universe? It will of course also pertain to the houses that you moon and Pluto are in? My moon is in 12th, thus I have done this work very deeply into my subconscious as intended by the house placement to free it from its “purgatory” however unless yours is in 12th house too, it will be in tune with the house it is in.
Hi Jamie, hopefully you can give some prespective, Cancer Sun/Virgo Rising – with Uranus/Pluto on my Virgo ascendant – Libra moon 12 degrees……Transisting Pluto will square my libra moon starting end of ’13 for 2 years…I’ve read up on this, though can’t find more specifics on the “depth” and emotions, transformative ways o relative to broadly stating my 3 signs…also have a progressed sun that will “go over” my Pluto starting next year, 2015…any prespectives that you may have with the synergy of this..primarily with my Libra moon @ 12 degrees and Pluto transist square??
Thank you….
Pluto and Uranus are absolutely hammering my chart – I have Libra moon at a little over 9 degrees, and it is part of a stellium I’m my 8th house, with moon being the first planet in the 4 planet chain. I am being turned upside down and inside out, and have been through all sorts emotionally – even felt on the edge of a breakdown a few times. My moon is conjunct mars too, so Pluto sq and Uranus opposite mars is next. Sometimes I don’t know how I’ll survive it all, AND Neptune is fogging up my 1st house to boot. Crazy times!
Mila this is almost the story of my life too! Libra moon in 8th, also square natal mars at 13degrees (FFS pluto/uranus!!!) and Neptune going wild in my 1st house too.
Pluto transits 12th House and will at some point mess up natal pluto and saturn in Libra in my natal chart. Digging up sh*t these years doesnt really covers it!
My ex BF kicked me out of my own home in 2012 (around 2nd P/U square), I realized while saturn transitted my scorpio sun, venus, mercury and jupiter that he had been sexually abusive and through many years – and on top of that was cheating on me. All the dirty secrets somehow coming into my life at that time. And it has not stopped yet since pluto square natal moon atm…
If you guys think that’s rough!!! I’m going through Pluto Conjunct Ascendant 9 degrees Capricorn, Squaring my Moon 11 degrees and on top of that please Venus opposition in Cancer 13 degrees 7th house!!!!.. it’s been HELL since March 2013! And not ending till 2016. I’ve been studying astrology over 10 years and overall what I have learned nothing I mean nothing compares what people says. Overall I can say I’m a COMPLETLY different person. I need some professional help. Jaime????
Pam,I ‘m going through Pluto square my natal Moon(14 degrees Libra) and Uranus square natal Mercury(in Capricorn).Ended a few months ago Uranus square natal Moon.Craziness.What can I say?All old buried patterns from my childhood came out.Huge old issues with my mother and her sisters.are still fresh.Can you imagine all 4women(my mom and her sisters) are widows(!!)Karmic bond.
Totally relate moon at 14 Libra too just getting over plutos opposition to 0 degree cancer sun which renderwd me boneless and rejected by family pluto makes nk concessions in hindsight my life needed complete start from foundations due to emotional abuse in my famiky, my moon in 12th so it felt like I was doing thw healing for generations of women who came before me, hoping once this square to moon is done, the aging spell will be lifted lol! Healing thoughts to you
That intended to read homeless yet boneless fits too hahaha
I’ve had Pluto opposite Mars/Uranus conjunction, currently opposite Mercury and square Moon, later to square north node and then Sun. Ends in about 2020, It has felt desperate at times. I’ve got divorced, moved house, had problems with drainage (Pluto is in 4th), family communication problems, and it goes on, and on. I’ve read a lot about it and decided this upheaval and pain is karmic and rather than resist Pluto, to help him in his transformatonal ways. So big work on my past, childhood (4th), long-held memories and beliefs. I’m hoping that this will help make sense, that I can assist Pluto rather than be a helpless subject of his transformation. Nothing else to be done! It has to be got through!
Pluto transitting my 12th house applying square to my moon 15 degrees libra. Its retrograded back over this aspect in the last year or two just as I was hitting the worst of a saturn return and now pluto is turning direct to square my moon proper again. I don’t know that much about astrology but I’m not having a very good time I’ll tell you that much
I found your comment very interesting as I have Pluto in my 12 house squaring my moon Libra 18′ in the 9th house.
I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. Pluto is transiting my 5th house, squaring moon at 15 Libra and it has been hell for 5 years, the last two being the worst. Uranus was opposing moon for some time and is just moving away. Just ended a very difficult 3 year relationship and have had so many losses (financial, health, estranged family relationships, death of pets, etc.) that there isn’t anything left. I feel absolutely gutted and hopeless and the loneliness at times is unbearable. I’ve been stressed beyond belief with no real support to speak of. I think there’s a limit as to how much one can handle and I’m coming close to it. Full moon coming up tomorrow that will affect my sun at 29 Cancer. Yay. I find it almost impossible to be “positive” and raise my vibration to a higher level to deal with this awful time,
Sympathies Kate – if you look at my post above you’ll see that my experiences are similar. And I too have felt that I can’t take any more. Pluto square Moon is exact this weekend on its second pass, two more to go until 2017. I’m also a Cancerian and sensitive to the full moon. I’m just staying home and relaxing. On a broader view, I too have felt desperate as the aspects roll by, year by year. But I believe it’s karmic, we have to go through it, However bad, it can’t be avoided. I have another three years and look forward to the transformation after the work I’m trying to put in and the hell that these Pluto transits have been. Keep on keeping on, however hard, it’s the only way.
Kate,relax and relax again.Take a deep breath!.It’s not only Pluto issues you are going through(karmic ones and connected to females relatives or our deeply ingrained subconscious childhood patterns).It’s also this damn Mercury retrograde hell(it was awful for me this month!)and your transiting Uranus opposites Moon(madness).For me (Uranus opposing my Moon)there was a lot of problems with men,no matter if they were strangers or acquaintances,that kind of macho (!!)… the beginning it seemed I was wrong but after the transit was gone ,my intuition won.I was right!Trust your intuition!
Thanks Luna..I hear what you say about Uranus opposite Moon. My intuition told me the relationship wasn’t right but I was unable to extricate myself from the roller coaster ride I was on..until now.
Thanks,Janet. I appreciate your thoughts.. It’s somehow comforting to know others are facing the same experiences in some way or another..I’m so ready to experience life on a more pleasant and joyful’s been a while.
I went thru a really horrific time for approximately 3 years beginning in Sept of 2011. Astrology is Great!! I find it extremely interesting but if you are caught in a nasty experience you need help. You can’t do it alone. You need to get in touch with your spiritualality. I have no idea if you are religious or not but I personally just broke down and began a relationship with God. He was all I had and I asked him for the strength to get me thru all my difficulties. Doors opened and my whole life changed for the better. We are here to learn and evolve.God was there to help me, just like he is there to help all of his children. Please, seek help thru spirituality, in what ever method you feel comfortable. And, again Astrology is fascinating. But you can’t depend on it to help you spiritually. There is an individual plan for us in this life time but it is not ours to know.. We can only do our best. Living day to day off an astrology chart is not the way to find love and peace in your life.It has to come from within.
Good luck to you and God bless!!❤️
Thanks, Patti,for your words..I agree that getting in touch with my spirituality is very important and I’m doing just that. I’m meditating more and seeking out spiritual groups that I resonate with, so hopefully things will turn around for me soon : }
You pointed out the most important thing Kate, that Uranus opposite your Moon has finished. That made your Pluto transit about as bad as you could expect. I would think that you have been toughened up emotionally to such a degree that you will be able to handle anything in the future. but you know, I doubt you ever will have to experience such a run of dramas ever again. Give it time, it is as if you have had a sever injury that needs time to heal.
Hi Jamie, I’ve just read your comment for Kate and would appreciate if you have any insight into my situation – I’ve posted above in the past. Pluto in 4th square Moon in 7th, Uranus is conjunct Moon, it is now 1 degree separating, conjuncts north node at 20 degrees Aries soon. It’s been very hard to cope with the square and conjunction. Would your comment to me be similar to those you made to Kate? It has been awful on many counts. Thank you.
Hi Janet, I did miss a lot of comments when I was under the weather in recent years. I don’t take into account houses because you will find much more accurate details by looking for any fixed star conjunctions. Don’t be overly concerned by Uranus transiting your Nodes either. The big complicating factor has been Uranus square Pluto, such horrible timing you would only expect such a thing once in a complete soul life cycle however long that is.
I assume your Moon is 16 Aries which means that this is the final Uranus conjunction. So definitely the worst is over. The Pluto square Moon transit should be peaking around now, retrograde in July, direct finally in early December 2016. So I see, Apart from April 2015, this month January 2016 is the most intense you have this combination of Uranus and Pluto. While you still have a way to go, I’m sure you can take some comfort in knowing you only have the Pluto transits alone to come this year. Check out other transits to see if you gain support from them, for example positive Jupiter or Saturn transits or moon phases, especially eclipses.
Thank you Jamie, your comments are much appreciated. Next one up is Uranus square Sun, starting in a couple of months! I’m hoping that although this can be difficult, I can make it empowering. I’ll be very glad when this series of aspects is over…feels as though I’m being put through the wringer but also trying to learn from them. Thanks again, I’m very grateful.
You’re welcome. I find Uranus transits easier to cope with than Pluto transits.
Fantastic!!! God bless!!!
Thank you Jamie, again, your comments are much appreciated. Do you give private readings?
No Janet, too busy looking after kids and myself 🙂
I am going through what feels like one of the most intense time periods in my life. There are days i dont think i can handle this insane energy. Uranus transit conjunct my moon in ariea. Neptune transit conjunct my DC and can’t forget pluto about to square my moon! And you’re right, there is no one, i mean no one in my life that i can talk to about what is really happening to me. Some days i feel like i have gone insane. It feels absolutely unreal.
Thanks for sharing Unreal, hang in there.
I have a friend who has Pluto squaring his natal moon also he is a venus/Chiron conjunct in Pisces conjunct Mars to exact degree. And Venus Chiron is transiting in Pisces right now. How will this affect him or me? Does anyone know? I stumbled upon this by accident trying to learn how to read transits. He hasn’t been very open and I can feel his intense thoughts and feelings. He has shut me out completely but having a soul connect to him I can feel it and knew he was struggling with past hurts and emotional baggage. So this is why? How long does it last?
Jess, it will affect you as you represent the Moon to him – a woman. This transit usually last a year.
Pluto is currently squaring my moon in Aries. There’s definitely been a lot of power struggles with my sister, as she likes to be incharge and very bossy! She has Sun Square Pluto – natal. She’s also been behaving very jealous towards me! It’s definitely been a trip to the underworld! Hopefully I will come out of this stronger and wiser! Jealousy is one of the most ugly, poisonous traits! I think it’s as bad as insolence!
I think jealousy is common. I see it between my daughters. Worse I think would be betrayal, especially within a family.
I became a different person and devastated my life under this transit. Pluto was also squaring my natal pluto and my ascendant. The moon square ended 3 years ago and I’m still recovering
I’m in the middle of the transit for the time being,and my struggle is with my mother,my aunts(all widows!) and my sister.Following some old patterns from childhood .It seems that they are all inconsiderate to my needs,to my old wounds,to my real pain.Deaf and blind.We are speaking different languages We all always did..But this time I am tougher and determined to solve my problems.Besides,at the end of 2016 ,I will be experiencing transiting Saturn squaring my natal Venus.Could be this upcoming transit the side effect of Pluto squaring my Moon.Any thoughts about that?
The Pluto square is making you tougher and with Saturn square Venus at the same time you will either feel defeated and depressed, or may have to get emotionally cold and distant to deal with your relatives. Perhaps a bit of both but don’t expect too much love or empathy from then during the Saturn transit.
Thank you,Jamie! I think somehow, the naked truth was that my relatives they never cared about me,and this is their problem.We were always different(I am too sensitive for them).My lesson to be is to take distance from them(if I can),forgive them and practise self-love.
Jeni,from my experience , transits to Ascendant ,especially from transpersonal planets,are about shedding old skins,old patterns.This is important. Pluto squaring your Pluto is a generational transit.
It does take a year or two to get over these heavy transit. Chin up!
I’m scared what will happen to me. This transit is coming up for me and will be exact in March. Every story I have read about this transit is depressing and hopeless. I hope i make it through and still remain human. I really don’t know what to expect.
It’s not hopeless. I am finding it hard – my third hit is 1 degree separating, exact again in November/December and within 1 degree orb again next year. It started about 18 months ago. The first six months were very difficult as Uranus was also conjunct my Moon while Pluto squared my Moon.
The interpretations of Pluto square Moon began to make sense as I started to feel the impact. Painful events have caused me to look deeply into my childhood and family patterns (Pluto is passing through my fourth house), once I began to try to work with the transit I started to understand what it was all about.
Gradually, little by little, I’m beginning to feel the transformative effects. Still not easy, and emotionally tiring, but I’m subtly different from the person I was eighteen months ago as Pluto started to approach my Moon. It’s been hard but I am beginning to feel the gift although it’s not been achieved without pain. The worst part was when the two transits hit at the same time.
So take heart, if you can get in touch with what Pluto is asking of you, positive transformation can be made.
Thank you for that Janet. Uranus has also been conjunct my moon and going to go back over it soon. That has been a big eye opener already. My nerves were so out of control the first hit and I had the classic case of insomnia that comes from a Uranus transit. Not to mention some very unexpected and shocking events that have taken place to me. My own behavior has shocked me immensely. I am not the same person at all. It has made me ask myself often if I am really going crazy in the head because of how drastic and sudden I have changed on the inside. It will be interesting to see what Pluto will do along side Uranus already transforming me, and it’s not even close to being over yet! I can’t imagine it getting any crazier than it already has, but I”m expecting more shock of course.
I think if you know about transit to your Moon well before hand then self awareness kicks in and can lessen some of the negative, subconscious behaviors and reactions. Conscious awareness prevents some subconscious or bad habits. It can also depend on your level of psychological or spiritual development and any natal aspects to your Moon.
Hi Jamie,
I’m expecting something really shocking to take place. I have already gone through some very shocking things this past year and don’t feel like it is close to being over. My natal aspects to my moon are 8th house moon trine 12th house mercury rx, less than 1 degree. I also have moon quincunx saturn in the 3rd house, less than 1 degree.
I am changing rapidly on the inside but the outside is changing at a way slower pace and it’s very frustrating.
For really shocking I think of Uranus transits. Pluto transits can also be shocking I suppose but when it sinks in you probably half expected it. Moon trine Mercury should give you an accurate intuition. However, Saturn may flavor that with worst case scenarios.
Thanks for the delineation, Jamie. Clearly an angel tapped me on the mouse, sending me here to see this. 🙂
Transiting Pluto hit my natal Moon today. You reading helps explain a dark, moody year when the inner landscape got wrenched around. My Moon is in the 9th house, so it’s essentially a transformation of world view, of spirituality. Applying Pluto in the 5th house brought these changes from my “fun” house, from romantic relationships – which have intensified lately, but with teacher-goddesses, not with long term partners.
Saturn has trined toward my Moon for the past 6 degrees, so there as a harmonious :schooling.”
The great value of astrology, i feel, is that it lets us knows which archetypal patterns are shifting, so we don’f freak out, and we can learn rather than smash things.
Nicely said Damun, thank you.
I must leave a new comment(thought) as I am in the middle of this transit. Studying myself I noticed to become a sort of despot(tyrant) and if someone, especially family is stepping on my toes, I react immediately.My will .
Oh no, here it comes again! I have 16 Aries moon and IC 15 Capricorn, I know others on here have similar.
This is the last hit, will my IC be affected as it is one out and will the exact square to my 16 moon be harder to cope with than the previous ones?
03/09/1966 9.20am
Me too Sian, my moon is 15.57 Aries. It’s been a long and difficult journey since 2015 – I’m wondering if the 1 degree orb later this year is going to extend it. I’ve learnt a lot in that time through self investigation, but … could this be consolidation of the painful lessons or even more painful?
Any comments would be much appreciated Jamie. 🙂
I am feeling stronger but stuff is still happening! Pluto is relentless, you get one step forward and he drags you back two, or more if he possibly can!
Are Janet and I going to get more with this last hit?
…………. Pluto has turned retrograde now, I am actually strangely calm now. What will be will be!
As the final conjunction approaches I’m finding it’s getting intense but in a different area of my life – so far. Classic Moon female crises, all about best friend for 40 years – classic dark Plutonian stuff, control and power. But it also links with the issues raised during the last hits, although they were with men. All hits have required me to delve into past family patterns (Pluto is transiting fourth) and ways of relating: the changes I’ve made in myself are resented by friend. Interesting, but I hope it doesn’t get too scorching. Had enough of that!
Would appreciate any comment Jamie as the final Pluto square to my Moon approaches, although it’s not quite exact this time. My moon is 15.58 Aries.
The past squares have brought up classic issues: the way I relate with family and the men in my life and I’ve done a lot of work on this, although the issues are not quite resolved. But I have acquired insight.
This approaching square has foreshadowed severance of my closest friendship of 40 years, this because I’ve changed. Another close female friend is dying from cancer, it started in February and she will die within the next few days.
Is it usual for the emphasis of the Pluto/Moon square to change on the last hit? Has anyone else experienced this? It feels never ending.
Could Jamie answer this one for us?
My partner has pluto sq moon at the moment.. He is freaking me out .. I don’t seem to be able to do anything right the way he wants.. feel like giving up 🙁
Pluto will station direct square my aries 16 moon. This is the final time, I thought I could deal with it, I have been battered beyond belief these last few years! Pluto, Neptune Saturn all gunning for me!
I’m now feeling a glimmer of nerves in the background.
Is Jamie around?
Sympathies Sian, I’m having a hard time too. Head up, it’s got to be gone through. Are you feeling exhausted by the trauma/drama of the past two years? I am. When will there good times?
I’ve been so focussed on my 2nd Saturn (11th house) return exact Oct. 18th – so went looking today for something to mitigate it…. and found Pluto exactly square moon on the same day. Yikes! But sort of explains the loss of two good girlfriends (one of 25 years) in the last six months.
Oh, Sat 23.3 Sag, Moon 16 Libra
I seem to be making small steps forward, still have intense situations occuring though. Sometimes I am utterly exhausted but I think there is a tiiiiny light at the end of the tunnel!
Could Jamie maybe shed some light on this final square for us?
Hello everyone, I’m posting an update of my experiences of my Pluto square Moon transit, hoping that it may help some of you.
Firstly, I can’t sugar it: it’s been the most difficult time of my life. Also, I think the affecting orb is probably about 2.5.
My story: My Moon is 15.53 Aries so Pluto has been squaring it for a long time. I felt the effects in early 2014, through now. It was almost unbearable when Uranus was conjunct my Moon at the same time, in 2015. At present Pluto has just gone direct and is moving away from the square, still within one orb and I’m still feeling the effects.
As Pluto approached my moon in early 2014 I became involved with a man who has BPD. I later found out that being involved with a BPD is very hard and difficult to free oneself from. The hooks are strong and difficult to break. The reasons for the hooks are buried in childhood. So, the classic interpretation of Pluto square Moon applied to me as I struggled to break free by delving into childhood patterns.
I was doing okay until the exact square earlier this year when he charmed me into a recycle. I hope the recent almost exact square signals that within a year or so I will have recovered.
There’s more though. I’ve read that the consecutive squares, five in my case, also bring up other issues. I’ve noticed that as I have changed I have moved away from people I previously liked. I became more aware of personal aspects of my female friends that I dislike. These all involve control. Another Plutonian issue. Also, a married male friend began unwelcome sexual innuendo, also Plutonian. Also jealousy, on my part and also from other women to me. Also Plutonian. Power struggles too, Pluto again.
I find that I have more insight into people, and myself. It has been a dark night of the soul. A shock to me, it felt like an emotional tsunami and I’m hoping to reap the rewards next year. Meanwhile it’s not quite over yet.
The encouraging words I can offer is that if you undertake honest self-examination during these squares you will come out stronger and wiser, albeit bruised. But bruises heal even though they may feel unbearable at the time.
And soon Pluto moves on to oppose my Sun at 24 degrees Cancer…I think of it as karmic lessons.
I should also add that a close female friend died of cancer during the hit earlier this year, death, also Plutonian, and another female friend was recently diagnosed with cancer during the last hit. People say Pluto has been demoted, and it may be that I have a Plutonian chart with Pluto conjunct Venus, trining my Moon which may emphasise the importance of Pluto for me, I don’t know enough to tell. Tracking the events of the last few years has been eerie though when I read the traditional interpretations of Pluto square Moon.
As I said, tracking the events and the effects of transiting Pluto is interesting me. I have just realised (I’m not an expert on astrology), that while Pluto has been squaring my Moon, it has also been inconjunct (or quincunx) my Pluto/Venus conjunction. Going back and forth across it for the whole period, and will continue to be inconjunct Venus on and off for the next year. This might have contributed to the hell that the Pluto/Moon square has been.
Apologies if I seem to be blathering on but I had not considered inconjuncts, they aren’t mentioned that much although it seems they generate difficult and twitchy energy.
So, if you are experiencing the difficulties of hard Pluto/Moon transits, it might be worth checking your chart to see if Pluto is also inconjunct another planet at the same time.
Please correct me if I’m wrong Jamie and if you have any free time, I’d be very interested if you have any comments to make about this.
I’m noticing this in my new relationships; my insecurities come up and then all the plutonian behaviors rear their ugly heads. Ugh. How long will this last pluto square moon transit last? also, i think it’s squaring my ascendant, as well, so will I be hit double-whammy?
I am in the transit of moon square pluto to my libra moon and the sun conjunct neptun in pisces at the same time its so hard , like real hell , i just wait for it to over alredy it makes you feel like youre dead and you get scared over every little noise and you think everyone is evil around you and get so untrusting and start to hate the world and people will say that you are crazy , its like your moon sign , the thing the moon really crave and need will vanish and get destroyed it gets real bad in the end you feel like nothing is left of you and you feel like crap about yourself but it makes you thugh and it fix you in the ways that you needed to be fixed , i will never go back to who i was befor the transit , im a libra moon so its about friends , all i had was fake friends i never really liked them or felt close to them beacuse we werent matching personallitis and it gets so much worst when i kept henging out with those people it gets unberble for you like for me i had a friend who talked like a radio she just wouldnt stop and i started getting really angry about it but i kept henging out with her just not to be alone so it gotten worst until i couldnt bear it anymore, also i used to be fake nice to everybody just to please them until i got to a point where i seid to myself why am i doing this at all i really dont wanna be sitting and listening and now i will never do that again beacause i learned the hard way , also people stalk you like 24/7 its crazy i have a neighbor who his scurety camera allways on me and its like your whole privecy goes away
I will soon go tghrow same transits as you. Pluto square moon and neptune conjunct sun. I have a collegue that talks as a radio as well, wveryone seems to want to harm me as well and both transits are not even exact. I feel so much fear and insecurity.
How are you now? Whats your advice for me?
I am just starting to get hit with this transit (my aries moon is at 21degrees aries) Transit Pluto will be squaring my moon and will be conjunct my descendant (22 degrees caoricorn) over the next three years. Over the past several years, I have had pluto oppose my sun, the oppose my mars. Needless to say, I have been hit with harsh pluto transits. Saturn currently going through Capricorn has not helped. The past year it has been opposing my sun (5 degrees cancer), which marked a time of depression. That has finally lifted as i now get hit with pluto again. Makes me wonder if I am going from the pot to the frying pan. At the end of 2019 and beginning if 2020, I will have saturn and pluto conjunct my descendant and squaring my moon, which makes me nervous. Janet, I have found your posts very insightful and I want to thank you for sharing. I am going to your take your advice about documenting my experiences in hope that it helps me learn and understand myself on a deeper subconscious level. I have gone through so much in the past 10 years and have not had much of a reprieve. Over the next few years, i am wondering how much pluto will destroy and what the rebuilding of my life will look like. I am really trying to keep some optimism that this transit will help me be a better version of myself in the end. Having my moon natally square my asc/dsc axis, I am trying to be optimistic and have faith that this will give me the push to change the part of myself that has struggled with expressing my emotions and living my life for me without worrying about the expectations of those around me.
Hi Tracey, thanks for your comments and sorry to hear you are having a hard Plutonic time. They say he’s demoted but his effects are still very powerful. Pluto has been opposing or squaring my natal planets for ten years, starting with opposition to Mars in 2008, moving on to Uranus, my descendent, squaring Neptune and then my Moon.
I can now see how the aspects have affected my life but was unaware of Pluto and his power until the square to the Moon. I knew I was having hard times but that aspect floored me. I don’t think Moon in Aries is a good placement for a Cancerian, I’ve always found it difficult, the energy contradicts our Cancer sun and I too struggled with expressing my emotions and living my life for me, I was easily influenced and a people pleaser.
I hope I am less so now. During the Pluto Moon square I read all the interpretations, I went to a very good hypnotherapist for regression – exploring my childhood, it’s difficulties and mixed messages, the dysfunctional nature of my family and my upbringing. And I learned to accept my part in it all too! Once I accepted responsibility for some of my actions which had caused me problems, whilst also seeing what behaviour of others I had accepted as normal, then things began to balance out and I was able to see more clearly. Jamie also gave me some helpful comments on this thread – thanks Jamie! I also started to read about Ceres (Pluto’s mother-in-law) and watch her movements in my chart. You might find this useful as both are considered of equal importance nowadays.
I tread carefully nowadays, I know the power of Pluto. I hope you find a trusted mentor or therapist to help you through this. I never mentioned Pluto to my therapist but I knew what was happening. A lot of people do not believe in astrology, I used his help in conjunction with what was happening in my chart. If you do the work Pluto demands you should come out of this transit wiser and changed subtly. More insight, more understanding, more tolerance of others and yourself. I now understand and rein in emotions that were rooted in childhood and which are destructive. They are still there, although muted now and I understand why they were coping mechanisms and why they were counter productive. These are the sort of things I learned when I followed the traditional advice to delve deep into your family patterns, your childhood and your subconscious.
I hope this helps you Tracey and is not disheartening. Now, you can help me please. Pluto opposes my Cancer Sun later this year and so here I go again. Can you tell me what the opposition was like for you, I’d be really interested in your feelings and experiences and how you dealt with it.
Chin up, Pluto square Moon doesn’t last forever and walking through the pain you discover strength and understanding for the future.
Thank you, Janet. You have given me some more food for thought so to speak. I can give you some insight as to my experience when Pluto opposed my Sun which began around 2011/2012 It was a time that marked the beginning of many stressers in my life, especially with my husband. In the beginning it was subtle, but it got worse as time went on, especially after the passing of his mom. He was not only dealing with his grief, but had many unresolved issues stemming from his own childhood that had come back to the surface. It put a huge strain on our marriage and I didn’t handle it well either. I had put up with a lot that I shouldn’t have and did not stand up for myself or confront him on things that I didn’t like. Instead, I made a lot of excuses for both him and for myself. My self esteem hit bottom and I confided in no one. As a result, I became lonely and slowly isolated myself, which was a big mistake on my part. I would put on a mask for outsiders when inside I was screaming. That same year my oldest son had gone through a major knee surgery, which he required a lot of care to recover. It was a stressful time as I tried to juggle work and caring for him while my marriage was slowly falling apart. My husband was not much help as he was going through his own meltdown and there was no family that lived close by that could give me support. Eventually I reached a point where I couldn’t take it anymore and I stopped tolerating the things I didn’t like but the arguments were awful at times. People closer to us knew that things were not good and it became harder hiding my pain. But strangely enough, there was always a love between us that was worth trying to fight for. By the end of 2013, we were working on trying to put the pieces back together. In early 2014, he passed away unexpectedly in a tragic accident and I was left with nothing but grief. This was when Pluto squared my natal Chiron and Uranus was conjunct it.
I agree that moon in Aries is hard for us Cancer suns but it is what got me through the worst of the grief. It was out in the open for all to see, and I certainly didn’t hide it and nor did I care to. It didn’t matter what anyone thought and I guess that was something else that came out of the Pluto opposition to my Sun. But the Aries fire was also a good outlet to get out the pain in a healthy way. I did a lot of physical activity to get out the emotion, exercise, boxing classes, walking in nature, eating healthier. I started journaling and meditating too. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have done those same things earlier on when Pluto began to oppose my sun. I am sure that I would have dealt with things much differently but I needed to hit bottom first I guess. All of these transits, as hard as they have been, did make me become a stronger person than I ever thought I was or even could be. There is still so much more work I have to do on myself but I guess that is my next set of lessons from Pluto, dealing with the subconscious emotions that I still have buried.
That is what you are learning. Never good enough for others. BUT. Who is or should be the most important person in your life??? You know the answer to that. It’s YOU. That is what the outer planets do. Stop serving others first, you are first. Always… I’m over 60 now and I wish someone had drilled that in my psyche. I have wasted my whole life making others lives better and putting mine last. If I could only turn back the clock. I would not do that again.
I would encourage people – as a way of learning how life operates – to not only look at their own chart, but those who are famous (more accurate birth times), to see what is happening to them.
Princess Diana, died when having a Pluto/Mars square, with Pluto transiting the 12th house (hospitals, prisons, mental institutions, subconscious self-undoing) and Mars in her natal chart in the 9th house (other countries/cultures/long trips (more than 500 miles)). At the time she died, Pluto was 2.5 degrees PAST exact aspect. It is my training that Pluto transits last LONG past 1 year past “ground zero.” I had a Pluto moon transit between 2012-2016 (I give 5 degrees past ground zero for the worst of things to happen) and when, despite some surgeries (the moon rules the emotions, the body and women), I kept thinking “this CAN’T be the worst. All this is too mundane for it to be a Pluto transit. (I’ve studied astrology since 1969)). So, I thought it through: “My emotions, my body, and…women! Oh no, my sister, K__________.” And then I thought, “NO. MONA.” And then I remembered Mona telling me 8 months earlier that she had been feeling tired (and not her usual, “I am SO tired, Glennie!” which came from her having a Pluto/Mars sextile in her natal chart (and never running out of energy!). And I remember the hairs standing up on my neck when she told me that. It was June 2014. But nothing else was happening to her.
On March 6, 2015, when Pluto 2.3 degrees past “ground zero,” Mona called to tell me she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. And I KNEW that THIS was my Pluto/Moon transit. This person, whom I’d loved more than ANYONE in my life EVER – more than my parents, my own sister and brother (Mona was my first cousin the daughter of my mother’s younger sister, and six months younger than me). We were both 63 when she was diagnosed. Based on the birth time she gave me (Dec. 30, 1951 at 12:30 am), I saw Saturn as being in her first house and told her I thought she would be okay. And she was. For a while. She did surgery and the doctors proclaimed it a success. Then chemo and radiation. When she went back to the doctor in June, she called me, telling me the reason she had kept her distance from me was that she thought I saw something in her chart and was keeping it from her. “Mona,” I told her, “I have NEVER lied to you in 63 years. Do you think I would do that now? Don’t you think I would have given you some warning 15 years ago that this was coming up if that was the case??” But I could see how she would think that. She knew that I loved her more than anyone in my life, and that I would do ANYTHING for her – including dying for her, if it came to that. So she naturally thought I would try to protect her from bad news. That’s not me. I’m a Sun conjunct Uranus. I’m built for bluntness, not evasion. I would have told her – if I’d seen that – that she needed to be VERY careful during these years.
Anyway, 3 months later, she started having back problems. And it turned out the cancer had come back. She died November 2015, when Pluto was 1 degree past ground zero for me. BUT, Pluto was squaring Saturn in HER chart, as well as Mars, and was within 1 degree past ground zero. THAT was worse than me dying myself.
If you examine the charts of famous people, you will see what is going on. Roger Stone, for example, was having Pluto square Uranus and Neptune when he was arrested. BUT he was also having a Pluto Jupiter trine – by transit. In spiritual astrology (see Isabel Hickey, the famous spiritual astrologer’s book for more on this), it is called “The Hand of God is stretched out over you.” A protective aspect. The WORST that can happen to someone will NOT happen, if you have this in your natal chart (as I do) or by transit. Lori Laughlin is also having Pluto trine Jupiter. Pluto is already 2 degrees past ground zero BUT…the outcome remains to be seen. Watch her trial carefully. She is also having Uranus square the Sun right now. SO, if this goes to trial, by MY orbs for Pluto (up to 5 degrees past exact aspect (“ground zero”), she will…well, not WIN her case, since ANY Pluto transit, BAD OR GOOD, must be used for the greater good and not for self-aggrandizement, but will receive a lesser sentence (if any. I can’t tell you how Mona used to say to me, “If I’d done HALF the things you had, I’d be dead or in jai”l (acting out in my late teens, after my father died (a Pluto/Saturn conjunction in my chart, by the way).
After Mona died, I kept looking at the chart, wondering how I could have been so wrong, until I thought, “what if her birth time was off by 5 minutes?” I readjusted her chart. Saturn moved from the first house into the 12th, a MALEFIC aspect in the natal chart of pretty awful staggering proportions, by traditional astrological interpretations. Of course, that went from it being a change in her ego (1st house), to confinement – or death (the 12th house being the FINAL house of life (4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), 12th (Pisces), being the Houses of Death (Literal or Psychological). As the Universe revealed: Death.
Prince Charles has just been diagnosed with the Coronavirus. He is having: Uranus square Mercury (unexpected, sudden news), Uranus square ascendant, and, Uranus CONJUNCT Moon (he has Moon in Taurus). Uranus has just now gone to 4 degrees of Taurus, but it would appear he got it when Uranus was a 3 degrees of Taurus, so that falls within MY orb of influence for a transit (3-4 degrees for the trans-Saturnian planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). Keep an eye on him also.
Just look daily at the charts of famous people getting divorces, falling “in love” (frequently a Pluto/Venus square or opposition or even a conjunction) and falling out of love 4 year later, people dying or some other momentous event (Queen Elizabeth having a Uranus CONJUNCT Sun transit when Meghan and Harry (both having Pluto/Pluto squares and Meghan having another Pluto transit (I forget which one) simultaneously. What happens in one chart will be reflected in the charts of those they interact with. If you are having Pluto/Moon, look at the chart of your friends of family. You will find a corresponding transit in their charts as well (either Pluto or Uranus, usually).
The last episode of the story of the Royal family of Norway during the war with Hitler, finished last night. I did not realize it was hi lighting a womans power until then. Their home had been taken as a post by the germans so it needed a face lift and he gratefully surrendered the office to her with her new office desk. The reunion released my emotional grief. The past in all ways moved further along to the new. Thanks to kcts the role of women is finally coming like pearls out of the shell. And the struggles of men to give ground gracefully.
Oh GOODNESS. I’m about to experience a transit with PLUTO SQUARING NATAL SUN AND MOON. Already, I feel something is stirring, but I don’t know if I’m ready. I’m already riddled with paranoia, anxieties, PTSD, hypochondria, and other mental illnesses due to my traumatic past of abuse. I’m going to be in for a bumpy ride soon. I feel like it’s been this way my whole life, and I’m never going to get relief. Just no.
I have my natal moon at 29 Libra in 7th house and my husband his Sun at 29 Capricorn in 7th house. I feel so fearful on this transit of Pluto affecting us after reading all thease comments. I even begin to feel so much fear now at 28 degrees, that I am scared going on taking any decisions in my life.
We have a concern about selling our house thet is too big and expensive to mantain and buying a land and building a new one smaller and more cost efficient but the inflation scares me to hell. Also new energy bills scare me as well.
We have been living apart for 17th years, he is working abroad, not constantly but for a long time in this marriage.
I dont know what decision to make about the house but I want to live with my husband, we are both tierd of this situation.
I’ve been reading all this comments and none of them are positive, is it anyone that had no majos impact during this transit?
I feel so scared on thinking about what could go wrong when Pluto hits 29 degrees…is my husbands sun, is squareing my moon, also I’m a 27th degrees Pisces in 12th and Neptune is approaching, not to mention Saturn in the following years.
Is there any hope for me to survive thease transits?
Hi Anna,
What I can say having been through this transit (with Uranus opposing my Moon simultaneously) is that you can’t live in fear. It won’t be helpful to do so. There is hope for you to survive these transits. Go about your life doing the best you can and making the best choices you can. What you will find is that you are stronger than you know and you will end up realizing that you’re capable of dealing with certain challenges that you wouldn’t have thought imaginable. This will no doubt be a testing time but it’s meant to have you understand your ability to fight for what you believe in and to stand up for yourself. Once this is over you will most likely be a different person altogether, but for the better. Good luck to you!
It may mean that your wishes are granted, that you come together again. Pluto can be rebirth, change and the END of you being single persons and being born anew as a married couple. It also has a lot to do with things held in common ie 8th house, so your shared home and something to be REALLY SCARED of…sex. I do hope that made you laugh.
Years later and I am going through a similar transit and life situations!! I am a 28°Libra moon and Pluto is on its way out of cap at 29°. I got into my first ever serious relationship in 2021 right before the end of the new year with an Aries sun w a cap moon. We were both in dark places and used the relationship to feel better basically. I do believe we are karmic partners and I am so grateful for the love, heartbreak, isolation, understanding, and awareness our connection brought me. I am also a scorpio rising so this was super cool to read! He has a sag mars and venus and I have a sun, mercury and chiron in sag. We last spoke in december and before that it was a few months and before that a while longer. just very little to no communication and lately, within the past week or so, I have found myself experiencing such strong emotional waves of everything i felt during and right after our relationship ended. reading about this transit helped me so much to see I’m not crazy, its in the stars!! LOL
My partner is going through this rn. Please, I need help. He just started the transit and it will last till 2025! Moon in 1st Aries, Pluto in 11th Cap.
I can’t do anything right atm. He is in such a dark place, I’m worried. I tried to mobilize his friends and family, but that made him furious at me. I don’t know how to help him, ToT.
Pluto already squared my 15 degrees Saturn and 25 degrees Pluto in my natal 11th house Libra. Now this current square to my 28 degrees Moon and 29 degrees Jupiter in Libra will be almost exact with Saturn square my 1 degree Sun, Ascendent and Uranus with 23 degree Neptune square Neptune. All these long term outer planet squares to my natal planets have been doing some real damage to my life since 2015. Lots of homelessness and back to back loss of everything I worked hard for, yet this year has been the worst by far and my birthday falls on Thanksgiving this year. After all these years I thought 23 was my lucky number. I was wrong and it has caused me to not be thankful for anything anymore.
• SR ♋️16°🌛8h 🔲 Natal Pluto 19° 10h ♎️
• ♄pisces 🔲 ♀ on my ASC ♐️ 15°
• ♄♓️ opposite natal ♄13° ♍️ MC 21° / Lilith transiting ♍️
Not the same I use to be. And my soul wants out of this painful body. I suffer from interstitial cystitis, last bad flare up 18 yrs ago. I can’t resist the excruciating pain on this one. Think this is it, I’m ready.