Saturn square Midheaven maximum orb 4°30′.
Saturn square Midheaven natal creates a lack of security early in life because of your family circumstances. Your parents may have struggled financially, or there were frequent moves to find work. Maybe a tumultuous relationship between your parents or an absent parent has led to your feelings of insecurity.
Sibling rivalry, a judgmental, strict, or abusive parent, stifling tradition, or extra burdens may have led to resentment and emotional insecurity. You may have felt isolated at school and found it challenging to connect emotionally with other people. As a result, you may have had trouble sleeping, felt sad and alone, suffered irritability, anxiety, eating disorders or drug abuse, or even self-harm.
Even in times of grief, you may not have had the sympathy you deserved from your parents. If this was the case, you may have developed a sense of dependence and sought emotional support elsewhere.
Leaving your family home would have given you new-found freedom and helped you realize your destiny. Despite or because of early hardship, your career will likely be your salvation. Dedication and hard work lead to improved self-esteem, achievement, and recognition.
Commitment to your family, partner, and children also stabilizes you. You may only keep a few friends, but you know you can count on them in need.
Saturn Square Midheaven Transit
Saturn square Midheaven transit brings difficult questions about your career and home life. Extra burdens like looking after an ill family member could take their toll on your work. Loneliness and lack of emotional support are also possible, and you may feel betrayed or rejected or suffer a crisis in confidence.
Your home life could suffer if you have been too focused on getting ahead in your career. You may face time pressures or be given too much responsibility at work. These tests and challenges should focus your attention on finding a balance between personal relationships and professional advancement.
You may meet resistance from others about your choice of goals, and this would be a test to discover if your heart is on your chosen path. If you need a change in direction, it might be better to do it now, regardless of how unpleasant it is. Or perhaps delays are karmic to hold you back until it is the right time to achieve success and recognition.
Saturn Square Midheaven Celebrities
Virginia Woolf 0°01′, Carol Channing 0°03′, James VI and I 0°04′, Peter Hurkos 0°15′, Mariah Carey 0°17′, Larry King 0°24′, Ben Affleck 0°25′, Christopher Lee 0°28′, Angelina Jolie 0°29′, Katy Perry 0°33′, Jose Mourinho 0°34′, Philip Sedgwick 0°35′, Louis Pasteur 0°40′, Lord Louis Mountbatten 0°51′, Glenn Close 0°55′, Ulysses S. Grant 1°00′, Warren Beatty 1°02′, Shirley Temple 1°05′, Dana Plato 1°14′, Tyra Banks 1°17′, Robert De Niro 1°19′, Steve McQueen 1°21′, Cindy Williams 1°24′, Althea Flynt 1°29′, Candice Bergen 1°33′, Penélope Cruz 1°43′, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 1°50′, Aretha Franklin 1°53′, Johnny Carson 1°57′.