Cerberus was created in the 17th century by Johannes Hevelius, and its stars are now included in Hercules. It spans 15 degrees of the zodiac in the Signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Abbreviation: Cer
Genitive: Cerberi [1]
Constellation Cerberus Stars
2000 | 2050 | Star | Name | Sp. Class | Mag. | Orb |
00♑01 | 00♑43 | 93 Her | K0 | 4.67 | 1°00′ | |
00♑29 | 01♑11 | 95 Her | G5 | 4.26 | 1°20′ | |
02♑51 | 03♑33 | 102 Her | B2 | 4.37 | 1°10′ | |
07♑48 | 08♑30 | 109 Her | Cladus | K2 | 3.85 | 1°30′ |
Cerberus Astrology
History and Legend. This constellation, which is not now recognized, was probably added by Hevelius in 1690. It represents the three-headed monster that guarded the gates of Hades and was brought to the upper world by Hercules. The figure depicts it as held by Hercules, in which the constellation is now merged. According to some accounts, it is the serpent slain by Hero that infested the country around Taenarum.
Influence. Cerberus is said to cause faithfulness, devotion, industry and watchfulness, and to restrain from evil, but to give danger of poison. [2]
Cerberus. This sub-constellation, a former adjunct of Hercules, but now entirely disregarded by astronomers, is supposed to have originated with Hevelius in his Firmamentum Sobiescianum, although Flammarion asserts that it was on the sphere of Eudoxos with the Branch. The 4th- to 5th‑magnitude stars that Hevelius assigned to it are Flamsteed’s 93, 95, 96, and 109, lying half-way between the head of Hercules and the head of the Swan.
The royal poet James I designated the infernal Cerberus as “the thrie headed porter of hell,” and the heavenly one has been so figured, although with serpents’ darting tongues; but the abode and task of the creature would seem to render very inappropriate his transfer to the sky, so that it probably was only made for the purpose of mythological completeness, as the death of this watch-dog of Hades fitly rounded out the circle of Hercules’ twelve labours.
Others have said that the figure typified the serpent destroyed by the Hero while it was infesting the country around Taenarum, the ÎœÎτωπον of Greece, the modern Cape Matapan.
Some of the stars of Cerberus were known in China as Too Sze, the Butcher’s Shop; and others as Meen Too, a Cloth Measure. [3]
- SkyEye: Cerberus
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.37-38.
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.159-160.
Asteroid Cerberus 1865, common S.type of the Apollo group. Mythologically described the same as the defunct topic constellation… But, we see Asteroid Cerberus conjunct the retrograde Mercury (June3), so maybe this old dog hasn’t had its day yet? Revive him and play ‘catch the frisbee’ …I heard there are a few flying around his parts.
Cerberus 23Gem23
Mercury Rx 23Gem49
Liberating Cerberus from his Herculean capture. Make it the first Labour in rehabilitating Axial age mythology? I’m fiddling with this idea. A good diversion from the space age Olympic follies? Something to do while lilting under a Hesiod summer sun? It would be a monumental effort. How, if possible, does it fit into the Edifice? The Pantheon of earlier efforts, here, at the cloudiest of all Astrology sites? Perhaps just put together an outline, and allow others to write the essay? That would be easy, and easy on the eyes.
Asteroid Cerberus 1865. This dog is pretty tenacious for his release. Has his day arrived?
Cerberus 1865 conjunct Algol, trine Pluto, at (May 7) Lunar Return.
26Tau43 Cerberus 1865
26Tau27 Algol
26Cap47 Pluto
Canada Emergency Response Benefit CERB
“The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is a temporary social security program created by the Government of Canada for Canadian residents facing unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic”
Is there an acronym for the rest of the word, ERUS?
SURE did love creating CERB for everyone. Even bailed-out the Global banks, but the FED not ready yet?
Could you please consider adding latitude data for each star in your database? The latitude (above or below ecliptic) has an effect on the strength of that particular star’s influence.
Hi Max. Good idea. I am compiling a list of all the stars so will try adding that too.