Kepler College Horoscope

A Titan of astrological education has fallen. As announced on Monday in the Horoscopic Astrology Blog, “Kepler College Cancels Current Term, School Closing”. Three days before this announcement, I posted a blog titled The Evolution of Astrology, in which I predicted hard times ahead for traditional forms of astrology based on them being represented by Saturn: “it is the tradition of Saturn that feels the rebirthing effects most strongly from squaring Pluto.”

When this announcement was made, Pluto was square Saturn by 44′. The Kepler College, being a physical institution has felt the destructive power of Pluto very strongly, in mundane astrology, Saturn rules “Property, the system of government, institutions and bureaucracy, economy, conservatism, infrastructure, law, control.” [wiki] Why has this particular institution copped the brunt of Pluto’s power? The answer can be found by looking at the horoscopes of Kepler College.

There are two horoscopes I have discovered. The one listed at Astro Databank is for the Foundation of Kepler College. The other, supplied by Chris Brennan at his forum is for the Incorporation of Kepler College.
The transits to the Incorporation chart show no aspects from the Pluto Saturn square. The only real indicator of trouble is transiting Mars opposing natal Saturn. Transiting Uranus on the Part of Fortune is easy to interpertet: changing fortunes.

Transits To Foundation Chart

It is the transits to the Foundation chart which give the best clues to why this event has occured. The Neptune Chiron conjunction is opposing natal Mercury, and Jupiter oppsoite Jupiter. The real bell-ringing however is transiting Pluto opposing natal Vertex. This natal Vertex then is also squared by transiting Saturn. Despite a number of requests, as of now I have been unable to find an exact time for the closure announcement, but I expect the orbs involved here are under 30′.

According to Kim Falconer, “The vertex appears as a sensitive point linked to fateful encounters with others, seemingly sudden epiphanies, turning points in life and a destiny over which we have no control.” Certainly the case here, The transiting Pluto Saturn square has taken the destiny of this institution of of its own control and marked a major turning point in the life of the institution.

In the foundation horoscope, asteroid Kepler is conjunct Vertex by 04′. This asteroid was named after the great astrologer Johannes Kepler, the same great astrology that Kepler College was named after. Johannes detested traditional astrology, he threw away the zodiac signs that conventional astrology is based on and developed his own system focusing on the aspects between planets. According to Bruce Scofield, Kepler “thought that the zodiac itself was merely a human geometry exercise and primarily served to aid the memory of astrologers as they computed aspects in their heads”.

Astrologers worldwide will be looking on very closely to see how this drama unfolds, to see what rises out of the ashes. The June Lunar Eclipse conjuncting Pluto will again oppose the Kepler College Vertex, so there should be some developments later in the year.