March 14 to 17, 2023 – Spiritual Warfare

March 14 to 17, 2023 Astrology – Spiritual Warfare

From March 14 to 17, 2023, a triple conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Neptune is square Mars. This is extremely powerful and dangerous astrology with six challenging aspects. There is also a quarter moon directly opposite Mars.

There is a strong emphasis on the red square aspect. It makes people energetic, fiery and dynamic, with an increased readiness for action and motivation. There is a lot of strength available for assertion and defense. But the square also generates conflict, friction, crises, stress and sometimes also a tendency to aggression.

From March 14 to 17, 2023, there is a high likelihood of lies, deception, fraud, arguments and conflict. There could be murders, mass shootings, assassinations, poison attacks, ambushes and false flag operations.

Mars aligns with a fixed star associated with violence, in particular, male violence. This suggests an increased risk of domestic violence and rape.

Mars is associated with war. Neptune is associated with religion and spirituality. So there is the danger of a violent escalation in the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as other conflicts that involve religious intolerance.

The times below are for New York:

March 14, 07:38 pm – Mars square Neptune
March 14, 10:08 pm – 3rd Quarter Moon at 24♐13
March 15, 07:38 pm – Sun conjunct Neptune at 25♓06
March 16, 01:12 pm – Mercury conjunct Neptune at 25♓08
March 16, 02:09 pm – Sun square Mars
March 17, 00:48 am – Mercury square Mars
March 17, 06:44 am – Sun conjunct Mercury at 26♓34

The 3rd Quarter Moon at 24°13′ Sagittarius, only two and a half after Mars square Neptune. The quarter moon is directly opposite Mars and squares the Sun, Mercury and Neptune. This intensifies emotions and amplifies the influence of all these challenging aspects. It also extends the influence up to the March 21 New Moon.

March 14 to 17, 2023 Horoscope

Mars Square Neptune March 14, 2023

Mars is conjunct fixed star Al Hecka at 23°47′ Gemini. Al Hecka gives violence, male violence and the danger of accidents. It is counted as an unfortunate star. It gives a combative nature with the tongue, and sometimes manually too, which can indeed lead to misfortune.

With Mars: Evil companions, bad habits, sex troubles, and afflictions of a Mars-Venus type.

The Sun, Mercury and Neptune are conjunct fixed star Markab at 23°48′ Pisces. Markab gives honor, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire and a violent death. Tied up with propitious stellar bodies, Markeb is said to influence above all the spiritual and mental nature, to give a good head for figures, intellectual alertness, mental powers in general and the ability to further propaganda activity.

With Sun: Energetic, unlucky, impermanent martial honors, disappointed ambitions, accidents, sickness.

With Mercury: Good mind, rash and headstrong, quick in speech, diplomatic, capable writer, criticized, friends become enemies.

With Neptune: Unbalanced or abnormal mind, many disappointments, emotional, romantic, distasteful environment, secret enemies, domestic disharmony, many accidents.

12 thoughts on “March 14 to 17, 2023 – Spiritual Warfare

  1. My natal sun is at 22 degrees pisces I also have my natal mercury at 18 degrees pisces. Is this bad for me??

    • Hi Kathryn. A a one-degree orb is used for transits. So nothing to worry about. Anyone who is affected will already be somewhat used to the long-term influence from the Neptune transit. You had Neptune conjunct Sun transit in 2021, 2022.

  2. Hi, Jamie,
    my natal moon is at 22’36” gemini (quincunx natal Neptune at 24’50” scorpio) but with the time moved already to 23’26” gemini. I have to make important decision and manipulations concerning helth issues. Shall I wait, and how long? Possibly the doctors could be also influenced by the transits.
    Thank you for the helpful podts!

  3. I had Transit Uranus on my Mars and I had a car accident. Now I have Transit Mars on my Uranus!
    I had Transit Saturn square my Sun x 3 now I have Tr Saturn opposition my Saturn but only x 1!

  4. My natal Mercury is 24.56 Cancer in my 12th house, so I had Neptune trine it less then 48 hours ago from my 8th house. So obviously Sun and Mercury coming along to triple the trine should be good for me. Mars only semisextiles my natal Mercury though and the fixed stars are just outside 1 degree so not sure how this will affect me.
    The only two things that are going on in my life that could be connected to mercury is, one I have been having trouble with Cognitive function since my 2nd dose of the vaccine over a year ago but I found some stuff on n-acetyl cysteine supplements so was going to get that today. The other thing as I am changing careers, I recently completed a TEFL degree with distinction, touched up my resume, now I just need to finish the cover letters. I don’t have a University degree so this limits the options of countries I can teach in but some countries take a college degree.

  5. The Russian downing of the US drone over the Black Sea, March 14. A good example of Mars square Neptune. Mars for war, Neptune for spying (drone). Also, the Sun, Mercury and Neptune on the star Markab in Pegasus constellation. The Winged Horse is associated with falling accidents and shooting down from high.

    • But for the spiritual component, March 14 is a good example of Pi day astrology, the transcedental number, irrational

      a lineage: 2022 on the Canada thread, the Pi day Cylindrical monolith, found on frozen Cold Lake AB, the home of a well known Air Force base. It meets its Match one year later on the slopes of a Swiss Mountain with Three Names; the Pi degree 03Tau14 asteroid Matterhorn a chart produced and posted March 14, 2023, Image Makeover joy Full Moon March 7, the inauguration of ephemeral Sundial obelisk.

      I contend March 14-17, a period of putting more emphasis on the Spiritual image of a Nation. That a war is ongoing over Spirit, let there be little doubt.

      • While I do not deny all the external crapola going on and find the astrological correlations intriguing, I am presently experiencing life as a spiritual experience. And allowing that and instead of viewing or feeling the physical tasks in life as separate from that, working to operate within the spiritual experience. At this time it seems easier to stay within the experience rather than flipping in and out of it. So in some sense I am getting what you are saying Paul’s, on a personal level.

  6. Hi Jamie!
    I have n. Jupiter inGemini 24. After I was 23 yrs. old – Al Hecka did not manifest in a harmful
    manner. So today – t. Mars hits my Jupiter. I am staying close to home- cause I have work to
    do and I am a wee bit scared. : )

  7. China’s influence on Canada being investigated. One thing I’ve noticed is China’s love of the Artwork. At times they get ahead of it, like other major countries. The classic example was 2nd half of 2020 when the two Jupiter-Saturn proofs were coming together. Check the Grand Cross thread, October 29, 2020. The monolith was still not nailed down, but I suspect in hindsight China had it, and were stressing on rectification That was a close call because 2 November, 4 days out I was still in the weeds.

    For reference, we have a quality of flashback, the reference degree Pi of asteroid Matterhorn, 03Tau14, posting on Pi day March 14, Image Change full moon March 7, “Light and Time” artwork, by Daniel Arsham, 20 metre diameter sundial obelisk Matterhorn, near Zermatt, Switzerland.

  8. Astrology chart of Seymour Hersh

    there he sits, out in the open,, like a chocolate Easter egg.

    Seymour is a jounalist a little like Tucker, Moon opposite Neptune. He has his Moon conjunct Matterhorn, and his Sun conjunct Sedna. His bio includes interesting detail on his Sibling dynamic, which is worth noting, as he has a Gemini rising and Mercury conjunct Venus, early Taurus very close to Matterhorn asteroid Sundial Full Moon pi degree 03Tau14

    With Seymours chart, his journalism prominant in the alt press, perhaps its time to put more gears in motion regarding the global nature of Switzerland and a New Way forward offered by the Astrologyking artwork.

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