New Moon 8 February 2016 Crisis Management

New Moon February 2016 Astrology Crisis ManagementThe New Moon on Monday 8 February 2016 at 19° Aquarius falls just within Aquarius decan 2. The New Moon astrology is challenging yet also potentially very rewarding. Two separate crises regarding a new direction involving love or money must be addressed.

Internal criticism or dissatisfaction provides the motivation to deal with these simultaneous crises. A leap in thinking can lead to satisfying experiences and personal development. Be cautious but don’t be afraid.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. With Sun conjunct Moon, all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper.

However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon last for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, the solar eclipse on 8 March 2016.  The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from February 8 to the February 22 full moon.

New Moon February 2016 Astrology

The February 8 new moon at 19°15′ Aquarius makes two aspects as shown in the chart below. The blue sextile aspect to Uranus represents a state of harmony. This balanced state is where you would naturally want to stay, feeling comfortable and secure.

The red square aspect from the new moon to Mars represents an irritation or disturbance that unsettles the balanced state. Some decision or action must be taken that is uncomfortable and you would prefer not to have to deal with. A crisis then develops as you are torn between wanting to relax in the blue state, and having to fight for it in the red state.

To solve this problem you must reach past the polarized thinking of the single aspects. The green quincunx aspect between Mars and Uranus provides a third point of view. It represents a state of flux, experimenting and experiencing new ways to find the perfect balance. Instead of putting off dealing with the crisis of the red square, you must view the square as representing opportunities to resolve the conflict.

New Moon February 2016 Astrology

New Moon February 2016 Astrology

Bruno and Louise Huber [1] call the this three-colored aspect pattern a large learning triangle. It represents a crisis mechanism that results in learning or development. Once this three-phase crisis mechanism is completed, new ground is broken and a state of harmony is achieved: conflict — striving for solution — harmonization. More than one cycle may need to be completed, especially if a new problem arises.

Sun square Mars suggests that the crisis involves a challenge from your competitors or enemies. Someone is trying to assert their power over you, leading to ego conflicts. You may already be irritable and impatience, and likely to react to any provocation or threats with aggression.

This aspect can lead to a buildup of anger, resentment or sexual frustration. Such potentially destructive energies need to be channeled constructively so they do not result in conflict, accidents, muscle pain or exhaustion. Exercise, masturbation or hard work are preferred so long as you don’t push too hard and strain something.

Mars quincunx Uranus suggest that striving for a solution involves experimentation and thinking outside the box. It can also means that any ego conflicts will be unexpected. Self discipline and patience are required because you will have a tendency to lash out impulsively. Sudden moves could lead to accidents or defeat.

Anger and resentment builds to a tipping point at which some action must be taken. Resist the temptation to lash out and go on the attack. The best option is to try a new and original approach. Use some tact and strategy before reacting to provocation.

Sun sextile Uranus suggests the harmonization will be more exciting and stimulating than calm and relaxing. Resolution of the conflict brings pleasant surprises and stimulating encounters. This is a good time to try something new and exciting, and you should have enough freedom to be able to do this. Increased self-awareness can come though flashes of insight or feedback from chance encounters.

Creativity is stimulated and you should feel more comfortable about expressing the more flamboyant or kinky side of your personality. Socializing, group activities and chance meetings are favored. You are more likely to meet unorthodox types of people or those from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds than your own.

Another February 2016 New Moon Crisis

In the new moon February 2016 astrology chart shown above, only the aspects to the new moon are highlighted. There is, in fact, another learning triangle of the same dimensions between Venus, Mars and Uranus. Both triangles interweave to form the trapezoid shown in the chart below.

The second crisis occurs at the same time as the first one, and is closely related. The point of conflict in the first crisis was the new moon itself, representing a new start. The point of conflict in the second crisis is Venus, your love life, love of self, or your finances.

New Moon February 2016 Astrology

New Moon February 2016 Astrology

Venus square Uranus suggests this crisis involves unexpected urges or events that challenge the stability of a love relationship or your finances. If you have been feeling smothered, confined or bored, then you may lash out in anger or through some other destructive behavior. Experimentation in the bedroom would satisfy your need to increased stimulation. The more demanding or conservative you partner, the more likely you are to stir up trouble or have an affair.

Singles may be attracted to exciting or eccentric people. Those who seem like a risk or are from a different cultural or ethnic background. New romance is possible but it would more likely be a brief relationship unless other transits indicated otherwise.

Striving for a solution is the same as in the first crisis, Mars quincunx Uranus. Be patient and inventive but don’t blow your cool.

Venus sextile Mars suggests the harmonization will be most enjoyable, involving romance or socializing. The perfect blend of sexuality and affection make you look and feel sexy. You can be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without being at all threatening. This balance also means you are ready to give and receive love and adoration.

This is an ideal time for dating because of your suave and playful nature. Your are likely to attract someone as sensual and sexy as you feel. It’s also a good time for self promotion and initiating a pet project. Your creative talents are highlighted, while your charm and increased popularity make gaining support much easier than at other times.

New Moon February 2016 Summary

The two crisis occurring at the same time are closely related. The new moon semi-sextile Venus provides a search for further information between the new moon new start and the Venus love or money conflict. The Huber’s call this particular trapezoid aspect pattern a UFO, because of its shape but also because it hides secrets and leaves a lasting impression.

The two squares represent a powerful store of energy and gives the urge to take on the most difficult of tasks. Everything in this special task is seen as an opportunity to develop and no stone is left unturned. Despite such high energy consumption, harmony is maintained by constantly adapting.

Internal criticism or dissatisfaction provide the motivation to deal with the simultaneous crises. A large thinking step leads to satisfying experiences and personal development. Be cautious but don’t be afraid.

If this new moon directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about its effect in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see Sun Transits.

Previous Moon Phase: Full Moon January 2016
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon February 2016

New Moon January 2016 Times and Dates
Los Angeles
New York
8 February – 6:39 am
8 February – 9:39 am
8 February – 2:39 pm
8 February – 8:09 pm
9 February – 1:39 am

1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.197, 247.

70 thoughts on “New Moon 8 February 2016 Crisis Management

  1. the new moon is sextile my natal Sun. Mars is trine natal Mercury in Pisces, Saturn is trine my Sun and Jupiter in Virgo and north node are conjunct natal Saturn. The major aspect to me is that stellium in Capricorn trine my Saturn. Mercury, Venus and Pluto trine natal Saturn. Wow, that is a lot

    • Sure is, but very positive, especially with the very difficult squares making soft aspects to your chart.

  2. Oh, the new moon is trine natal Pluto in Libra. Also the stellium of planets in Capricorn forms a minor grand trine with natal Mercury in Pisces and Uranus in Scorpio

  3. Also transiting Mars in Scorpio if forming a minor grand trine to Jupiter in Virgo and planets in Capricorn.Is it me or are there a lot of sextiles in that sky ?

    • Not particularly because the new moon at 18 Aquarius makes only the minor quincunx aspect (150 degrees). That means some slight adjustments in your life. You also have Mars sextile Virgo decan 2 so should not have the associated conflicts to worry about.

  4. How will a cancer decan 2, 12 ° cope under this new moon with a potential business opportunity looming?

    • Very little influence Bee, the quincunx aspect (150 degrees) to your decan simply means a minor adjustment. Have confidence that your Sun conjunct the fixed star Sirius gives “success in business”.

  5. My north node is in Leo at 20º so opposite new moon (which fall on axis 1& 7 house)….how could I feel it? maybe something related to relationships and where I need to head on? how a new moon activates north node?

    As eclipse September was in similar degrees but in Virgo … would this reactivate something that was touched by eclipse? Many thanks!

    • yes I find that all the time, you get to recognize sensitive points in your chart that bring up similar issues each time they are activated. The Nodes have always been a bit vague for me. I sure have trouble telling them apart because both at=re always activated.

      • Thank you Jamie !! This post is making me think a lot and step by step is bringing light 🙂

        Not sure if I like the idea of reactivation of similar issues that the September eclipse brought..It’s the second time that my north node has been somehow touched in the past 6 months.I guess I am now heading to the final stage of the September 13 eclipse before the next one comes …. I also have the feeling that transiting Jupiter retrograde will be very close to natal Jupiter at the time of next eclipse which could reactivate issues but hope that it will also bring a fresh approach or at least the feeling of moving forward to the next chapter rather than going back ….

        I have also noticed that this new moon will also sextile natal Neptune (19. 54 Sag 5th House), square natal Chiron (18 Taurus 10th House) and square natal Pluto (19.56 Libra 3th)…and natal Jupiter is at 17 Virgo 2nd house… plus natal Uranus is at 21 Scorpio 4th house and transiting Mars is getting close to it 🙁 …. so lot of energy to be release on store …not sure if Chiron would hurt or heal though…

        As for the crisis that you mention on the post

        “The blue sextile aspect to Uranus represents a state of harmony. This balanced state is where you would naturally want to stay, feeling comfortable and secure.”
        That sounds great but transiting Uranus is opposing my natal Pluto, trine natal Neptune and square natal Venus right now … I suspect that this would not help to have a great state of harmony …How could this play?

        “The red square aspect from the new moon to Mars represents an irritation or disturbance that unsettles the balanced state. Some decision or action must be taken that is uncomfortable and you would prefer not to have to deal with.” …
        I think I know how this would play the sad thing is that I don’t see solutions to restore balance as the person involved has done everything to push the situation to a breakdown of trust.

        “To solve this problem you must reach past the polarized thinking of the single aspects. The green quincunx aspect between Mars and Uranus provides a third point of view.”
        Could this work as a third party intermediate?

        Thanks in advance for any thought about this!

        • Meli, because this is a general interpretation of the chart, you are probably better looking directly at the individual transits to your chart for this much detail. Uranus opposite Pluto is not so personal but the square to Venus is. I have the opposition this year and being such a long transit things develop over time. Good question about the quinxunx and I think you are right there.

          • Thanks Jamie… the new moon was not so bad …although I could not feel yet the quincunx.
            As for the Uranus transit square natal Venus …it’s the second pass…would this mean that something is coming back? ….Should I expect a third pass?

            • Meli, what degree is your Venus? It will depend on that. Actually give me your date, time and place of birth.

        • Hi Jamie, do you have an email where I can send you my date, time and place of birth?

  6. My natal sun moon conjunction is at 19 degrees scorpio so it will square this new moon in aquarius. Does this means it will be very difficult for me? Regarding finances? Thank you in advanced!

    • Yes Daniela, the square will represent a test or struggle you have to overcome. Best to see squares as opportunities to improve in some way. This is made so much easier by having your own new moon on the fixed star Zubeneschamali. The karmic scales tip in your favor this life.

  7. Thank you very much for your comment Jamie! I didnt know about this star. Best! Daniela

  8. The new moon will be in my 7th house trine uranus ruler of 7th and 8th house. It will trine my IC too. What can i expect Jamie?

    • Positive change, a unexpected new start with a good balance between career and home. Higher awareness of this polarity. I don’t pay attention to houses but do so for the cardinal points.

  9. I am 3rd Decan Virgoan with 24 deg Sun conj 23 deg Pluto SN with Jupiter and NN just coming off them – what can I expect? Thanks!

  10. Thank you Jaime, that is such a good blend of optimistic outlook with a blend of realism.
    I copied it & will carry it around all month in my wallet, to help me breath through the challenging times.
    Thank you!!

  11. Hi Jamie,

    My Ascendant is exactly at 19 degrees Aquarius. Should I start freaking out now in anticipation of this New Moon or just lock myself away until it all passes?? YIKES!

    • PS: My Moon is also in Aquarius (Capricorn Sun), but only by 4 degrees, so I’m thinking that I can handle that part of the equation. 😉

    • No Dawn but but I can understand you thinking that way. Just remember there are as many blue lines as there are red, so see the squares as presenting opportunities to resolve problems that probably already exist in your life anyway.

  12. Hi! Jaime! Great article. This new moon falls into my 6th house. Uranus is transiting my 9th now. That mars is in my fourth. This new moon though is actually just 5 degrees from my natal DC in Aquarius. It is also,the beginning of the Fire Monkey!!!!
    I am wondering how close can one use in orb for new and full moons to angles or personal planets?

    • And the Chinese new year moon. I only use one degree for planets and angles, up to 3 degrees for eclipses though.

  13. This new moon is conjunct my natal Mars, square natal Uranus and sextile natal Neptune (which is 3 degrees from my IC). I’m not sure what to expect:/ thoughts?

    • A month of fighting hard for you goals and trying to get what you most desire, what you are passionate about. See Sun conjunct Mars transit and Sun square Uranus transit. I have not written about natal Mars square Uranus but this is the perfect time for you to learn as much as you can about it. Learning to plan your actions more carefully to avoid upsets and accidents will be important.

  14. Thank you very much for your great interpretation. New moon conjuncts with my North node (orb 50′), square to my saturn (orb 3 deg). Asc at the time of new moon conjucts with my Asc, orb is again about a degree. Observing what will happen

    • Interesting, I haven’t been casting these charts for my own location for a long time now. I does sound significant so be sure to let us know how it turns out.

  15. I have Chiron in the 8th at 18Aqu37. It is an an inconjunt with my Sun. Healing is the BIG theme in my life. I am very, very excited about this coming New Moon. I have a steller romance in mind!!!!!!! After all…this is still the Solar Eclipse period for healing broken hearts. My imagination is soaring.

    • Yes, the last new moon too. If something from the solar eclipse has not been completed, then the energy sort of heightens or gets more unstable the closer the next eclipse gets.

  16. I’m Aquarius Sun, Leo Rising with Uranus natally at 19.20 Leo in my 1st House which will be conjunct by the new moon on 8th Feb. (opposing natal sun & mercury). Surrounded by crisis so any tips would be helpful 🙂

    • So the new moon will be on your Sun and opposite Uranus. My son has the same natal aspect, and I have the conjunction, another daughter with Moon conjunct Uranus. You will be used to handling change so I would not be too worried, read up on Sun opposite Uranus.

  17. My birthday is February 8, 1993. I have Sun Conjunct Saturn on this new moon and also a triple conjunction of Vesta, Uranus, and Neptune on 19 degrees Capricorn (which is the apex of a Yod to Chiron and South Node) which is where Venus is currently transiting and Pluto will follow eventually.

    I imagine that this will effect me quite significantly and it already is beginning to form, especially will the recent Mercury transit my triple conjunction. I would like to update this post as it becomes more clear for me.

    • Looking forward to it Michele. My Ascendant is 19 Capricorn and have been meeting a lot in your age groups the last month or two. This would be a good time to write up your Uranus Neptune conjunction actually.

  18. Hello. I am new to this. But I am curious to know what this means for me. I am an Aquarius born February 18, 1983.

    • 3 years later Im reading this article after becoming enlightened from a relationship that began THAT VERY day. I was born 433pm june 211982. He about 5ish pm dec30 1976. Planets, aspects, vertex, mc/ic, and such have intersected at random points. Please email what it means. I feel like Im crazy😞😂😂

      • Hi Mary, same here. The woman and I had a remarkably high vibration together. The relationship ended on Mother’s Day May 8, 2016 the day before the Mercury transit eclipse. It’s possible that the upcoming Mercury transit eclipse Nov 11, 2019 signifies a change in vibration, or memory recall. (Hollywood even produced a movie in 2016 called Mothers Day). Incidentally, another high vibration relationship occurred later in 2016, with a woman born on May 8.

        • I would add further, that Mercury Rx acted like a calibrator on Venus, in 2016

          It could be the same this time with Mars. Mercury is Rx in Scorpio, an eclipse (inferior conj) , and makes a superior conj. in The Jan 10-13 timeframe. Both these parts of the heavens are Mars elevated.

          ie: The vibration calibration will be to Mars.

  19. This New Moon will be conjunct my Chiron in the 8th. On February 8th, my son’s Progressed Moon will be at 9Leo38 conjunct Orcus at 9Leo40. Orcus governs accessing and bringing forward the spiritual wealth from the core of one’s being. And the Moon, of course, relates to one’s mother. For a while now, my guides have been telling me with quiet confidence that I am going to win the lottery. I’ve had a few trial runs with this and I have not yet picked a winner. Each time, I have needed to re-examine my values and my desires to share money with others. What is the best use for a large sum of money? Now my Progressed Venus is cazimi. Now I know. Now I’m ready to win. But I won’t be the one buying the ticket. I will give my son instructions and he will buy the winning ticket. The next Solar Eclipse will be at 18Pis56 conjunct my son’s Sun at 18Pis43.

    • Still sounds to be something wrong about this to me. I’m not sure that gambling is the best use of astrology. But I’d love to be proved wrong!

  20. Hello, I have grown up with birthday astrology readings throughout most of my life. Recently I’ve taken an interest. I feel as though information hits very close to home most the time. I was born under unusual events, both my father and mother had not expected me, due to medical reasons. I was born February 8th at 2:08am; I have always wondered if that time and date had any other aspect besides quintessential. Does being born on the second month, on the eighth day during the second hour, on the eighth minutes have offer any astrological insight further?

    • Hi Griffin, the date alone would have significant to a numerologist more than astrologer. Happy birthday new moon!

  21. What is going on? I am Sagg, born Nov 29, 1957,newburgh, ny, at 10:28am. My husband is Aries, born April 2, 1976, Dakar, Senegal, we use 12 noon for the birth time. Until last week, it seemed we were deeply in love. Now we are deeply in hate? Is this it? Will it Stop? What is going on? Asking for all opinions.

    • Hi Sara, I don’t compare charts. The only thing I can think of is Neptune square your Sun causing deception and confusion. You do have a challenging month ahead.

  22. I am the Messiah. My son, John, is also the Messiah. This time around the Messiah has two forms, male and female.

    The CIA has already begun killing the entire human species. At least, that is their intention. The plan is to first kill the “renegade” sort of humans, the ones who are the most independent and creative thinkers, the ones most likely to resist following orders like a dutiful robot. The “renegades” (at least the ones that the CIA knows of) are already being killed. I was indeed on a CIA hit list in November. I went out into the cold and snow and dark because I was warned by my guides. I fled my cozy warm cabin to save my life. I lived. Not many people out-wit the CIA. They have excellent spy technology. They are highly organized.

    The next step is to force compliance with gun control orders. All homes will be searched from top to bottom for fire arms. After this, power supplies will be shut down. Water and electricity will be shut down. Traffic lights will no longer function, etc.

    The CIA is not insane, but they are really not human. They are Zeta hybrids. Any clear-thinking human can see that something drastic needs to be done immediately in order to save the plants and animals on this planet. But most humans on this planet are not clear-thinking. They are dutiful robots, dutifully following instructions, dutifully earning a living. The Zeta hybrids are telepathically connected with their pure-bred elders in ships surrounding this planet. The Zeta are very clear-thinking. What they have in mind is a mercy killing, in order to save the life of the planet.

    My given name was Jean Patricia Boggs. I changed my middle name to Ona. My legal name is now jean ona boggs. My son’s name is John Patrick Boggs. Jean Patricia and John Patrick are the male and female versions of the same idea. We are filled with the same Spirit and have a joint mission. We are the saviours of the human species.

    The date for the Davidson’s relationship chart for me and John is June 11, 1974. This is the day of “Amplified Limit Pushers.”

    “The elements—earth, air, fire, water—are often central themes in the lives of June 11 people, whose explorations are themselves elemental. Of course, those who live with June 11 people may share in their trials but mostly are concerned spectators, for the experiments of those born on this day are a process of self-realization and ultimately it is their own limits that they are pushing.”

    “If leadership is lacking in a social, family or business group, you may be the one who needs to take the lead in providing vision and direction for such an organization.” –Gary Goldschneider

    My birth data is September 14, 1958, 12:44 AM, Wilmington, DE. John was born on March 9, 1990, 7:27 AM, Aberdeen, SD. John was King David in a past life.

    • I agree Davison charts are best for synastry but I would avoid those generalization based on birthdays. You will find much more specific info about your charts using fixed stars.

  23. “Don’t you forget, this lottery is going to be the most important of your life. It will help you both in this lifetime and the next. It’ll bring you riches both this life and in the hereafter.” –Luang Phaw

  24. In a past life I was Machig Labdrön. I am skilled at seeing the divine in the darkness. There is a double meaning in “The Lottery.” See Shirley Jackson’s story.

  25. Transiting Chiron is now at 19Pis15. It is conjunct my Midheaven at 17Pis04, square my Saturn at 19Sag27, and opposite my Sun at 20Vir52.

    Chiron’s influence is profound in matters healing to the soul. With Chiron here much wisdom can be brought to the chosen profession, but usually only after facing, owning and letting go of feelings of inadequacy.

  26. Transiting Chiron is now at 19Pis15 square my natal Saturn at19Sag27. Squares are not always, not necessarily difficult or bad experiences, but the opportunity to dissolve energy blocks (If I am not conscious of the issue, I just experience the energy block).

    I am consciously aware of your amazing insight, Jamie. You research the data thoroughly and well before coming to your conclusions.

  27. You were born on September 21, 1968, on the Day of Wondrous Current Taste.

    “September 21 people do have a way of imbuing the commonplace with an unusual air and of making mundane subjects more interesting.”

    “It is essential that September 21 people regularly consult their family doctor or health advisor to monitor their progress and make sure they are not headed in a wrong direction.”

    “They must also beware lest the healthy expression of their sexuality be sublimated into neurotic and possessive drives, in an attempt to flee from reality.”

    “For them, platonic relationships often have a special appeal.”

    “They will discover that stress is largely something that they inflict upon themselves and that when they are able to put things out of their mind long enough to enjoy themselves, their general health and well-being improve dramatically.”

    “Relenting in this approach and becoming more accepting and forgiving will occur naturally as they begin to relax and have more fun. Also, an important part of this process is that, following the development of a greater sense of wonder themselves, they will find that they are able to infect others with it.”

    “Attracting more free and open friends can exert a positive influence by fostering more fun-loving attitudes.”

    –Gary Goldschneider

      • You can go to and put in any date. It’s free. There are also readings for relationships. I find the information both extensive and accurate.

        I use it for particular degrees, the way you use fixed stars. Sometimes, if I’m not sure what day corresponds with a particular degree, I look in the ephemeris to see on what day the Sun was conjunct that degree in the year for the chart I’m looking at (prior to the chart date).

  28. Don’t worry, Jamie, as long as you lay low and pretend not to know what’s really happening the CIA will overlook you…until the big mass slaughter. Then you can go out in the company of the dutiful masses. I can guarantee that the view from above will be inspiring. Earth is transforming into a beautiful place to be alive in the body. You can watch the show from a disincarnate position if you don’t want to stick your neck out and do the actual research at this crucial time.

  29. September 21, 1968:

    “They must release…
    –Gary Goldschneider

    Good job, Jamie. I knew I could trust you to actually look at the data instead of hiding behind “safe” assumptions.

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