Pluto Square Midheaven Natal and Transit

Pluto Square Midheaven Transit

Pluto square Midheaven maximum orb 4°00′.

Pluto square Midheaven natal can indicate some hardship early in life. You may have moved around because of your parents’ work and had to change schools. Or perhaps you suffered a childhood illness or were separated from a parent for some time. One parent’s relationship may have been destructive, but the other may have been close and supportive.

Unwanted change, poverty, abuse, pain, and humiliation are all possible in childhood. This makes you intensely ambitious to get ahead in life and feel important. It also gives a strong desire to understand why, investigate, and find deeper meaning in your life. You don’t like existence’s dull routine and need problems to analyze and solve.

You may reject your traditional religious upbringing and become agnostic. Or you may become fascinated by spirituality, astrology, or other paranormal or esoteric phenomena. Belief in reincarnation, or that the soul continues to exist after death, is common with Pluto square Midheaven.

You do wield a lot of power to do good or bad. Early hardship and change can lead to much-concealed hostility beneath the surface. Repressed anger or hatred can manifest as extreme methods to succeed and prove yourself through your career. This could include using people to get ahead, cheating, intimidation, and bullying. You may use more subversive tactics if you are shy and submissive. There is also the potential for you to be the victim of such behavior.

Immoral and unethical behavior may bring you wealth and glory, but it also leads to tumultuous relationships, revenge, criticism, controversy, and public fallingouts. You do have a tremendous amount of power to achieve your goals. And you also have a talent for transcending the desire to interfere and manipulate to achieve results.

This power to transform and reform can be used to better your life without harming others. You can enjoy harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships without seeing others as a threat. Ultimately, you can use your power to improve the lives of others.

Change is a big part of your life, but sometimes, your best option will be to accept things as they are rather than desperately and fruitlessly trying to change them. Sometimes, you can improve yourself by listening to others, getting advice, and allowing yourself to be changed by them.

Pluto Square Midheaven Transit

Pluto square Midheaven transit can make you more ambitious to get ahead and be noticed. But deeply repressed anger and hatred can come to the surface now. If you let this affect your motivation through jealousy or greed, you will experience many challenges and extreme resistance.

An intense determination to succeed and have control of your destiny can result in extreme, immoral, and unethical behavior. However, the more you try to manipulate, cheat or intimidate, the further you will be from your goal. You could also make powerful enemies or have problems with bosses, the law, immigration, or taxation.

Beware of a subconscious tendency to try and change other people, primarily through subversive or underhand tactics. And if you are shy and submissive, beware of others trying to interfere in your life, dominate, use or abuse you.

Your career and home life will likely undergo significant changes whether you want it or not. Often, it will be better to accept these changes and evolve with them rather than desperately and fruitlessly trying to keep things the same.

This is a time of transformation; sometimes, that can involve destruction followed by rebuilding. However, losing employment can lead to a new and more satisfying career. Your home may need fixing, or you may need to relocate. A significant relationship may need to transform or end.

Such complex changes can lead to introspection and a search for deeper meaning. This could lead you to question traditional religious beliefs and investigate spirituality, astrology, reincarnation, or other paranormal or esoteric subjects.

Pluto Square Midheaven Celebrities

Salma Hayek 0°04′, Alan Alda 0°06′, Charles Ponzi 0°07′, Clarence Thomas 0°10′, Arthur Conan Doyle 0°10′, Ian McShane 0°10′, Cindy Williams 0°14′, Louis XIV 0°17′, Chuck Schumer 0°39′, James Croll 0°44′, Elsbeth Ebertin 0°45′, Marcel Duchamp 0°45′, Willem Dafoe 0°49′, John F. Kennedy Jr. 1°13′, Buddy Holly 1°14′, Tony Curtis 1°15′, Gavin Newsom 1°16′, Mark Spitz 1°23′, Rudolf Diels 1°26′, James Thomas Flexner 1°29′, Warren Buffett 1°30′, Charles Dickens 1°30′, Josef Schovanec 1°31′, Lauren Becall 1°32′, Burl Ives 1°40′, Bertrand Russell 1°44′, Pope Francis I 1°46′, Billy Bob Thornton 1°48′, Ron Jeremy 1°54′, Kurt Cobain 1°59′, Tim Robins 1°59′.