Quadrans Muralis Constellation

Quadrans Muralis Constellation

Quadrans Muralis Constellation [Bode]

The obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis, the Mural Quadrant, is a northern constellation bordering Boötes, Draco and Hercules. It was introduced by Jérôme Lalande in 1795, and its stars now belong to Boötes, Draco and Hercules. Quadrans Muralis spans 30 degrees of the zodiac in the Signs of Libra and Scorpio.

Abbreviation: Qua
Genitive: Quadrantis Muralis [1]

Quadrans Muralis Constellation Stars

Quadrans Muralis Astrology


QUADRANS MURALIS. The Mural Quadrant.

History. Formed by La Lande in 1795 but now obsolete.

Influence. It is said to give a scientific mind, rectitude, justice, idealism and penetration. [2]

Quadrans Muralis

Quadrans Muralis Constellation [Urania’s Mirror]


Quadrans Muralis, the Mural Quadrant, between the right foot of Hercules, the left hand of Boötes, and the constellation Draco, was formed by La Lande in 1795, as a souvenir of the instrument with which he and his nephew, Michel Le Français, observed the stars subsequently incorporated under this title into the latter’s Histoire Celeste Française.

It is the Mauer Quadrant of Stieler’s Planisphere, and the Quadrante of the Italians, but is not figured by Argelander or Heis, nor recognized by modern astronomers. [3]


  1. SkyEye: Quadrans Muralis
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.59.
  3. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.348.

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