Saturn Square Sun Transit

Saturn Square Sun TransitSaturn square Sun transit is one of the more challenging transits to deal with. It can represent a forced turning point where you feel pressured and burdened. It may feel like everything and everyone is against you during this tough time which can lead to feelings of isolation and discouragement.

Basically, your sense of purpose and your goals are being challenged by Saturn in the form of bosses, teachers, parents, or the government. You will have to face this adversity with patience and persistence and keep struggling so they don’t get the better of you.

If your intentions and goals are just ones and in your best interest, then this testing period can refine those plans and strengthen your resolve once you deal with the challenges. If in the face of the tests and restrictions you find that it really is too hard and can see no way of succeeding, then this is the time to cut your losses and conserve your energy, which is likely to be running low now anyway. A tactical retreat might be the best option. Or this transit may signal something in between, where compromise and concessions need to be made on your part.

Once this transit passes then your confidence and enthusiasm will grow again and you can start building new foundations with a better sense of purpose and more strength, having dealt with a very difficult and draining phase of life.

Saturn Square Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Taurus & Scorpio Decan 1March 2020December 2021
Taurus & Scorpio Decan 2March 2021December 2022
Taurus & Scorpio Decan 3March 2022March 2023
Gemini & Sagittarius Decan 1March 2023March 2024
Gemini & Sagittarius Decan 2March 2024February 2025
Gemini & Sagittarius Decan 3February 2025February 2026
Cancer & Capricorn Decan1May 2025January 2027
Cancer & Capricorn Decan 2May 2026April 2027
Cancer & Capricorn Decan 3April 2027April 2028
Leo & Aquarius Decan 1April 2028March 2029
Leo & Aquarius Decan 2July 2028March 2030
Leo & Aquarius Decan 3June 2029May 2030