Libra Constellation Meaning

Constellation Libra Astrology

Libra Constellation [Stellarium]

Constellation Libra the Scales, or The Claws of the Scorpio, is an ecliptic constellation between Virgo and Scorpius and bordering Ophiuchus, Serpens Caput, Hydra, Lupus and the obsolete constellation Noctua.

Libra is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy in the 2nd century and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It spans over 20 degrees of the zodiac in the Sign of Scorpio.

Abbreviation: Lib
Genitive: Librae

Libra Constellation Stars

20002050StarNameSp. ClassMag.Orb
11♏0111♏4411 LibG84.931°00′
13♏0913♏5116 LibF04.471°10′
15♏0515♏47α LibZubenelgenubiA32.752°00′
15♏1715♏59δ LibZuben ElakribiB94.911°00′
16♏0216♏454 LibB95.701°00′
18♏4619♏28ν LibZuben HakrabiK55.191°00′
19♏2220♏04β LibZubeneschamaliB82.612°00′
20♏4121♏23σ LibBrachiumM33.251°50′
25♏0825♏50γ LibZubenelhakrabiK03.911°30′
27♏2128♏03η LibZuban al KraviA65.411°00′
27♏4528♏27κ LibRì (日)K54.751°00′
28♏3629♏18υ LibK33.601°40′
29♏2100♐03τ LibB23.661°40′
29♏5200♐34θ LibK04.131°20′
4 Librae belonged to the obsolete constellation Noctua the Owl.

Ascendant in Libra Constellation

LIBRA, the sign of justice and equipoise are the latent characteristics of persons born under the sign Libra. Librans have an aversion to anything not conducive to harmony and beauty in their surroundings. The Libran is endowed with a keen intuition and is usually observant and cautious. The Libran has a love of music and harmony, which tastes can be cultivated. Some associations with others will have a decided effect On the life of a Libran. Marriage and partnerships appeal to Librans. The Libran desires to follow lines where keen intuition is used rather than where severe mental effort is employed. The Libran is generally gifted with a benevolent, philosophical mind, and their cheerful disposition attracts friends. The Librans home life may induce some dissatisfaction. The Libran needs to cultivate perseverance and should not allow sympathy to control their better judgment.

Negatively, Librans can be very spineless, lacking in direction and purpose, wasting their time and strength in their inability to make decisions, often they become moody, exaggerate freely, and like to hear themselves talk. They can be slovenly, lazy, untruthful and fritter their life away in self-indulgence.

Positive Keywords: Intuitive, harmonious, observant, cautious, modest, refined, regal bearing, justice, intellectual, amiable, impartial.

Negative Keywords: Highly emotional, worrying, vacillates, self-indulgent, sensuality, excesses, overly cautious.

Sun in Libra Constellation

Positive: Endows its natives with foresight and intuition. One who is compassionate, of a very diplomatic nature, rarely extreme in views, one who seeks harmonious relationships, sensitive to surroundings, a somewhat modest artistic nature, has an objective foresight, a changeable mentality, a disposition to take all sides of a question and unite them in orderliness.

Negative: The native rarely takes a firm stand, has a tendency to avoid unpleasantness at all costs, compromises too much, is indecisive, of a frivolous nature, somewhat spineless. Native appears to lack direction, lacks purpose, seems shallow and insincere, prefers to compromise rather than face discord, hesitates to face facts. Has a disregard for truth. A tendency to refuse to act on their own responsibility. One who is gullible.

Moon in Libra Constellation

Positive: Endows its natives with an understanding nature, one who is kind and sympathetic, has a graceful personality. An intuitive mentality, a fluent nature and inclined to be agreeable to everyone. Native has a fondness for artistic matters and is easily upset by disharmony.

Negative: Native is capricious, fickle, overly critical. Is rather easily influenced and may be of an inconsiderate nature. Native conceals their ulterior motives. Not altogether truthful. Native is subject to being easily ‘conned.’

Mercury in Libra Constellation

Positive: Endows its natives with a pleasing personality, one who can be very tactful, subtle, friendly. Native has good reasoning powers, slow making decisions. Native is agreeable, sociable, has keen literary appreciation. One who is mentally well-balanced, has an unusual expressive ability, capable judgment and a quiet, dispassionate disposition. A good mixer and one who is capable of offering sound advice. Native is cooperative and  ble to balance relationships; makes an entertaining and
witty companion, can be quite persuasive and impressionable.

Negative: The native is too impressionable, too imaginative, but not of a practical nature. Too free with advice, often unwanted. Not always reliable and lacks balance and good judgment. Native has a wavering attitude. Lacks tact and subject to unfaithfulness.

Venus in Libra Constellation

Positive: Endows its natives with musical and artistic abilities or appreciation. Native has a kindly disposition, is sympathetic, simple and direct in their affections. “Gentlefolk, pure in heart”. Native is an idealist. May develop a beautiful, graceful magnetic personality. They are courteous, refined, diplomatic and friendly. One with adaptable emotions, or a persuasive attitude.

Negative: Life’s difficulties readily affected their emotional relationships. They may be easily offended. There may be an uncalled-for resentment. Generally these natives are ‘in love with love’. Subject to an unbalanced relationship.

Mars in Libra Constellation

Positive: Endows its natives with a strong, ardent romantic nature. The native has a fine, enthusiastic appreciation of music, art and beauty. One who has a free and forceful expression. Native is subject to changes and adaptations, a brave and approbative companion, inclined to take the lead in any activities.

Negative: Native is fickle, subject to scandals or scandalous activities. Leaves themselves open to criticism. One who is inclined to rash acts. An impulsive nature. Subject to romantic or marital problems. [1]

Libra Constellation Astrology

Libra Constellation [Urania’s Mirror]


Balancing night with the length of day when after a year’s space we enjoy the new vintage of the ripened grape, the Scales will bestow the employment of weights and measures and a son to emulate the talents of Palamedes, who first assigned numbers to things, and to these numbers names, fixed magnitudes, and individual symbols. He will also be acquainted with the tables of law, abstruse legal points, and words denoted by compendious signs; he will know what is permissible and the penalties incurred by doing what is forbidden; in his own house he is a people’s magistrate holding lifelong office. Under no other sign would Servius more fittingly have been born, who in interpreting the law framed legislation of his own. Indeed, whatever stands in dispute and needs a ruling the pointer of the Balance will determine. [2]


History and Legend: Libra was not considered a separate constellation by the ancients and was called Chelae, or the Claws of Scorpio, which sign was made to consist of 60°. The present constellation figure is said to represent the balance wherein Astraea weighed the deeds of men and presented them to Jupiter.

Influences: Ptolemy makes the following observations: “Those stars at the points of the claws of Scorpio operate like Jupiter and Mercury: those in the middle of the claws, like Saturn, and in some degree like Mars.” By the Kabalists, Libra is associated with the Hebrew letter Heth and the 8th Tarot Trump “Justice”. [3]


The early Greeks did not associate its stars with a Balance, so that many have thought it substituted in comparatively recent times for the Chelae, the Claws of the Scorpion, that previously had been known as a distinct portion of the double sign… While it seems impossible to trace with any certainty the date of formation of our present figure and its place of origin, yet there was probably some figure here earlier than the Claws, and formed in Chaldaea in more shapes than one; indeed, Ptolemy asserted that it was from that country, while Ideler and modern critics say the same.

Brown thinks that its present symbol, ♎, generally considered a representation of the beam of the Balance, shows the top of the archaic Euphratean Altar, located in the zodiac next preceding Scorpio, and figured on gems, tablets, and boundary stones, alone or in a pair…

In classical astrology the whole constituted the ancient House of Venus, for, according to Macrobius, this planet appeared here at the Creation; and, moreover, the goddess bound together human couples under the yoke of matrimony. From this came the title Veneris Sidus, although others asserted that Mars was its guardian; astrologers of the 14th century insisting that

Whoso es born in yat syne sal be an ille doar and a traytor.

It was of influence, too, over commerce, as witness Ben Johnson in The Alchemist:

His house of Life being Libra: which foreshow’d
He should be a merchant, and should trade with balance;

and governed the lumbar region of the human body. Its modern reign has been over Alsace, Antwerp, Austria, Aethiopia, Frankfurt,º India, Lisbon, Livonia, Portugal, Savoy, Vienna, and our Charleston; but in classical times over Italy and, naturally enough from its history, especially over Rome, with Vulcan as its guardian. It thus became Vulcani Sidus. To it was assigned control of the gentle west wind, Zephyrus,​ personified as the son of Astraeus and Aurora. [4]

Libra Constellation, Bullinger

Libra Constellation [Bullinger]


The Hebrew name is Mozanaim, the Scales, weighing. Its name in Arabic is Al Zubena, pruchase, or redemption. In Coptic, it is Lambadia, station of propitiation (from Lam, graciousness, and badia, branch). The name by which it has come down to us is the Latin, Libra, which means weighing, as used in the Vulgate (Isa 40:12).

Libra contains three bright stars whose names supply us with the whole matter. The brightest a (in the lower scale), is named Zuben al Genubi, which means the purchase, or price which is deficient. This points to the fact that man has been utterly ruined. He is “weighed in the balances and found wanting.”

There is, however, some reason to suppose that Libra is a very ancient Egyptian corruption, bringing in human merit instead of Divine righteousness; “the way of Cain” instead of the way of God. In the more ancient Akkadian the months were called after the names of the signs, and the sign of the seventh month is the sign that we now call Libra. The Akkadian name for it was Tulku. Tul means mound (like dhul and dul), and ku means sacred; hence, Tulku means the sacred mound, or the holy altar.

Not only is the name and its meaning different, but the teaching is infinitely greater and more important, if we may believe that the original picture of this sign was not a pair of scales, but the representation of an holy altar. This would agree still better with the three constellations which follow. [6]


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.137, 317-318, 323, 327-238, 332, 337.
  2. Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 4, p.239.
  3. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.49-50.
  4. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.270-275.
  5. The Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger, 1893, 5. Libra (the Scales).