Sun Square Neptune Natal and Transit

Sun Square Neptune Transit

Sun square Neptune maximum orb 4°30′.

Sun square Neptune natal creates many battles you must overcome to feel strong and confident about yourself. Because you are such a sensitive and caring person, it is easy for you to fall victim to injustices. Defeats and disappointments will further erode your self-esteem and confidence. Without taking corrective action, you could become very confused, alienated, paranoid, or dependent on drugs or alcohol.

You will be forced to deal with your weak spots from an early age. Because of your insecurities and gullibility, stronger people will bully or try to deceive you. Others may have trouble trusting you or feel you are up to no good. This is not the case, but when young, you can have this perception of guilt. You wear a label around your neck saying, “Pick on me” or “I’m guilty.”

Hesitation, misinterpretation, and false accusations can make you more susceptible to discrimination, controversy, and scandal. To rectify these problems, you must go into battle. At some stage, you will be backed into a corner and forced to stand up for yourself and fight, which is critical to strengthening your self-image and confidence.

Taking up the fight and battling against the odds will probably be a lifestyle for you. There is much you can do because you are deeply affected by the plight of the oppressed. You may fight for causes or against censorship, discrimination in all forms, drugs, or crime. You may be subject to betrayal and victimization, so you are well-equipped to help the world’s underdogs.

Becoming so involved in social causes or charitable organizations means you will have to confront many of your fears and phobias and deal with delusion, deception, subversion, and misrepresentation. Maintaining your own robust set of morals and ideals will go a long way to helping you win your battles.

Improving your inner strength and removing self-doubt are also crucial to physical health. You may be more susceptible to infection and contamination and experience misdiagnosis, infection, neurosis, and general weakness. Extra care is required around water, gasses, poisons, medication, recreational drugs, and alcohol.

Another trick for improving your self-image is using mirrors and cameras. Although others may find you strange, or you may become involved in controversies and scandals, this adds to your mysterious appeal. You are alluring and mesmerizing; people will want to know your story.

People with Sun square Neptune can excel in creative and entertainment careers such as music, literature, poetry, and the stage and screen. Standing up for others can lead to a career in social or charity work, politics, or activism. Interest in all things spiritual comes with this aspect, but care must be taken with the darker psychic realms, gurus, and religious cults.

Sun Square Neptune Transit

Sun square Neptune transit can weaken your vitality, making it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. As well as being allergic to work, you will be more susceptible to psychological and health issues.

Events or other people can cause confusion and disappointment, which may force you to battle against the odds. You may feel insecure, guilty, or apologetic. Seeing only the best in people increases the chance of disillusionment. Over-idealization and gullibility can lead to loss, scandal, or slander.

To counter the deceptive influences of this transit, you must be above board in all dealings. This is not the best time for high-stress competitive things like business dealings or negotiations. Predators will quickly hone in on your soft side, and you are at greater risk of exploitation.

Hypochondria is another issue you may have to deal with. Sun square Neptune transit is not ideal for medical tests or operations because of increased susceptibility to infection and your generally weakened vitality and recuperative powers. Problems will be challenging to diagnose, or there may be a misdiagnosis. You will also be more sensitive to drugs and alcohol, especially if you already have mental health issues like paranoia or depression.

Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception, and secrets will be harder to keep and more challenging to uncover. However, your creativity and imagination make this a good time for art, music, dance, and drama. Entertainment, charity work, and fighting for social causes are excellent ways to use this ethereal energy safely. Religion and other spirituality or ceremony will help if you lose faith.

This Sun square Neptune transit interpretation can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon square Neptune.

Sun Square Neptune Celebrities

Kurt Daluege 0°02′, John Milton 0º04′, Jane Austen 0º04′, Kurt Vonnegut 0º04′, Yao Ming 0º07′, Kevin Costner 0º09′, Conrad Noel 0º11′, Matthew Perry 0°12′, Donato Bilancia 0º13′, Woody Paige 0º14′, Kevin Mitnick 0º14′, Geena Davis 0º14′, George Blake 0º16′, Rock Hudson 0º17′, Bill Maher 0°18′, Virginia Mae Brown 0º21′, Garry McKinnon 0°21′, Edward Norton 0º22′, James Joyce 0º25′, Harvey Milk 0º25′, Paul McCartney 0º31′, Caroline, Princess of Hanover 0º31′, Steven Forrest 0°34′, Manly P. Hall 0°39′, Marie Antoinette 0º41′, Anjelica Huston 0º43′, Bruno Huber 0°47′, Connie Francis 1º02′, Proclus 1º08′, Angela Merkel 1º14′, Rudyard Kipling 1°16′, Crystal Gayle 1º18′, Chris Rock 1°19′, Brian Wilson 1º20′, Steve Earle 1º22′, Zenna Henderson 1º23′, Ellen DeGeneres 1º24′.

Sun Square Neptune Dates

June 20, 2024
December 18, 2024
June 23, 2025
December 20, 2025
June 25, 2026
December 23, 2026