Thomas Matthew Crooks

Thomas Matthew Crooks Astrology

Thomas Matthew Crooks was the shooter in the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024.  Amazingly, the Thomas Matthew Crooks astrology chart has Mars conjunct Uranus, the exact alignment that triggered this event.

Thomas Matthew Crooks Astrology

Thomas Matthew Crooks was born on September 20, 2003, in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. [Wikipedia] In his astrology chart below, the Mars-Uranus conjunction is on the cusp of Aquarius/Pisces.

Thomas Matthew Crooks Horoscope

Thomas Matthew Crooks Horoscope

Mars conjunct Uranus made him highly creative, impulsive, thrill-seeking and rebellious. The opposition to Jupiter, quincunx to the Sun, and both planets’ retrograde brought out the worst of this conjunction. This made him willful, impatient, aggressive, reckless, violent and unpredictable. His natal placement made him more sensitive to the current Mars-Uranus conjunction.

I included Black Moon Lilith in his chart. It aligns with fixed star Algol at 26°13′ Taurus. Lilith is a female demon who is closely associated with Algol. Astrologically, Black Moon Lilith represents the subconscious’s dark side, like a more sinister version of the Moon. On July 13, 2024, the Mars-Uranus conjunction aligned with Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Lilith.

Compared to Donald Trump’s Chart

The bi-wheel chart below shows Donald Trump on the inner wheel and Thomas Matthew Crooks on the outer wheel. Notice that Crooks’ Mars-Uranus conjunction sits precisely on Trump’s Descendant (open enemies.)

“My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans and I hate Trump.” [Roya News]

Donald Trump astrology

Trump Vs. Crooks.

62 thoughts on “Thomas Matthew Crooks

  1. Pennsylvania has a closed primary. If he wanted to vote against Donald Trump during the primary he would have had to register as a Republican.

  2. Good point. The whole thing stinks to high heaven as a set up put up Fake Scenario designed to drum up crazy right wing violence just in time for the conventions. PS don’t forgetTrump made it was for crazy People to get guns!

  3. Bystanders testified that local police saw the guy climbing up that building and did nothing when approached (!). Fake fake fake…Set Up…the Secret Service were in on it, obviously…what a joke. They’re not fooling anybody. The Great Trump can enter his coronation at the Republican convention fearlessly surrounded by insanely paranoid “security” pretending to be fearless. They pulled a similar stunt 8 years ago with another faked “attack” on Trump. The actions of the Secret Service that time convinced me that Trump was going to win, without question.

  4. He’s been depressed for a long time. His parents will come into sharp focus. Astrology never fails to amaze me.

  5. Classmate said he was a loner at school and bullied everyday and other indications are he excelled in math and science

  6. Looking at the Thomas chart, one can see that he was indeed a “smart guy”. Moon conjunct Saturn, that’s mathematics and Uranus in Aquarius, maby to much of a genious. Uranus is elevated places and speed. Mars in Pisces helped him to stay undetected, at least for that one shot, and he missed, which is another result of that combination. But again, a very typical one for an atentator. One part of this event will remain a mystery. What intrigues me is what Thomas said at the end of a video “You got a wrong guy”.

    • Tanja: that video is not made by Crooks the would-be assassin. It is made by the very much alive person who people confused with Crooks. In order to differentiate himself from the shooter.

  7. He donated to a Dem PAC. Apparently PA has a closed primary system (like CA). Only registered Reps can vote in Rep primaries…same with Dems. In recent elections, Dems have been registering as Reps to affect the vote. Case in fact being Nikki Haley. A great percentage of her votes came from Dems who changed registration to vote for her to stop Trump.

  8. Total made up by Trump -your saying a sniper snuck by all those body guards? And missed also 😂😂

  9. I also think something is fishy… and I am looking at Neptune in Pisces (8th house of death aspecting Cancer Sun and then a willful Mars/Uranus/Algol in DT’s chart and something seems like public image wrapped in smoke and mirrors and a death set up with the aid of his “friends”. Once Mercury goes retro in his 12th house there might be some news perhaps. I am just speculating… But I wonder where the info about the kid hating Trump comes from.

  10. I did a comparison chart for the event with Trump’s chart and the transiting Mars/Uranus was on Trump’s MC. That the shooter’s chart had a M/U conjunction on an angle of Trump’s chart isn’t a surprise. A couple of other factors. A t-square was in effect – Sun square Moon/Chiron opposition – Sun on Trump’s Saturn. A saving grace was the Moon at 21Libra was Trine Trump’s Sun/NN/Uranus (22, 20, 17 Gemini). One other point was the MC of the event was exactly conjunct Trump’s Neptune. Many are saying it was an act of God that Trump moved his head when he did and this ties in with the transits. I understand he met with a priest before the event. There was a Yod between Trump’s Jupiter and the Event Mercury/Saturn with Saturn at the Finger of 19 Pisces. There are other elements between these charts and I won’t belabor my presence here. Just find the comparison fascinating. Appreciate having Crooks info.

  11. The Mars-Mars/Uranus opposition in the vs. chart indicates enmity. The Neptune-Venus conjunction may indicate some kind of bizarre delusional obsession from Crooks?

  12. This a very bad smelling event. It is too perfect. On the eve of his great crowning at the RNC convention he is elevated to hero/martyr. Within a very few minutes of this “tragedy” every single person that I spoke to saw it all as staged (I live in the US). He has a reputation for the kind of thing. The fist, the flag, the blood and the Secret Service was the perfect photo op. Some of the photos appearing already look photoshopped. The game is not up and the end is not reached. Pluto is pretty harsh on this kind of deception and as it inconjuncts– multiple times– his sensitive Ascendant which is in the last degree of Leo he has met the end if his power. The anerectic degree is fated. Pluto is also on the cusp of his 6th house, a position that often manifests an event. His health is poor and he will most likely go down badly by self undoing– Pluto in his natal twelfth house. Mr Crooks did play a role for sure but I get a feeling of pity for him.

    • Besides Crooks’ Mars Uranus conjunction exactly opposite Trump’s Ascendant, Crooks’ Pluto (in Trump’s 4th house) is exactly opposite Uranus in Trump’s 10th house. And Crooks’ South Node is exactly conjunct Trump’s nadir.

      Classic, textbook material.

  13. Clarify that. It sounds like you said math and science was part of his problem.

  14. It does seem very suspicious. Especially because most ppl reflexively try to protect their lives by ducking away from gunshots. He was allegedly actually shot. Most ppl would be exhibiting terror as opposed to throwing up a fist, just saying.

  15. The video is not confirmed to be of the shooter. Please only post confirmed content.

  16. I think genius comes with its own set of problems. I had relationships with them. Fascinating but difficult. But heck I still love em. I wonder if that played into his impatience. Lack of logic can drive a science person nuts. And so can trying to fit everything into a logical equation. A person can get lost in that. Uranus influence can be weird.

  17. Yeah, that sun Uranus quincunx with transiting neptune opp sun. Whether he was set up, suicided by cop, or just plain confused and not thought out well, is a mystery. Hard to know when crazy shit happens.

  18. Kinduv funny the guy’s name is Crooks. If it was a setup, it was a good choice. Somebody had a sense of humor. Never thought of Neptune as funny but Uranus can be quirky that way.

  19. And lest we not forget that Trumps POF on the portal of death is opposed his 12th house Mars. Sounds like a violent end.

  20. Jamie, you may want to change that photo. That’s not him. That’s a proven troll on X who was already visited by authorities.

  21. And also noticed by many that trump had the presence of mind to say that he had to get his shoes and reach down to get them before the Secret Service escorted him off the stage. And when he emerged the blood was flowing down his face. To this moment in time no doctors have reported on his injury. Will be interesting to see if he appears with a bandaged ear at the convention.

  22. Just wanted to let you know that the photo you used for the header is not Crooks but a twitter user who posted his own face as a joke. The real Crooks is someone else

  23. I have Mars Uranus Pluto conjunction opposite Saturn, since I was born right in the middle of 60s. My Jupiter conjuncts Algol. Yet I have moral, ethical understanding and empathy. Realize and respect the law of Universe or God and know the difference from right and wrong. This kid and the alike was just a self righteous imbecile (yes, my words can be sharp, but pretty much on the point), narcistic know it all-know it better then thou drug user, who didn’t give any thought about others and the consequences of his action. Selfish, hateful, without love, without empathy, cold hearted psychopath, which is very typical of the younger generation. They can blame it on the parents, society , God or the Universe, but they still supposed to have a brain to use it. Although they might have exaggerated hero complexes thinking they owe nothing to no one and have the right to do anything they want, the Universe or God (as you please) STILL in control and doesn’t depart from its own rules. Since he doesn’t have ANY major, close aspects to his Sun or Moon may support the “my rules” mentality. He just did what the hell he wanted to do….Well, karma or justice eventually will catch up with everyone….

  24. Maybe his mars uranus wants to fight for an utopy or dream at this ur-ne critical degree. It is against borders and conservatism. He is depressed by saturn and wants to get out. Besides Trump has also very strong lilith on his natal full moon as i mentioned. And i think he would prefer authoritarism. He wants a conservative revolution. Despite uranus, algol is very saturnian.

  25. Oh my gosh. That same photo is on Time’s site. Our news media. Shaking head.

  26. Aprilorb, i dont think like you bout the younger generations. Your opinion is way too harsh imho. I dont think he did it out of selfishness. Maybe he wanted to be a hero against trump who he sees as a destroyer to his world view, hopes and dreams ?

    • Klaus: I concur. My gut feeling is he wanted to stop the authoritarianism/dictatorship promised by all maga lead & supporters. Perhaps he felt concern for the Srs. where he worked who are at risk for losing their Social Security/Medicare which the would-be-king promises to gut. Perhaps he felt it his Civic Duty in an effort to stop a future filled with hate. i.e.: Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure.

  27. Saturn conjunct the moon does all evil for money.Think of it like a mercenary.must have been paid for in advance

  28. I am trying to understand what about my chart prods me to stand up for the “younger generation” besides just knowing a bunch that doesn’t fit your description. I think on this site it was said Pluto is generational. Mine’s on the MH? Now I am not gonna stand for everyone in an age group due to other factors, however I feel protective of them overall in some way.

  29. Crooks and Partridge, Jamie, if i may, both you and the ‘patsy’ have the same aspect Saturn quincunx Neptune in a yod

    the Saturn – Neptune has got the ‘treatment’ over the last 18 months, starting at TuckerCarlson thread, where this aspect is like the dangerzone in the Zero Point merging sequence, ie, presenting evidence herein. There is no write up on this aspect, but i offered a sample, and if you have a ‘looting’ artwork search engine, youll surely find it, and if you dont, try Saturn trine Neptune as a consolation, a comment made in 2019, one the finest this website forum’s produced.

  30. That wasn’t him in that video. It was someone that the media was sharing as a picture of the actual perpetrator, so he made a video confirming he hates republicans, but he is not that guy and is clearly alive and well.

  31. Jamie, what do you think? Seems like something is definitely hidden (Neptune) but in the news, it’s more along the lines of the Secret Service not being aware, or not taking care, to neutralize a potential threat against Trump. Former SS officers are condemning that where Crooks was positioned should have been —may actually have been a station for officers. Did someone not show up? Who made the decision to abandon or ignore that position? At 130 yards, this is an “easy shot” as determined by novice marksmen. Former officer says normal SS protocol would include manned positions up to 4 times as far away, with overhead surveillance by drone or copter, and better radio communications/maps of stations so warnings from rally goers could be immediately acted upon. Turns out, RFK Jr. was denied any secret service until this week—despite many credible threats against him reported by the FBI. Would love to see RFK Jrs chart compared to Trump and Biden! Seems Trump’s SS detail was below standard, especially in light of intelligence reports of new credible Iranian threats against him. With Algol in play, and blame focusing in on directors of Homeland Security and Secret Service, one has to wonder if —FIGURATIVELY— heads will roll?

    • interesting, Examine natal progressions, Moon conj Saturn, semi-sextile Chiron, 21 December 2012, supposed Mayan calendar end, big letdown for some, but Precession of the Equinoxes arrived to save the modern Mayan’s yea! yea! … eventually, Cosmogenesis, 21 June 2020.

      we may have not heard ‘the end’ of Mr. Crooks…

  32. If he is indeed a patsy, they picked one who has a reputation as a bad shot. Rejected from gun clubs for that reason. If that be the case, actually hitting Trump was not part of the plan probably. If Trump really was hit. Doi yoi yoi.

    Does that make Jamie a bad shot too?

  33. Earth/Moon sextile Chiron. Visual: heliocentric, Age of Aquarius progressed to faux 21 Dec 2012 calendar emoji of mixed feelings, but spiritual nevertheless.

    Three sextiles:

    Earth/Moon – Chiron

    But frowny that day on earth, as it was in heaven. 7.5 years to climb the mountain.

  34. Jaime
    You predicted it again!
    I can’t remember which thread you said it, but you said President Biden was not going to be in the running much longer.

    President Biden just withdrew his candidacy for 2024 elections.

    Uncanny and amazing! Thank you for your insight.

  35. Trump had 3 Secret Service agents for a crowd of 20,000. Same day Jill had 12 Secret Service agents for for her speech to 400 people at a casino. Head of Secret Service resigned today.

  36. Hey Lynn, the amount of Secret Service may have to with protocol. Like acting president and company versus those who have been president in the past. I am not privy to that info. And I really don’t know over all about secret service coverage of political rallies/conventions in general. The thing that came to mind was DT wanting to allow gun carriers into protected area on Jan 6. He’s a confusing kind of guy, which probably doesn’t always help him.

  37. I think he was secured behind a bullet shield on Jan 6. Cancer moon supports safety.

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