UK Election Result Predicted

In UK Election 2010 we predicted David Cameron would be the next prime minister;

the public will be angry because of the Moon opposite Mars, and vote for change because of Jupiter Uranus opposite Saturn…Pluto sextiling Mercury will powerfully assist David in communicating his message to the voters, and give him an edge in any debates with his opponent….he does have transiting Jupiter conjunct Saturn which suggests good luck with taking on more responsibility, and the last Solar Eclipse was sextile his Saturn…If I was going to have a bet, I’d put my money on David Cameron.”

Before we obtained Nick Cleggs birthtime from the Liberal Democrats, in Astrology of the UK Election – Nick Clegg I wrote “I’m still sticking with my prediction that the loser in this election will be Gordon Brown. What Nick Glegg and David Cameron share is Saturn. Transiting Jupiter is conjunct both their Saturn’s on election day so there may be a shared responsibility.”

The main astrological reason Cameron succeeded was Pluto sextling his Mercury. Brown had Pluto conjuncting his Midheaven, which as Robert Hand saidwill bring inexorable forces to the surface that will drive you out of your present position. You may leave voluntarily, or you may be forced out by being fired or laid off.” [Planets in Transit p.520]. Clegg didn’t do as well as the poll suggested, he had no Pluto transit.

Equally important in deciding the outcome was the lunations. For Brown, the last Solar Eclipse was sextile his Venus, and I wrote “This should increase his personal attractiveness and appeal at election time“, but as Marina commented “Erm..Poor guy didn’t have much to start with, which is why he lost out to super-grin Tony for leadership in the first place. My first thought when reading that was.”He needs all the help he can get.” For both Cameron and Glegg, the Solar Eclipse was sextile their Saturn, and this was key, the voters wanted Saturn stability more than Venus soft and mushy. Less than two hours before the polls opened, the was a Quarter Moon trining Cameron’s Sun, another clincher.

They key astrological feature to the Cameron and Clegg partnership is their Saturn conjunction in synastry. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct, and the Solar Eclipse was sextile both their Saturns. As Cameron said in his offer to the Lib Dems, there were “many areas of common ground“. Another very important consideration is the current Saturn Uranus opposition which suggest radical change to the traditional structure of government. As Cameron said in his offer to the Glegg, “we need a government that understands that great change is needed in order to restore faith in our political system” Both Cameron and Glegg have Saturn opposite Uranus in their natal charts.

Clegg had the critical role in chosing between Cameron and Brown to form a majority government. He was born less than seven hours after the last Saturn Uranus opposition in 1967, the orb is a mere 76 seconds. As I wrote, “Not only is Nick born just hours after a Saturn Uranus opposition, he also has the fortune of being able to bridge these opposing forces with dreams and visions from Neptune. You can see in the chart above that Neptune is trine Saturn and sextile Uranus, both within one degree. I would expect this is the major astrological reason that he is doing so well during this time.” He has now bridged the gap for the benefit of his country, by siding with Cameron to form government. He has put and end to the uncertainty of an hung parliament, which was severely damaging the currency and the stock market.

Our prediction was published last week in Scotland in The Big Issue.