Uranus Conjunct Sun Transit

Uranus Conjunct Sun TransitUranus conjunct Sun transit will make you feel an urge to express yourself in new ways because Uranus is the planet of change and higher awareness. You become more in tune, more aware of your true nature which may be rather different from the old you.

Uranus brings freedom of expression so you will feel less inhibited and more open-minded, more willing to explore the possibility that you have been living as your family, friends, or society expected you to, and not being true to your own individual identity.

The inner changes that you go through in this self-discovery transit can manifest outwardly as big changes in your life from work to home and relationships. As this transit approaches you may anticipate or look forward to more excitement and change, especially if you have been feeling stagnate over the last few years.

In that case, you can take full advantage of the new opportunities which are opening up for you. If you are in a comfortable rut, Uranus may cause unexpected events and unwelcome changes leading to anxiety and tension. If this occurs it will be to promote higher self-awareness.

Uranus Conjunct Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Taurus Decan 1May 2018April 2021
Taurus Decan 2July 2020March 2022
Taurus Decan 3May 2023April 2026
Gemini Decan 1July 2025May 2028
Gemini Decan 2May 2028April 2031
Gemini Decan 3July 2030May 2033
Cancer Decan1August 2032June 2035
Cancer Decan 2September 2034July 2037
Cancer Decan 3July 2037May 2040