Uranus Retrograde 2024 begins on September 1 at 27° Taurus and ends on January 30, 2025, at 23° Taurus.
Generally, Uranus retrograde is associated with inner changes in response to external changes or in preparation for future changes in your life. Uranus retrograde 2024 aligns with the notorious fixed star Algol. However, the positive influence of Neptune and Pluto aspects allows for the higher spiritual and creative manifestation of this star.
More detail about Uranus retrograde in 2024 follows some general information on Uranus retrograde in transit. Information about Uranus retrograde in the natal chart can be found at the end of this article.
Uranus Retrograde Meaning
Uranus retrograde is a cycle lasting 155 days yearly in which the planet moves four degrees backward through the zodiac. This is a time of inner change in response to external changes or in preparation for future changes in your life. Any transits that Uranus makes to your chart will give more detail about the type of change and the areas of life affected.
You may have anticipated a significant change in your life or tried to initiate change, but nothing has happened. In this case, transiting Uranus retrograde will induce the internal changes in attitude or behaviors necessary to make the desired change possible.
Often, the changes you seek are to allow more personal freedom. Whatever the case, Uranus retrograde lets you process things internally before manifesting the external change once Uranus turns direct.
Another possibility is that you have been disruptive and rebellious, trying to force radical change. Whether your revolution was based on ignorance or the innocence of youth, Uranus retrograde will bring higher self-awareness and insights about the error of your ways. A period of less chaotic internal changes should follow.
Uranus Retrograde 2024
Uranus stations retrograde on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at 27°15′ Taurus. The highlighted aspects below show the beginnings of the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Minor Grand Trine, which comes within a two-degree orb from 2025 to 2028.
The Magic Triangle between the outer planets is not a strong influence yet, but it will have some effect on Uranus Retrograde 2024. This extremely rare and positive alignment is starting to make us more open-minded, progressive, open to change and accepting of others. It will bring amazing discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs in science, technology, travel, communication and medicine.
High Spiritual Rays
Fixed star Algol at 26°30′ Taurus was anciently considered the demon star. It has two well-defined natures: one high in spiritual values and the other primitive, evidenced by extreme misfortune. Uranus retrograde 2024 is well-aspected, so the positive manifestation is more likely.
Positively, Algol brings high advancement, honors, career success and a dislike of sordid actions. It makes you sober, serious, faithful, tolerant, patient, talkative, a good healer and an excellent counselor to others, especially in times of grief.
Despite the “high spiritual rays” emanating from Algol, there will be difficulties and obstacles, and much energy must be used to overcome these handicaps. If your endeavors fail, strong counterforces and hostilities will be present. However, you can encourage the positive manifestation of Algol by having an honest sense of purpose or a desire to live up to some kind of philosophy, religion or ideal.
Uranus Retrograde Dates
- August 28, 2023, to January 27, 2024 – 23♉04 to 19♉05
- September 1, 2024, to January 30, 2025 – 27♉15 to 23♉15
- September 6, 2025, to February 3, 2026 – 01♊27 to 27♉27
Natal Uranus Retrograde
Uranus retrograde natal is common to 40% of people, the same as the other outer planets Neptune and Pluto. Therefore, it is not considered as significant or critical as having an inner planet retrograde. For example, Venus retrograde affects only 7% of the population.
But retrograde motion does affect Uranus. It seems harder to restrain Uranus’s erratic and impulsive urges. This could lead to abruptness, aloofness, or an agitating nature. Retrograde motion can also internalize Uranus’ disruptive electric energy. This could lead to nervous anxiety, spasms, neurotic behavior, or rapid personality changes.
Uranus, at its best, is intuitive, ingenious, and original. A healthy Uranus is eccentric yet comfortable in self-expression. But Uranus retrograde makes it harder to be yourself without causing distress to yourself or others. Uranus retrograde may also have some association with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
The karmic nature of retrograde motion suggests you feel different or cut off from others because of events in your past lives. The rebellious activity could have led to calls of “traitor.” For several reasons, you may have been banished from your community for being too different or weird.
Erratic behavior or unreliability could have caused problems for you over many incarnations. In this life, events and relationship issues will reinforce your specific Uranus retrograde challenges. The aim is to be yourself while not upsetting things as they are.
Hey Jamie,
My natal moon sits at 21.37 Taurus in the 8th house…..and Uranus rx conjuncts it, and then stations direct in January.
You said that Uranus rx can be about future changes…..my moon in the 8th, inner endings, letting go? My moon is in a grand fixed square, 21-23 degrees with my sun in the second/Scorpio, my Uranus in Leo/11th and my chiron/Aquarius/5th.
Is this going to set off a huge tsunami of shedding of the old, sudden surprises, ground shifting, conscious awakening?
Hi Suzanne, this Uranus transit has been ticking on awhile already so it would have already been over your moon in Taurus. These long transits often involve retrogrades which sometimes gives many years of a transit over a natal point , to reinforce certain lessons/situations/ slow burn revelation, changes, pressures or events. Like you, I also have difficult natal squares to my moon 🌝 so things emotionally for me with certain situations in my life are definitely “messy”. My moon is opposite my natal Uranus, square my sun. I think it’s fair to say with Uranus anything can happen. I’ve found the aquarian sector of my chart has been channeled in total chaos the last 2 – 3 years. Relationships have been troubled with women in my life sadly. Let’s hope things come out in the wash for us lunar Taurus folk !?
It certainly could indicate a sudden growth spurt if you decided to confront issues surrounding your home, or with your mother, or just how your life might change as you get older, or progress into another stage of growth and change.
My moon in Taurus is at 24’01 opposite my natal Uranus in Scorpio. Finding this transit wearing…
My moon is in 12th house, I know you don’t go by houses.
I’ve had problems with my hormones, my mother & female relatives in my partner’s family.
I’ve also felt it’s hard to relax, I feel anxious & unsettled..
I’m changing my job again for the 3rd time in the last few years , my MC is in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus)
Still, there are always positive transits to go with the negative ones. It could be worse… It could be a Pluto transit!
Reading this, I understand uranian energy better. I get why transiting Uranus opp natal Saturn shook me to my core. I feel I am starting to recover. Or maybe after what has happened, I am beyond shock. Knock on wood!
Hi Vic. I feel Uranus transits so strongly because I have Sun conjunct Uranus.
I ended up speaking truth to power. I went over the email I wrote over and over again. Pushing the Send button was excruciatingly scary. Read some about speaking truth to power. Speaker must know they are right, like have the proofs, must be prepared for retaliation. And the scary feeling, that’s supposed to be my own power. ???
Anyway speaking of Saturn, natal Saturn square Pluto. The full moon conjuncting Pluto so squaring Saturn, it was time.. the transiting Uranus forming the t-square with those other two guys, not sure. But it shook things up and am yet to receive the response. Sept 6th. ?????
“Speaking truth to power”….interesting. Seems like mercury is in your constellation. Surely your saturn-pluto is about taking power back from “authorities” and learning to use your own with responsibility. Uranus can help for this but also be extremely rebellious in a unconscious/destructive way as jamie wrote.. You need inner strength , courage and consciousness for the whole process. Maybe if time has come you can also give me some advice for my coming pluto conjunct saturn transit…For me it seems we have some connection here vic as i read your posts and i was somehow concerned but in some cases not quite understanding what you really mean.Maybe you like what i write here but i don’t want to thrust myself upon your life . The potential of helping each other is not to underestimate on such sites like Jamies and i have to admit i have to learn to see more the positive sides of the stars and constellations in general.. I know there is a postive/healing capacity even if i seem very pessimistic. But in a pragmatic and realistic way. I am not evil in my deepest ground so i wish you power,strength and wisdom to solve your situation. Spiritual greez from germany.
Hey Klaus, natal mercury sextiles Uranus. I am excellent and quick to respond to emergencies while others are crying or in shock, just plain lost. However, I have had to learn to temper my directness in business and day to day dealings. Mercury is in libra, so there is a willingness to comprise toward best solution for all in any situation. Even that meets with resistance. That’s all part of it.
And yes Saturn Pluto is a thing. I have a niece who is also Saturn square Pluto. We are close. I have learned a lot about how the aspect works from her life. It’s tough but it has to be done. And it makes a difference oddly enough. But it is a very tough job
I am studying, trying to find a way out of this job. 🤣. No luck so far. Feels karmic. If I can walk away from a situation, escape, that is ideal. But sometimes that is not possible.
Hi Vic i knew a woman who was diagnosed schizo and she had very tough struggle in her life to come into her job as a architect. She had very tough conservative parents.
Hi Vic, Saturn and pluto are said to be very karmic planets in esoteric astrology. Both are like paying the depts for personal or collective wrongdoing. Saturn is the personal shadow, pluto the collective one. In deed the combination of both is very hard. But there are also examples for very successful people. I think you have to work very hard to achieve something and be very patient. Embarassement is often the case. Runnning away is mostly no solution. But i can understand if you want to…
Maybe Jamie uranus retrograde brings the uranian energy more in contact with saturn who was the first ruler of aquarius sign as long as uranus was not discovered. To be “retrograde” in general means to go/look back in time, to remember the history and experiences we made and to re-think it. I wonder in our times as pluto meanders over the border of capricorn/ aquarius signs we should consider the relationship between saturn and uranus. Just think about the heavy political and societal polarisation in many countries between “conservative” and “progressive” (whatever they really are or not) To overcome this saturn and uranus must join hands, respect each other and work together for the sake of humanity. I know in greek mythology it was not the case butWE can try. Cuz WE as creaters can try be the directors of our inner and outer theatre so we should try to bring the polarisations and enemies in respect and harmony with each other so every archetype is at its place where it belongs to and can be lived in a constructive way. Take the best from conservatism and the best from progression, Right hand – left hand but only ONE core !
Chiron is supposed to be the bridge between Saturn and Uranus.
Yes Jamie. Chiron is strong in my radix. But in difficult position.
imagine you are in the Saturn system, docked beside one of its moons. You check the departure time of the service shuttle to Chiron. At Chiron, the shuttle attaches itself to the towline for the trip to Uranus. I know it’s a pain, but you must go in to work.
Now this is weird, transiting Uranus rx in my 7th. I have been grieving dead lovers for some reason. Unusual even to think of them. As I age, death becomes a fact. I usually take death better than most as I lost two siblings young, the first one at age 4. Death has always been for me. The memories the dead ones bring are the good times. But re-experiencing the light of their lives, it was initially hard to believe they are dead.
Maybe that’s the only real legacy a person leaves. Lives touched. ???
Oh I get it. I now have transiting mercury conjuncting natal Pluto, opp natal Saturn. So Mercury joins the t square party. Good. This too shall pass. I like to think there is a purpose to all this. But it’s just a thing I think. Focusing on present to divert brain from lover ghosts.
Could mercury in a fixed sign cause the mind to be more easily fixated on a thing?
natal chart, Uranus retrograde opposite Chiron, with 23 Aug 1964 transits.
imagine you’re at the Hollywood Bowl for the Beatles. I’m still a baby back then but look at the transits. Saturn 8th house conj Chiron; the babyboom dies on the Beatles tour.
note the explanations for closing the Hollywood Bowl last weekend, 8 Sept. Heat, power failures.
incidentally, the Beatles Live Album @Hollywood bowl was released in 1977, same year as Chiron discovery
Magna Carta chart with Fall Equinox transits, day of 22 September.
You’re mining? What did you find?
Magna Carta chart with more precise Sun 00Lib00 transit. Moon moves to 01Gem23 conjunct Sedna
Eclipse points are midpoint the fall equinox, with Moon conj Sedna. It’s like we are looking at a Northern theme, confirmed more of less by a story the other day https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/canada-wants-12-new-stealth-submarines-and-russia-mad-212695
The artwork is a product of the Sedna realm, the history of me and my kid. 12 zodiac signs and the booga-booga ‘scaler’ Russia. Anything more to say about this would be considered a gamble, but the use of equinoxes point to find a balance between Lunar and Solar eclipse…that’s also a speculation.