Venus Opposite Saturn Natal and Transit

Venus Opposite Saturn Transit

Venus opposite Saturn maximum orb 6°30′.

Venus opposite Saturn natal makes it extremely difficult to form loving relationships. You would have realized early on that you did not fit in because of below-average social skills. Not understanding why you developed feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy. Thinking there must be something wrong with you, guilt took hold, which may have been reinforced by a lack of affection, criticism or ostracism by your parents and other adults, especially authority figures like teachers.

There are various possible underlying reasons for this early negative conditioning. One or both parents may have lacked parenting skills associated with positive reinforcement or been mean and abusive at worst. You must teach yourself about love and money because it is about value. If anything, your early conditioning led you to believe you were not that good and deserved to be sad and lonely. There may be some karmic reasons for this, but that’s in the past, and the corrective action is the same.

So learning that you are not a bad person may have to come before learning how to love yourself. Saturn is a late bloomer, so you probably endured delay, restriction, and hardship into adulthood. Recognizing and admitting that your problems stem from your inferiority complex is half the battle won. You can make up a lot of ground by not having to blame or forgive all the people who were mean or rejected you.

It is so vital to remove guilt and self-pity. Forgive yourself for whatever you had imagined you must have done that was so bad. Imagine wearing a sign that says, “I’m worthless; go away.” Now throw it as far away as you can. Delete the old message and get ready for the next step.

Learn to love and value yourself. Tell yourself verbally, and use mantras at night or in the mirror. You must reprogram your brain. By now, you will be expressing more confident energy and notice your relationships begin to improve. You will see a closer connection, more caring and sharing. You discover real love and enjoyment.

You can go one step further if needed and convince yourself that you deserve love and money because of your hard work on personal development. You may be surprised how quickly you attract love and money once you genuinely believe you deserve it.

The root causes of your depression may never go away; they are recorded in your soul memory. Taking responsibility, working hard and being patient will always be needed to overcome delays, hardships, and sadness. But you will cope as well as the best of them. With age comes a great deal of contentment and satisfaction, together with respect and recognition of your achievements against the odds.

Venus Opposite Saturn Transit

Venus opposite Saturn transit brings sadness and loneliness because of delays and limitations affecting your love life and finances. This is not a good time for socializing, so you should prepare for some alone time.

Although you may be pressured by loved ones, trying to address relationship problems will only make things worse for both of you. The best thing to do now to show you care is to work hard and do practical things. Even though your efforts will probably be ignored, they will pay off in the long run.

Try to work out where you are responsible for any relationship difficulties and do some work on self-development. This is a good time for preparation work. Try to pay off any debts; if you can’t, then at least organize them so you know where you stand.

If you are subject to depression, realize this will probably be a low day. Don’t fight the blues if you are generally cheerful because they won’t last long. It is normal to feel sad at this time.

Venus Opposite Saturn Celebrities

Nick Lachey 0°00′, Lionel Mesi 0°01′, Frank Lloyd Wright 0°04′, Colin Prescot 0°03′, Jesse Jackson 0°10′, Susan Miller 0°11′, Karl Ernst Krafft 0°10′, JonBenét Ramsey 0°13′, Lucy Hale 0°15′, Ricky Lake 0°16′, Anne Hegerty 0°53′, Victor Hugo 0°55′, Stephen Paddock 1°02′, Matt Damon 1°03′, Willy Brandt 1°02′, Diahann Carroll 1°04′, Gates McFadden 1°12′, Scott Hicks 1°13′, Kenny Anderson 1°15′, Donald Sutherland 1°27′, Judge Reinhold 1°27′, Billy Ray Cyrus 1°37′, Lisa Bonet 1°39′, Nick Campion 1°42′, Jimi Hendrix 1°46′, Patsy Cline 1°46′, Julie Andrews 1°58′.

Venus Opposite Saturn Dates

August 28, 2022
October 10, 2023
August 19, 2024
October 11, 2025
August 21, 2026
October 4, 2027
November 25, 2028
October 1, 2029
November 20, 2030