Venus square Sun transit does increase the need for love and affection, which should go well. However, there may be some friction if you don’t get so much back in return. If you have to go to work, getting into the groove may not be easy because you would instead be lazing around enjoying yourself.
You may have a selfish attitude that others will pick up on and give you a hard time, but you couldn’t care anyway. You would rather not get involved in dramas and prefer to indulge in non-productive, enjoyable pursuits. Overindulgence with money is something to be careful of now, as racking up unnecessary debt on the credit card is a real temptation.
Question! Which one is stronger? I will be having Venus transit both my sun and ascendant with two very different aspects. It will be trine my ascendant in Scorpio and square my Aries Sun in the 5th house. How exactly does this play out? Is one aspect stronger than the other? Or would the effects of both aspects apply?
A square is stronger than a trine. Always a balancing act for you with Sun quincunx Ascendant.
Transiting Venus in Cancer is the focal point of the dynamics involved in both aspects ..The ruler of the house in which Venus is transiting will also influence the aspects as well as the house placement….btw- Venus transiting through the 7th is usually favorable for legal matters or marital cooperation since it’s the house of the natural rulership of Libra.
Hi. I will soon have venus square sun secondary progression, the interpretation describes my crappy non existent love life and problems with money. Would this be correct? I left a long marriage in January ’21 and have been stuck and have no foundation begun, no friends, no love life, estranged from daughter, no work and just feeling like I am stuck in a tourist town and the bus left without me. My date of birth is 4/4/62 detroit michigan. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
good day, i have venus retro in scorpio 15o -asc in leo 19o -pluto in leo 26o and progressed sun 16o aquarius – sun 7o sag. am i going to survive this year ?what can i expect? wishing you a lovely week end .irene /athens greece [i forgot also saturn in 15o scorpio