2012 Election Predictions

Predicting the winner of US presidential elections is a controversial and hotly contested game for astrologers. It is good to see so many astrologers sticking their necks out and putting their reputations on the line for the upcoming US 2012 election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Mercury stations retrograde on election day, November 6 2012. For this reason, most of us think the result will be close or even be contested. There has been some good media coverage of astrological predictions for the election this year. At the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in November 2011, a panel of five astrologers unanimously predicted that Barack Obama would win the 2012 presidential election. This was picked up by USA Today: Panel of astrologers predicts Obama victory and Reuters: Astrologers say celestial charts favor Obama over Romney.

Astrologers Predicting Obama

The five UAC astrologers who unanimously predicted Obama to win were:
Gary Christian, Astrolabe.
Edith Hathaway, edithhathaway.com.
Claude Weiss, Astrodata.
Nina Gryphon, “With these positive factors, Obama is sitting pretty for reelection this year.” Forecast: U.S. Presidential Election 2012, Gryphon Astrology Blog, March 17, 2012.
Chris Brennan, “it is our opinion that Obama will be elected to a second term.” Prediction for the 2012 US Presidential Election, Patrick Watson and Chris Brennan, The Political Astrology Blog, April 29 2012.

Other astrologers backing Barack Obama include:
Gurmeet Singh, “Obama will win 2012 elections very easily,Will Barack Obama win the 2012 Presidential Election?, Vedic Astrology, November 26 2010.
Dharmaruci, “So Obama is likely to stay in power until Neptune has finished with him, which will be well into his second term.” The US Election and a Warning for Obama, Astrotabletalk, January 09 2012.
Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg, “Thus Venus indicates Obama’s return to the White House.” The Heavenly Patterns of 2012, Visual Astrology, January 2012.
Peter Stockinger, “there seems nothing to suggest that he may not be successful in his quest for re-election.” Libra Ingress 2012, Obama & the US Presidential Elections, Peter Stockinger’s Traditional Astrology Weblog, March 10 2012.
Curtis Manwaring, “As it is I cannot say for certain, but I think Obama will win a 2nd term;Election 2012 – Obama vs Romney and Beyond, The Lost Horoscope X Files, May 06 2012.
Paul Saunders, “a win for President Obama.” Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney – Who does astrology say will win the 2012 US Presidential Election?, Solaris Astrology, May 08 2012.
Christopher Kevill, “While we don’t yet know Romney’s running mate, I do think it is quite likely he will lose the election.” US Presidential Election 2012: Obama’s Saturn vs. Romney’s Sun, Modern Vedic Astrology, June 04 2012.
Anthony Louis, “I would give Obama just slightly more than a 50% chance of winning based on this horary.” Who will win the 2012 presidential election?, Anthony Louis – Astrology & Tarot Blog, August 18, 2012.
Tony Dickey, “These add to the image problem Romney had before selecting Ryan.” Romney-Ryan Horoscope: Challenges Ahead, mundaneastrologers.com, August 18 2012.
Larry Schwimmer, “It is my belief that Barack Obama will win his re-election bid.” Astrology: The Obama-Biden Ticket – Winners or Losers, Huffington Post, September 5 2012.
Lauren Howard Coleman, “So it certainly looks like the President will be re-elected in November.” US Election 2012: Obama or Romney?, Astroblog, September 19 2012.
Cranberry on the astro.com forum has predicted Obama.

Astrologers Predicting Romney

Jamie Partridge, “most of what I have looked at in the charts for Mitt Romney suggests that he will win the 2012 presidential election.” Mitt Romney Horoscope, Astrology King, May 08 2012.
Michael O’Reilly, “it’s best to confirm a possible Romney victory by checking the conditions of each candidate’s Midheaven on Inauguration day.” Election 2012 – Who Will Win, Obama or Romney?, NeptuneCafe, June 04 2012.
Ema Kurent, “Mitt Romney is a very strong rival and could get ahead of Obama soon (I write this article in the first days of June 2012), and that I wouldn’t be surprised if he won the election.” Who Wins the 2012 USA Presidential Election?, emakurent.com, June 2012.
Sandra Weidner, “Mitt Romney will win the 2012 United States presidential election.” Astrology ofThe 2012 Presidential Election, Angelfire, August 12 2012.
Ed Tamplin, “My more favourable judgements are based on the accuracy of Romney’s Midheaven and birth time.” Weekly Horoscopes October 2012, edtamplin.com, October 01 2012.
Alex Miller, “see quite a few roadblocks for Obama, and many green lights for Romney.” Election Preview II: The Case for Romney, Maya Del Mar’s Daykeeper Journal, October 01 2012.
David Hernandez, “his presidency is coming to an end.” The Demise of the Presidency 2012:, Imprimatur Stellarium, October 15 2012.
Douglas Parker, “Romney seems fated to become President.” Astrology for USA Presidential Election 2012, astrologyreadings.com, 2012.
Greg Young, Ed Falis and Gene Ray on the astro.com forum have all predicted Romney.


You can see by the lists above that about twice as many astrologers are saying that Barack Obama will win the 2012 presidential election. This is in line with the opinion polls over the last year.