Barack Obama Horoscope

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. His Sun positioned at 12 degrees Leo places him in Leo Decan 2. His Moon is Gemini Decan 1, and Ascendant is Aquarius Decan 2.

Sun and the Moon are the two equally most influntial bodies in astrology. So aspects to the luminaries are the best place to start when interpreting a chart. The strongest Moon aspect in Moon sextile Mercury, as the orb is only one degree, and Mercury is a personal planet, affecting how we think and communicate. The strongest Sun aspect in Sun square Neptune, with an orb of four degrees. Even though a square aspect is more powerful than a sextile aspect, the Moon in Baracks chart is the power player. His Moon receives many more aspects than the Sun. The Moon is the focal point of a T-Square aspect pattern to Pluto opposite Chiron. The Moon is also pnly five degrees from the Nadir, thus affecting his public profile with Moon opposite Midheaven.

According to Robert Pelletier (Planets in Aspect), Moon sextile Mercury is ‘The Charming Speaker’:

Both memory and comprehension are likely to be above average, thus creating a well-stocked intellect. What can emerge as a motivation is a need to be socially useful by contributing to your community…You can be an effective communicator, conveying ideas and presenting them in a clear and persuasive manner, being articulate and literate, entertaining and interesting.

Barack Obama Horoscope

Source for birth data in the Barack Obama horoscope comes from the long-form birth certificate of Barack Obama, posted on the White House website on  April 27, 2011.