Francois Hollande Horoscope

Francois Hollande Horoscope

Francois Hollande

Francois Hollande won the French 2012 presidential election for his Socialist Party on May 6. One of our beloved readers, Uberqueenofwands accurately predicted his success on another post about France, “I can’t see Hollande not winning this election!” She goes on to say “He pretends to be of the people but he’s a very regal man indeed!” I assume this is because he has a Sun Pluto conjunction in the sign of Leo. Lets have a look at his horoscope and the transits for the election.

Francois Hollande Horoscope

Francois Hollande Horoscope

Francois Hollande Horoscope

Francois does have Sun conjunct Pluto which exudes power, but it doesn’t need to make a big song and dance about it. It’s mere presence is enough to ensure obedience and submission. I’m not a big fan of Sun signs but I’ll let Uber have this one, only because his Sun and Pluto happen to also be in the constellation of Leo! His Sun is in the Mouth of the Lion, the star is Ras Elased Australis, “an appreciation for language and a power of expression”, but it can also make him “bold, bombastic, cruel, heartless”. I suppose dumping your partner of over 30 years, one month after she lost the 2007 French presidential election “heartless”.

The Ascendant is most important in the horoscope as it defines the purpose of the soul. His AC, or rising star is The Eye of the Bull, Ain in the Hyades star cluster, “Striving for prestige leading to power politics leads to tremendous success in life if bridled, if not, failure and a fall from power. May exploit other human beings in quest of power.” So Francois will have to keep a lid on that intense Sun Pluto in Leo to avoid negative repercussions. There is a fear in the financial markets and I expect in Germany that his socialist agenda will cause more economic ruin and hasten the downfall of Europa.

Election Transits

Francois Hollande Astrology Transits

Francois Hollande Astrology Transits

The last solar eclipse (02°37′ Sagittarius) sextile his Venus have extra charm and popularity, always good for a popularity contest. The previous lunar eclipse (18°11′ Gemini) sextile his Sun gave more self confidence and authority.  The April 21 new moon (01°35′ Taurus) was conjunct his AntiVertex, worth remembering. For the week leading up to the election, he was  under the influence of the April 29 quarter moon (9°29′ Leo) conjunct his Mercury which would have increased his mental alertness and greatly helped in debating and communicating his message. It also activated a great aspect in his chart, Mercury sextile Ascendant, he really can express himself and present himself very well.

The full moon on election day (5:35 am in France) was trine his Jupiter, very fortunate. It was also sextile his Moon giving a boost to public popularity. Another transit of interest was Pluto conjunct his Part of Fortune. We don’t all get this in our lifetimes but it is a good one. Susan Boyle had this transit when she went on that English talent show and shot to fame.

Birth Data from Astro Databank, “From birth registry, Source EC Acte n°1606 via website of Didier Geslain, a French astrologer.”