Full Moon June 2015 occurs on Tuesday 2nd June 2014, just after midday New York time. I am looking at this full moon through mundane astrology eyes only. This full moon phase is the culmination of a series of moon phases which have been telling the story of an impending breaking point in Islamic State violence. The story actually began with the long series of Uranus Pluto squares. Writing about the final of the seven square, I summarized by saying:
Islamic State is the most important manifestation of Uranus square Pluto. Their influence will only grow given the April 4 lunar eclipse at 14 degrees Libra directly aspects Uranus and Pluto.
Next, in my April 4 lunar eclipse post, I made this prediction:
I have never used astrology to predict war but I do now… The lunar eclipse opposite Uranus will exacerbate the revolutionary and explosive nature of Algorab, and should lead to full-scale war in the Middle East.
The influence of Islamic certainly grew rapidly since the lunar eclipse, but there were immediate signs of a full-scale war. After looking at the chart for the May 18 new moon, I realized that the conjunction to the fixed star Algol meant my prediction was getting closer, and stated:
With Algol activated by this new moon we can expect war, brutality and disasters over the next 28 days.
So it was no surprise that only two days after the new moon on May 20, Islamic state captured the major city of Ramadi, just 70 miles from Baghdad. Getting closer again!
Full Moon June 2015 Astrology
Now we come to the June 2 full moon and we find that this moon is conjunct the fixed star Antares, the red colored rival of Mars, throughout history an indicator of war. But the story get so more intriguing when we take an in-depth look at this star. The cultural history associated with star makes direct links to the area around modern Baghdad, and is an omen of full-scale war when configured like it is in the June 2 full moon horoscope.
The most detailed information about the fixed star Antares relating to current war comes from Dr. Eric Morse. Being on of the four archangel stars, or horseman of the Apocalypse, Antares represents the archangel– Uriel:
Antares – Uriel. The City of Ur, where Abraham was born, is said to have been the first city to be built after the Great Disaster, and was given the name of Earth itself: Urs. That city stood close to the site of later Babylon itself, not too far from the modern Baghdad.
This links our current full moon geographically to the hot spot of the Islamic State war. The next quote links this stars theme of war to our current time. The essential ingredient to make this temporal link is the fixed star Aldebaran which is directly opposite Antares by longitude. Thus it is activated in the full moon chart by the Sun and Mercury. Interestingly, the Moon and Mercury were conjunct this star on May 18 when Mercury stationed retrograde.
all astrologers have noted it as an indicator of success in war, and high command therein, but not forgetting that one’s opponent may have the support of Aldebaran, the star opposite to this one, and star of Archangel Michael, commander of the Heavenly Host itself! What does tend to show up when these two stars are both engaged on the horoscope is a conflict, either the starting date of the war, or the natal charts of the leaders, is that peace rarely ensues before the total and crushing defeat of one side or the other. And it is a war that escalates to huge proportions, even to a world scale.